PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS rIr F -DELk MONTE-A--AI-AL -VI ebegan carrying Del Monte products in 1919. At that time, the Del Monte ffJproduct line consisted of dried fruits. Over the years, both ~K.Del Monte and Dominion Stores have corne a long way Our success is due to people like those at Del Monte, to whom we say: "Thank you!" Our buyers and our shoppers look for ward to the Dominion Stores'- Del Monte working relationship continuing for many years to come.#1 Nowjust look atthfese values:» DEL MONTE FANCY HALVES OR SLICED PEACHES 28 FL. BPOZ. TIN OUR REG. PICE 1.09 .20 SAVINOý DEL MONTE FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL 19 FL. OZ. lN OUR REGs IPRICE n86 .171 SAVINO ASSORTED VARIETIES DEL MONTE PUDDING CUPS !4x5 OZ, TINS 1.27 @~ 38 SAVINO OUR REG. PRlICE 60 years ofdeedabiity WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. DEL MONTE FANCY SWEET'PEAS OUR REO. PICE .47 EA. MS7SAVING-3 DEL MONTE FANCY SEASONED WAX BEANS OFI 'GREEN BEANS 14 FL. OZ.JTIN OUR REG. PRICE .46 EA. 38 SAVINO3 DEL MONTE STEWED TOMATOES Mw~ 19 FL. zqwqOZ. TIN OUR REG. IPRICE .71 .16 SAVýINO -À 1 M