Whitby Free Press, 14 Mar 1979, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Pre-ss ~AJ EAUTOMOBILES FzOR SALE 1971 VW SUPÈR BEETLE, new battery, 2 VW snow tires, 1 winter Old, 4 good summer' tires, ýwinterized, gas heater, electric rea r window drf roster. Good running condition. SelI as is. ASking $700. Phone 985.8684 after 6 p.ni. J an. 17, 79. WINDOW VAN GMC. 1970 6 cylinder, automnatic. New snow tires, gooci running condition.ý $525. Phone 655-4003. Jan. 31, 79. 1 1969 PLYMOUTH, 4-dr. wagon. Body A-1 condition. Running gear AZ. Asking $1,050. 1 - 1966 1/2 ton Mercury. neecis f loor boards, Runnîng gear 92. Asking $350. Caîl 66U-7597. Feb. 21, 79. 1972 Mustang, mag wheels, wîde track tires, buckets, tape, radio, good condition. As is $1,295. 72 Honda motorcycle, '100, like new, 3,200 miles, $500. 10 speed bike-used 1 month, $75. 668-6119. Feb. 14, 79. '70 CHEV BELAIR - 350 Power Steering andi Power Brakes. Excellent running condition. Must sell1. Asking $500. 655-3583. Feb. 28, 79. 1967 Pontiac Grand Parisienne. Running order. As is, no plates. $300 or best offer. Phone 668. 2969. Feb. 14, 79. L UPARTS3 MG B/MARINA 1.8 litres bear. ing cylinder block (bare), plus four matched pistons and rings,, unused, $100 or best offer. Phone 668-2864, evenings. Dec. 27, 78. 2 VOLKSWAGEN SNOW TlRESwith rims for sale. Used one winter. Asking $60. Phone 668-5211 af ter 7 p. m. Jan. 3, 78. SNOWTI RES-F78 14"1 - A78 13"1 Asking $15 each or best offer. Cali 668-6185. Jan. 24, 79. ENGINE 327, Rebore plus .030, new pistons, rings, if fers, f ire bail cam, valve job jusfdone, 4 BBL manifold, proof 0f ail new parts, $400 or besf offer. Cail 668-8023 af fer 12 noon. Feb .7, 79. FOUR BRAND NEW Firestone 7.21, white wall CR-78-14, steel beltoci radialI tires. $50 each or. best offer. Phone 655-4765. Feb. 14, 79. FORD AUTOMAl MISSION, fifs 30, gines, $30.' Also, Parts. Caîl after 7553- TIC TRANS. 2 & 351 en- other ford 8 p.m., 668- March 7, 79. SE __ M. Emporium Cou668-6<1 il Emnporium, Ads wilI onlybe accepted subject to the following Cond«itions,' _____________PLEASE RFAë. 1 Easy Brand L AWhen the adverfised Item Is sold, disposed of, or. unavailable for electr<- ironing board, $30. DAPPLIANESE whatever reason, the Item willI be deemeci te havýe been scld and a cnb safrciieca commission Wili be charged baseci on THE ADVERTISED PRLCE Can bôeseafrcmeca as ilustrated eow, regardless If price is stated with "lbest offer".pu oes ;ERGLER OUi HEATER' fan I h tmi O OD rdsce f h c lIb u o orced f rom bottom of stove. IfteIe sN TSLo ipsdotea ilb»rnor3F .2179 Ik~. n, A~kIn ~ ~ MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE cf,53.00 wiII apply. AillFb 1 9 single cut frame $5.White cook stove 3011, 4 burners $50. D amaged bicycle $10. 3 burner propane stove. Like new $40. Phone 668-3282. REA EATINAL VEIES FOR SALE-OPTIMIST SailI- inýg dinghy. 7 1/2 feet long. Wooden huil single sali design. Good stable beginners boat. Asking $275. Cali 655-3700. Jan. 24, 79. 1 978 YAMAHA DJ-175 for sale. Excellent condition. Has 1500 miles on it. $1200 or best offer. Phone 668-7105 after 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 198POLARIS SS 340 Snow- n iolilc'. L ike new. Ha rdly used. Abkinu $1,500. Caîl 655-3006. Jan. 10, 79. 1972 SKIDOO TNT 292 engine. Has only 2,000 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $500 or best of f er. Caîl 668-6564., Jan. 24, 79. 1 1975 TX 440 POLARIS snow- machine. Asking $1200 orbest offer. Good running Caîl 686-0060. condition. Jan. -17, 79 nm:ACL PIONEER '8track player & recorder. Model #HR 100 & 70 tapes $250. Phone 668-0814. Feb. 21, 79. KIMBALL ORGAN, 2 years old, excellent condition. Com- plete drum with many sound effects. Must be seen. $1,700. Call 655.-$544. Feb. 7, 79. ELCELANE9U MAN'S HOCKE'Y EQUIP- MENT--Knee pads,, pants, elbow pads, gloves and ankle guards, $30. March,14, 79. BABYCARRI AGE wifh cde- tachable car bed $40.4 ff.teddy bear $10. Single bed spread $5. mauve bafhroom set $10. As- sorted baby.toys'$10. Safety bar for child's bed $5. Diaper pail $2. Phono 668-9599, after 5:30 p. M. Feb. 21, 79. COFFEE TABLE and 2 end tables, Mediteranean style, solid oak, good buy $325. Oil -painting of a Spanish Senorita, $75. Reprint painting of a. Spanishî Soldier, $20. Solid wal- nut Console, condition like new, $300. Colonial table, two addi- ftions, $25. Caîl 666-1372. Feb. 7, 79.' advertisements must be placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and'run a? Ieast one month if not sold. RATES -[If article is soldi: 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% 0f balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item adv ertised for $120.00 1comm ission due $6.00 [minimum charge is $3.00] Private advertlsi.og onlyl Please notify us If you find a refailer listeci as a private advertiser. Please nof.ify the Whitby Free Press Immediateîy whe'n item is sold 50 that we may delete if from the following issues. * AIl ads nef f iffing the Emp%,rium guidelines wiiI be freated and1 charged per wéek as regular classlfied ads on* a pre paid basis- such as: services, heîp wanted, clofhing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear ln fhè Ernporium section under appropriate headings. if in doubt, call'668.6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LiN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. -N., Whitby, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 40. CHANNEL BASE CITI - ZEN'S BAND RADIO, Base Station Antenna, 50' coax cab- le, ti n For *further information cail 668- 6744. Ask for Rob. Jan. 17, 79. RARE BOOK, "My Schools & School Masters", by Hugh Miller, famous Scottish poet, writer and geologist. William P. Nimme, Edinburgh 1872 $100. Cali 683-4307. -Feb. 21, 79. GET READY FOR SUMMER Used above ground Kayak pool. 16 ft. by 32 ft. swimming area. Privacy fence & neces- sary equipment included. $3,000. or best off er. Phone Don at 668.7644 evenings. March 14, 79. FOR SALE 8 mm movie cam- era - CEUMIG - turret lenses, (made in Austria) older model, $55. 8 mm movie projector - Bell & Howell - older model, $55. Both in excellent condition (or both for $100. 1 baby car bed, $6. 1 booster seat, $4. Phone 655-3733. Feb. 14, 79. WESTINGHOUSE T.V. FOR SALE. Gooci condition. Black & White, 26" screen. Asking $40. Sterco for sale. Wood cabinet. Almost new. Asking $160. 130 Byron St. N. Whitby. J an. 10, 79. Two chesterfieîds, need uphol stering, one pulls out into a bed. $10 each. 1 pair of beige heavy lined drapes $40, 1001 x 95". 1 pair of heavy white drapes $10. 3 coff ee tables $5each. 1 whitby' lampshade for large Iamp, neyer used $5. 140 record" albums, James Last, Percy Faith, Roger Williams, etc. $50 for lot.. Phone 683-7664. Feb. 14, 79. FOR SALE Ceramnic Kiln - Paragon - A99 - wifh collar .shelves & urnituro $475. Caîl affer 5:30 p.m. or Safurdays, 668-2877 or 668-1202. March 14, 79. 10 SPEED BIKE for saléf. Previously used in racing. Excellent condition. Asking $200. Phone 668-7105 after 4:30 P. m. Dec. 27, 78 CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR* rubl/brown/beige.. Reasonable condition. Best offer. Caîl 668- 99-17. 1 Janf. 10, 79 Chiîdren's cross-country skis, 60"1 long; polos 4411 long. Boots size 2. 2 seasons old, $30. Phone 655-3539. Feb. 14, 79. 1 PAlIR of second hand downhill skis, binidings, poles and 'ski boots size 7 to 8. Good condition $25. Cati 728-3370. 'Jan. 24, 79. 9 x 12 SHAG RUG, 'rust & orange mixture. Wool & nylon. Good condition. $100. Cail 668. 2470. Feb. 21, 79. PEPPLER SPANISH STYLE coffee table & 3 commode end tables. Like new, $400. Cal 668-2703. March 14, 79. 1 200 gallon cil tank, ' il burner and set of controls for sale. Asking $50. Cali 668-9403. Feb. 14, 79. 3 UPRIGHT COCA-COLA vending machines. Ail work. ing. $100 for ail 3 or $50 each. Cali655-3019. March 7, 79. FOR SALE 1 large Franklin f ireplace with grate and screen $200. 1 medium size hardwood desk $45. Whîrl'-Away Dishwasher, $25. Cali after 5 p.m., 668-4047. J an. 31, 79. 2 AQUARIUMS 32", by 181" by 14". Each $35. Cali 655-4097 Jan. 24, 79. HUMIDIFIER $50, summei tires & snowtires, $10. Summei 695ec4", C78x14". Snowtire! F78x14", like new. Trailei wheel& tire, 4 boîfs, 400x8"' Truck type 4-way whee wrench, $15. Phone 668-3495 oi apply C' 711 Burns îSt. W. Whitby. Jan. 24, 79ý CUTTING in. Myers centre to Excellent 668-8523. EDGE for 6 ft. by6 snowplow. 10 1/411 centre boit heles. condition. $30. Call r s r r Jan. 24, 79. PORTABLE BLACK LEAT'- HER BAR for sale. Asking $175. Phone 579-4605. Jan. 10, 79. MODERN STYLE wooden Dining room, table & chairs. Rust coloured upholstery or seats. Very,good condition, $80 caîl 725-7724. March 14, 79. SKIS' -and SKI BOOTS, size 7 for sale. Asking $30 or best offer. Cali 655-3583. Ask for Marie. Jan.' 24, 79. FOR SALE 32 gallon aquarium with wrought iron stand, can- opy, fully equipped. Asking $100. Cali 668-4473. Jan. 10 16" WHEEL TRICYCLE $20, Ride-on-car $5, Call 668-6087. Ji'n. 10, 79 PARAGON ELECTRIC KILN, 18" complete with furniture, 2' years old, ideal for ceramics. $325. Caî1l 839-9109 after 5:30- p. M. Feb. 7, 79. KEESHOND, MALE, 4 years old, excellent watch dog. Also very good naturedi with child- ren. Has ail necessary needles. $30. Phone 728-3370. Feb. 7, 79. OFFICE/HOME DESK, righf. hand pedestal, mahogony top, green mefal body. $80. Phone Monday or Thursday evenings 668-0894 or da y 725-7341. Ask for Eric Strong. Feb. 28, 79. oi Time for fitness is ine on Your Side. BISCUITS NUGGET CHICKEN BAKE . 1 Preheat aven ta 3750F/ I90"C. Cambine ground beef, egg and seasonings, mix ta- gether well. Divide beef into 8 miedium sized meatballs. Separate dough into four rectangles; firmly press per- forations ta seal. Cut each in haîf, .making 8 dough squares. Place one meat- bail in center *of each daugh square; bring corners ta meet in center; pinch dough edges together. Place on ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 18 ta 22 minutes or until golden brown. No0 Cn Pieuse se@ Classlfibd Ads for more items "1FOR SALE" t: 2 cups cooked, cubed chieken or turkey- 1 teaspoon paprika 1/2 teaspoon dill weed 14 teaspoon sait 1 cup milk 10 fi. oz. can cream of chic- ken or mushroom soup !à cup mushroom stems and pieces, drained 8 oz. can refrigerated but- termilk or sweetmilk biscuits V4 cup grated Parmesan cheese V4 cup chopped onion 1 tbls. chopped parsley Preheat oven ta 4000Ê/ 200'C. In medium saucepan, combine chicken, Y2 teaspoon paprika, diii weed, salt, milk, soup and mushrooms; lcat until hot and bubbiy. Pour hot chicken mixture into un- greased 8 or 9-inch square baking dish. Separate biscuit dough into 10 biscuits; eut each into 4 pieces. In med- ium sized plastic bag, com- bine remaining ýi teaspoon paprika, Parmesan cheese, onion and parsley. Shake biscuit pieces, 3 or 4 at a time, in cheese-herb mixture until coated; arrange. over hot chicken mixture. Sprin- kie any remaining cheesie mixture over biscuits. 1 -Bake 'for 15,toA:-iR,-minufes or until golden brown. 4 ta 6 servings. TIP To reheat, caver loosely with foul; heat at 3750F/ 1900C for l2to 15 min. CRESCENT BURGER BUNDLES 1 (8 oz.) can refrigerated crescents Y4 lb. lean ground beef 1 egg 1 clove crushed garlic 1 teaspoon sait 1/4s teaspoon pepper 1 tbls. parsley flakes m

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