PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS C@uncil to ede'lif ftnesscnre fnncialy viable A tne conclusion of receiv- ing a recent report on the possibllity of having a Fit- ness Studio for Whitby Councillor Joe Drumm said, "it is Interesting. The problem we have to look at is the' financial aspect. Is it financially viable?" The report, presented by the Recreation Department, pointed out there is a demand IÈôr what is called "la fitness studio," incorpora- ting an arena, squash courts and a meeting centre. Wayne DeVeau Whitby Recreation Director said the report has been ready for presentation since Christ- mas. t was put off for presentation until this month because there is no0 provision for it in this year's budget. "There is a lot of interest in the gymnasiu-m type of activities," he said. Mr, Deveau said racquet bail is the fastest developing sport in the United States. Lt is coming into Canlada via the Universities. Based on a survey, it is apparent that the residents of Whitby are favourably disposed towards the dev- elopment of the Studio, said Mr. DeVeau.' Lt pointed ýout that the residents of Whitby are not necessarily deprived of the opportunity to participate'in the various activities. There are limited facilities available in Whitby such as the schools and Durham Squash Club, said the report. There is a significant stock of facilities within reason- able driving distance in the municipalities surrounding Whitby. Driving ime was estimated at 30 to 35 minutes. "This situation entails a high degree of dependency On facilities located outside the municipality. Within Whitby certain facilities are only available to those will- ing or able to pay a premium price,"I the report stated. Lt pointed out that 10 per- cent of Oshawa's Squash Courts are used by Whitby' residents. In taking into considera- tion which..0f the types of facilities would be most appropriate for the Studio the report which had been prepared by Ruston/Shana- ban and Associates, and Peter Barnard Associates, said a large gymnasium and fitness studio with spa facili- ties should have high priority. "If the Studio development does proceed, public interest in various activities suggest that these facilities should definately be included: whirlpool and sauna," the report conçluded. Blossom B.ail The Dr. J.O. Ruddy Gen- eral Hospital Auxiliary's an- nual Blossom Bahl will be held April 20 at Heydenshore Pavilion. For tickets and further information call Doris Sims at -668-2288. Al proceeds of the bail go to the hôsPital. 1 MAO*VC iiiiii à îiiî i îî6iiiiiîiiî.iîiîi