PAGE 6o WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Day-long phone service cut concerns Councillor Councillor Bob Attersley is very concerned about the safety of. the people ln Whitby, particularly the west section of Town. He expressed his concern when a telephone cable had been cut by some construc- tion machinery and'as a resuit more than 300 homes were without telephone ser- vice from fine a.m. until some time late ln the evening of February 19. M ayor Jimh Gartshore's telephone at bis home was out of operation from 9 a.m. and there was no way for people to notify the need il "an emergency resulted during the time 'the tele- phone service was out of operation." When he contacted the Emergency Department at the Whitby Fire Hall'Coun- cillor Attersley stated that the Department "was not aware of the situation." No one had informed them' that the phone cable had been cut. Councillor Attersley asked that if any future cable cuts occured in 'the Bell Tele- phone system that the police be notîfied and have cruisers patrol the area, and that the Fire Department be alerted. Before bringing the matter to the Committee of Coun- cil's attention Councillor Attersley learned' that the telephone service was stili out at 9:30 pâ.. 1He said he was not "happy with the response received fromn Bell Canada." He suggested that the Town and Bell Canada work out some solution to the problem 0of cut phone cables and the installation of an emergency system, if and when cut phone cables occur in the area. He told the Council that the telephone ser- vice break was due to cons- truction -work in the area. The telephone cable was cut at Gifford Street near the Roman Catholic Church. The Region of Durham Works Department crew were digging for a water- main when they cut the telephone cable. Thè,crews,,were trying to find 'a break in the water- main when the, machinery sl.iced through the telephone cable. The broken water main filled the hole with water, which complicated matters for the Bell Telephone re- pairmen. Asea result of the water filling into the trench the Bell repairmen had to wait until WorldDay of St. John's Anglican Church, Port Whitby, will host the World Day of Prayer for Whitby churches on March 2. There will be two services, one at 2 p.m. and the other at 7:30 p.m'. The A ttersley the watermain was repaired. As soon as the water was baliled out, of the hole and trench, the Bell Technicians went to, work to splice the broken telephone cable and restored service to the 300 homes that night. Prayer March 2 theme of this year's World Day of Prayer is "Spirit 'ual Growth," and the service was written by the womnen of» Africa. Babysitting will be provided and tea Will be served. 8 plckle & pimento, mac & cheese, pork loat, headcheese or le mat pkg.M5 cut from canada grade A beef0 ________ M lb bottomn round roast l.2 1 * cul tram Canada rade A bet Schneiders. quarter pouod size Schnelders SwîBrndAIBo TBone steaks lb. 2.98 beef burgers P .ea. mi88 ni-sînler sausage '6kl e a 1 .65 Caoked ham k ea.1.18 RdGadA b deaf for meat lbat or bargero ef Kbssof Orange" Sahnders beefsteak. pork. beef or chichen Leal steer IL,.1i*79* ID regular uudb l,1 8shedr bacon 1p 0 ea. i .68 meat pies pg ea. .00 dnner park shoulder lb.2£00 hinds STORE CUT AND WRAED * ~nimI, .n mn Q fltI~IIl tIltfl ,W e reserve the right to limît qatte valesSuppîied and Serviced by National ~L ~ l p :IU I _ E I __ _ _rocers Co. LMd : n*Skippy creamny or super chunky regular Nabisco assorted Lipton pou e j E!a8 189_ _!Gie 9 shredded gma i vau'e 09ttr coi8r9sw c upa value Mazoa Teley oange ekoeQuaker Wso No.'i1*Product 'of U.S.A. OCO easqar lwere iots as bartbod Fresh Spinich5 L te pkg. of 72 2099a kg 12 oz. pkg. 3-9 *10 oz. Bag 61M * Fab detergent box2.5 bakiiig chips pg.9 0 ua om<Ovaltine instant . oz Ken L Ration burer g with luonide moulhwash * * (JitRra Brite. tub.9 ht haa 2tr .41dog food 0PListermint OL 1.59 Bartleh Canlada choîce Aymer 1WPatanda assorted. it il'own juce 11bafhroom itssue 2rolrozen assoiledleo *epear halves . fi.i79 pineapple n pkg59 Lay co0 65 Mpmnc kes ' u.> RE D O S R E et ckr1 z 0 9 Prem 1 z1li l upose cleaner 1 ziOO%.Foa l2 91. m. cent REDYTOSEVEsn"ackin' cake . 0k 1 luncheon mftin2 19 LestoiI cen a79 orange juice .989 : OL LA W rg: Kraft grated 11Phîfîs standard. 40. 60. 100 watt k 0>~ appie sauce ' 43presncheel OlIgt u0s f2 les effective until closing SaturdayS * 10 oz pg3 *0' 350 flh99 a<> 16 oz 150ntpesprafM ar3, 1979. *arrowroot _____ ping corn pkg a0 3 Right Guard c1-50 m al .5 Ont, Fancy Dellious D LV R * APPLESAT NOMINAL l.54*BROWN'SIFOOD)MAISTER CTRHR ~~~BROOKLIIW, ONARIO NUira WliY PlIONE 655-4521 OPEN SIXDY EJ EXCEPr THURs. & FR1.