PAGE 20e WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11,'1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS FreelPrss -mprim caII 668-6111 Emporium Ads wiII onlybe accepted subject to the followin'g Condbtions.* AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE 1971 R OAD RUNNER, 383 barrelli-low mileage, good con dition. Asking $1,300. 1977 65 Vamaha, 10w mileage, excel .lent condition, must seil $1,600 Phone 668-9496. March 21, 79ý 1971 DODGE DART,. 48,00G miles, -V-6. Good condition. Certif led, asking $1,450. Phone af er 6'p.m. 655-3043. March 21, 79. 1- 1969 PLYMOUTH, 4-dr "Wagon.' Body A-i condition, Running gear' AZ. Askirn $1,050. Il - 1966 1/2 ton Mercury, needs f loor boards. Running gear 92, Asking $350. Cali 668-7597. Feb. 21, 79. GRAVELY 7.6 Convertible tractor, electric start, 4 speed, riding sulky, 301 rotary drive cul, new 1975, $1,395. Cali (416) 655-3809. March 28, 79. '70 CIIEV BELAIR - 350 Power Steering and Power Brakes. Excellent running condition. Must sell. Asking $500. 655-3583. Feb. 28,'79. 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA. Brown, 2-dr., standard, 38,000 miles. Lady owner. AM radio & 8-track with speakers included. Asking $2,200 or best of fer. Cali 623-2769. March 21, 79. 69 FIREBIRD, 35o auto., p.s. & p.b., A-i mechanicalîy, needs body work and new plates, as is $315. 668-1940. April 11, 79. WINDOW VAN GMC. 1970 6 :ylinder, automatic. New snow tires, dood running condition. $525. Phone 655-4003. Jan. 31, 79. 73 PONTIAC LEMANS COUPE 51,000 miles, original body, 350 2 Barrel, automatic transmis- sion, power steering, power brakes. Used only 3 winter seasons. $2,800 with slereo or $2,400 wilhout. Phone 668-9944 weekends only. March 28, 79. --76-- VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT, auto., rustproof, 31,000 miles, radial tires and radio. $3,350. Caîl af 1er 6,p.m. 668-5736. April 4, 79. EPLANACES STuvb miGUU SHAPIE, $25. Junior skis wilh boots $15, golf clubs wlth bag, $0O. Caîl 655- 3527 af ter 5 p.m. April 11, 79. Rangette, brown, 2 bumners and ovOen, 2 months oîd. $100. Phone 668-7838 after 6 p.m. 4 0 7F A 19 in As 191 c $72 10( nev mil 1481 April 11, 79. SHWASHER )ertone, $75. 1srping, $10. April 4, 79. L UARTS 1971 VEGA parts for sale. Complete car in parts, 2300 C.c. engine and 3-speed standard transmission. GallI. 668-7122. March 28, 79. SNOWTIRES-F78 14".- A78 13"1 Asking $15 each or best offer. Caîl 668-6185. Jan. 24, 79. FOUR BRAND NEW Firestone 7-21,, white waIl CR-78-14, steel belted radial tires. $50 each or best offer. Phone 655-4765. Feb. 14, 79. ENGINE 327, Rebore plus 030, new pistons, rings, liflers, f ire baIl cam, valve lob jusîdone, 4 BBL manifold, proof of ail new parts, $400 or best offeFTCalI 668-8023 af 1er 12 noon. Feb. 7, 79. SNOWMOBILE ENGINE Polaris 295 cc, twin cylinder, twin carbs, $75. 1973 Kawasak i, 750 H2, 1 owner, excellent shape $975. Phone 655-3280. March 21, 79. FORD AUTOMATIC TRANS- MISSION, fils 302 & 351 en- gunes, $30. Also, other ford parts. Caîl after 8 p.m., 668- 7553. March 7, 79. REATITINAL OR SALE-OPTIMIST salI- ng dinghy. 7 1/2 feet long. fooden hu' 1 single sail design. ;ood stable beginners boat. sking $275. Caîl 655-3700. Jan. 24, 79. 72 SKIDOO TNT 292 engine. ls only 2,000 miles. Excellent Dndition. -Asking $500 or besl ffer. Caîl 668-6564. Jan. 24, 79. F2 NORTON, 750, 13,800 miles, sking $350 oe'best offer. Phone 58-7242. March 21, 79. 72' Honida motorcy'cle 00, like new, 3,200 miles, $500. 0 speed bike-used i month, 75. 668-6119. % Feb. 14, 79. 76 YAMAHA 250 Enduro, like ýw, street legal1, has on ly 1,000 les. Asking $850. Phone 668- 88- April 11, 79. M.. PL EREAD When the advertised item Is sold, dîsposed of, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item will be deemed 10 have been soîd and a commission wiII be charged based on THE ADVERTISED'PRICE as Illustrated below, regardless If price Is stated wîth "best offer"l. If the Item is MOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will be mon for 3 M014THS and a MINIMUM CHARGE 0fS3.00 will apply. Ail advé)tisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY'FREE PRESS and run at Ieast one month If not sold. RATES [If article is sold]: 5% of advertised price Up te $400.00 2%of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertised for $12000 - commission due $6.00 [minimum charge Is $3.001 Private advertising onlyl Please notify us If you fimd a retailer iisted as a private advertlser. Please'nolif y the Whitby Free Press immediateiy when item is soid so that we may delete It f rom the following issues., Ail ads riot f itting the Er-np.,ium guidelines will* be treated anci charged per wéek as egular classified ads oni a pre paid basis- such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type adls, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Priv'ate cIassified ads may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. If in doubt, cal 668-6111 MAIL ADS. TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: -131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS US THE ;:RIÛAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. MUICL KIMBALL ORGAN, 2 years oid, excellent condition. Com- piete drum with many sound effects. Must be seen. $1,700. Cal1- 655-41544. Feb. 7, 79. PIONEER 8-track player & recorder. Model #HR 100 & 70 eapes $250. Phone 668-0814. Feb. 21, 79. ELC-LANEOUS 2 AQUARIUMS 32"1 by 1 811by 14". Each $35. Caîl 655-4097 Jan. 24, 79. FOR SALE 8 mm movie cam, era - CEUMIG - lurret lenses, (made in Austria) older model, $55. 8 mm movie projector* - Bell & HowelI - older model, $55. Both in excellent condition (or both for $100. 1 baby car bed, $6. 1 booster seat, s4. Phone 655-3733. Feb. 14, 79. IROQUOIS CONQUEST TENT TRAILER. Gas stove, cup- boards, sleeps four, 121 x 10, ad-a-room. $450. Phone-668-- 3218. April 4, 79. Trwo chesterfields, need uphol- sterinig, one pulls out inloa bed. $10 each. 1 pair 0f beige heavy lined drapes $40, l100" x 950#. 1 pair of heavy white drapes $10. 3 coffee tables $5 each. 1 whitby Iampshade for large lamp, neyer used $5. 140 recorde* albums, James Last, Percy Faith, Roger Williams. etc. $50 for lot. Phone 683-7664. Feb. 14, 79. FOR SALE- Ceramic KiIn - Paragon - A9 - with col lar - shelves & furniture $475. Caîl afler 5:30 p.m. or Saturdays, 668-2877 or 668-1202. March 14, 79. 1 SUB-PUMP for sale, $15. Cal 668-6929. Aprit 11, 79. CABINET MODEL T.V., $50 or best offer. Chesterfield andt chair $60. Side table $30. Phone 683-8395. April 11, 79. 1 GIRL'S COASTER BIKE, $25. Phone 668-4032. April 11, 79. Cli.ildren's cross-country skis, 60" longý.potes 44" long.' Boots size 2. 2 seasons oid, $30. Phone 655-3539. Feb. 14, 79. 30 GALLON AQUARIUM with f il ter, plants, stones, $23. Black & White T.V., 12" screen. Brand new, $100. AM/FM Radio, battery or electric, $25. Appiy 130 Byron St. N. April 11, 79. 9 x 12 SHAG RUG, rust& orange mixture, Wool & nylon. Good condition. $100. CatI 668. 2470. Feb. 21, 79. BABY ITEMS FOR SALE car bed, $10, wood (walnut) high chair, converîs to desk,_ $25, ail in excellent condition. Phone 668-4744. March 21, 79. 3 UPRIGHT COCA-COLA vending machines. Ail work- ing. $100 for ail 3 or $50 each. Caîl 655-3019. March 7, 79. BARETTA BL4 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $795, neyer f ired. Baretta S58 under and over 12-gauge trap gun $895, neyer f ired, Gamba 12-gauge under and over f ield gun $645, neyer f ired. Caîl days 668-6896 or 668-9530. March 28, 79. 4 ft. TEDDY BEAR $10, single bed spread $5, assorled baby toys $10, safety bar for child's bed $5, diaper pail $2, phone 668-9599 af 1er 5:30 p.m., March 21, 79. 1 Easy Branr uIcectrir 'iêIIboard, $3C Can be -used for commerca pu rposes. Phone 683.7538. Feb. 21, 79 GET READY FOR SUMMEF Used above ground Kayà l pool. 16 ft. by 32 f t. swlmir area. Privacy fence & neces sary equipment include $3,000. or best offer. Phone Dci at 668-7644 evenlngs. March 14, 79 CUTTING EDGEÉ for 6 ft. by in.* Myers snowplow. 10 1/4' centre 10 centre boit, hoIes Excellent condition. $30. Cal 668-8523. Jan. 24, 79 30 GALLON AQUARIUM corn plete with stand, heater, f ilter, artificial plants, stones anc f ish, $30. Phone 668.3131, April 4, 79. w id 10. R à k s. 91. 6 lo t. MODERN STYLE wooden Dining room table & chairs. Rust cotoured uphoistery or seats. Very good condition, $80 cal 725-7724. March 14, 79. SKIS' and SKI. BOOTS, size 7 for sale. Asking $30 or besl offer, CalI 655-3583. Ask for. Marie. Jan. 24, 79. OUTBOARD MOTOR (Scott Atwater) 2 H.P. $35. Kenmore Dorne Hairdryer $10. Crowrr movie, camera, 3 lenses, $30. Range hood, brown, $10. 2 table lamps $18. Tri-Lite $7. Radic and T.V. tubes 50 cents each. Phone 668-5201. April 4, 79. PARAGON ELECTRIC KILN, 18" compiete with furniture, 2 years oid, ideal for ceramics. $325. Cali 839-9109 after 5:30- P. n1 Feb. 7, 79. KLESHOND, MALE, 4 years' oid, excellent watch dog. Also very good natured with chiid- r4-ri. Has ail necessary nccd les. $30. Phone 728-3370. Feb. 7, 79. OFFICE/HOME DESK, right. ,hand pedestal, mahogony top, green metal body. $80. Phone Monday or Thursday evenings 668-0894 or di, y 725-7341. Ask for Eric Strong. .Feb. 28, 79. 2 BLUE BEDSPREADS and i set matching curtains. $50. Cali 723-5447. March 21, 79. MAN'S HOCKEY EQUIP- MENT--Knee pads, pants, eîbow pads, gloves and ankie guards, -$30. Cal 668-1640 af ter 7 p. m. week- days. March 14, 791. 5 pc. Modern Kitchen set. Round, white table, swivel -chairs. Paid $450 wiiI selI for $100. Phone 668-7007. March 28, 79. ONE MANN Eîectric Gular (with hard shell case), Good condition, 1 yr. old, $160. One Roland Double Beat Ped31 (WAH and Distortion), four' months old $80. If purchased' logether $230. Cali 668-4424. March 28, 79, BOY'S BICYCLE for sale. "Drag Stripper"l, 5-speed, good condition. $70 or best offer. Phone 668-5083. April 11, 79. 12 FT. CUSTOM BUILT 3 Pot. Hydroplane, 25 Evinrude motor full controls. Complete $400. Cali 753-2470. April 4, 79. GIRL'S 20"1 BIKE, $30 and convertible 20"1 bike $30. Cali 668-0170. April 4, 79. 15' "INVITATION" SAIL- BOAT, fibemgiass hulI, alu-. minum mast, white main sali. Tops in speed and control. Excellent condition. Asklng $1,000. CeiI 683-6466. - April 11, 79. Pie.Seo Classfbd ,Ads for more item. 'I101 SALE#- 4 -PORTABLE DIS top loader, coppt Bed mattress and Phone 668-1436. 1 medium size hardwooa deRK $45. Whirl-Away Dishwasher, $25. Cai after 5 p.m., 668-4047. Jan. 31, 79. ELECTRIC FIRIEPLACE $100, 2 12" speakers in large cabinet $50, 2 C.B. Radios, 1 sideband and 1 base/mobile $75, 2 4 barrel carburetors - Holley 750 $100, 1 with manifold $75. Two radiators fils Vega or Astre,' $30 each, 3 10: 00 x 20 Goodyear Cross Rib truck tires new $210 each, numerous gear ratios for 10 boit Chev. rear housing, $50 each. Compieteîy rebut C.. Chev. motor $300. Many G.M. parts too numerous 10 mention. Will take best offer on any of articles mentioned above. Phone 668-2860. March 28, 79. HIOOVER U PR1G H T VACUUM. A-i Condition. $30. RCA T.V. 21"l B. W. $30. Phone 668-3501. March 28, 79. COFFEE TABLE and 2 end tables, Mediteranean style, soiid oak, good buy $325. QiN painting of a Spanish Senorita, $75. Reprint painting of a Spanish Soidier, $20. Sol id wai- nul Console, condition like new, $300. Colonial table, two addi- lions, $25. Cati 666-1372. Feb. 7, 79. 1 200 gallon oil tank,. i 011 burner and set 0f controls for sale. Asking $50. Cali 668-9403. Feb. 14, 79. GOLF CLUBS i pcs. new carl i dozen new bails. $75. Cai 668-4994 af ter 5 p.m. March 28, 79. ALUMINUM AWNINGS for sale, 4 sizes. Almost new, $85, $85, $105, $,150. For information cati 668-8178._ March 28, 79. 1 1 m Iqqupqqur