Whitby Free Press, 28 Feb 1979, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Cablecast listligs Cablecast 10, Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville and Brooklin Prograni:' Wednesday, Feb. 28th to Tuesday, March 6th, 1979- Wpdnpsday, Feb.ý 28 3:00 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs with Bruce England 4:00 Durham Dialogue 4:30.Soleil with French Canadian Club of Oshawa 5:00 Joint Venture 5:30 Evening Report Highlighting G.M. Video News 6:00 Let's Find Out with local Guests 6:30 Knights of Columbus Cable T.V. Bingo 7:30 Education Scene with George Pearce 8:00 Whitby Then & Now with Brian Winter & Jim Quail 8:30 Let Me Be Me with ýHost: Elizabeth, Gomes 9:00 Rescue with Topical Guests 9:30 Let's Discuss It with Cancer Society Speciâl 10:00 Sign Off Thursday, March 1 3:00 Let's Find Out 3:30 Rescue 4:00 Let Me Be Me 4:30 Imprint with Love'Bug Special, 5:00 Education Scene 5:30 Evening Report with Ron the Butcher-Kitchen Ideas 6:00 The Storybook House 6:15 Happiness is ... Bowling 6:30 The New Leaf 7:00 Conception with Host: Bill Jeanes 7:30 Soleil 8:00o Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs with Bruce England 9:00 Sign Off Friday, March 2 1:30 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs 2:30 Happiness is.. .Bowling 3:00 The New Leaf 3:30 Conception 'Each office ii ridependentlv ed and operai $2375. Down Moves '(ou In i EcellentCniin Dedroom, Large Kitchen, F-uil Basement, Large Lot & Garage. $47,500 Helen Couture 668-6221 Backing onto Park, Large Kitchen overlooking Family Room with Fireplace, Walkout, 3 Bedroom, En Suite, Central Air, 8 3!4 per cent Mortgage, $72,900 Bruce Opferkuch 668-6221 Nearly New - 201 Living Room with WalIkout &F ireplace. 181 Master Bedroom, Ail Applilances & Drapes. Only $6,500 Down. Lorne, Kime 668-6221 4.,00 4:30 5:.00 6:00 6:30 What Does the Bible Say? Whitby Then & Now Voce Italiana Whitby Report with, Mike Burgess.& Steve Porter, Sign Off Monday, March 5 4:00 Sîgn On for the Deaf Special 4:30 Let's Discuss It with'Cancer Society 5:-00 To Be Announced 5:30 Imprint with Love Bug Special 6:00 Storybook House with Kirk the Story Teller 6:15 Happiness is ... Bowling with Bert Harding 6:30 The New Leaf with Host: Gord Wick 7:00 What Does the Bible Say? with Bob Kirkland 7:30 Federal/Provincial Report with M.P.P. George Ashe 8:00 Motor City Bowling Roll-Offs 9:00 Bowmanville Kinsmen Basketball Tournament Tuesday, March 6 2:00 Bowmanville Basketball Tournament Coverage 5: 00 Oshawa Toastmaster Club Presents: Junior Achievement 5:30 Evening Report- with Bill Jeanes, Dave Stewart and Dorothy Brown with. C.E.C. Report and O.D.C.A. Diary 6:00 Joint Venture with Host: Lorna Miller 6:30 Voce Italiana with Ercole Foresta & Carmen 7:30 To Be Announced 8:00 Durham Dialogue with Jim Kirkconnell 8: 30 Sign Off NOTE: ALL PROGRAMS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE HOUSE 0F COMMONS: QUESTION PERIOD COVERAGE WILL BE CARRIED ON CHANNEL H OUR VISUCOMM CHANNEL ON A MONDAYTHROUGH FRIDAY BASIS AT 3:00 PM & 7 PM ON OUR CONVERTER SERVICE THIAMINE DEFICIENCIES EXIST AND THERE ARE ANSWERS TO THEM by Joan Flelden Next time you meet a pedestrian who wobbles when he walks, don't accuse hlm of inblding too freely. He May be suffering from a thiamine deflciency. One SURE way to be sure of your dally quota of this important B vitamIn is to eatenrlched and whole grain breads and cereals every day. Other foods that help you "toe the thiamine line" are ham, pork, Ilver, peas, beans-and asparagus. In the early stages of a thiamine deficlency, one may feel nauseated, depressed and Irritable. As the condition prog- resses, the Individuat becoimes weaker, !oses speed of motion, and eye-hand coordination. FoÈtunately, this need not happen to you- If you 'Itoe the thiamine lune". FRANK ~EALTÃ"R 225 BROCI EET-NORTH ý171 ' Retirement Savings Plans aren't for everyone Sales of Registered Retire- ment Savings Plan (RRSPs) have increased dramatically in recenit years. More and more beopie are investing their money in these plans each year. Unfortunately, however,' some people are making the mistake of buy- ing RRSPs for one reason only -- the immediate tax, advantages. That's the word from local life insurance industry rep- resentative Steve Driver. No doubt about iL, says Mr. Driver, the immediate tax advantages can be attrac- tive. By purchasing RRSPs, people can reduce their tag- able incomes, by up to $5,500. For people in the 40 per cent tax bracket, that can make a difference of up to $2,200 a year in their tax bill. There's a second tax ad- vantage, too, that isn't as readily. understood by people. Interest earnings and capital. gains made by a person's RRSP are not taxed as long as they are left in the plan. This makes your RRSP a continuing tax shelter. Thèse advantages are somewhat offset by certain disadvantages, however. Primary among them.is the fact that your monney is tied up for a period of years. You can't get at iL to use it without first paying tax on iL. .A second disadvantage is that you will have to pay tax on these savings on 'the in- corne earned and on the ful capital gain eventually -- either when you cash in your RRSP or when you begin receiving incomne from your RRSP savings in retirement. For retired people, the level of Lax isn't too onerous. Their income is' usually lower than it was during their working years, putting themn in a lower tax bracket. In addition, people over 65 geL an extra' $1,000 tax exem- ption on pension incorne. Cashing in an RRSP can be enormously expensive, by contrast. Tax has to be paid on the full amount with- dra wn and this tax would be at a rate well above the tax on.your year's earnings. Because of these disadvan- tages, RRSPs shouldn't be bought by everyone, says Mr. Driver. "They are ideal for people whose earnings are at or near their peak and who have a solid financial foundation," he says. "For other people, they can be less than ideal." If' you are in 'the early years of your career, with r-elatively low earnings com- pared to what you expect In- thç future, you may be better off paying income tax at your current'tax rate than postponing such taxes. For many young people, a Regis- tered Home Ownership Savings Plan (RHOSP) makes more sense, accord- ing to Mr. Driver. By the same token, an RRSP will not be as advant- ageous to you if you don't have adequate'other savings and investments. Before buying an RRSP, Mr. Driver advises people to have suffi- cient. money in a savings account to cover alI possible emergencies, a sound pro- gram of life insurance pro- tectioni, and other savings such as Canada Savings Bonds or equity in a home. Says Mr. Driver, '"The first $1,000 of your invest- ment income each year is exempt from tax. Therefore, unless you have investments totalling more than $10,000 -- the amount which would. earn $1,000 a year at 10 per cent -- there are no tax shelter advantages in an RRSP for you. "If your earnings and sav- -ings are sufficient, then do inves tigate the' advantages of an RRSP. Talk to a qualified life insurance agent, a bank or trust com- pany officer, stockbroker or other trusted financial advisor.* * "If you then decide to buy, don't do it just for the imme- diate tax advantages. Do it to take advantage of both the immediate, 1and continuing tax benefits. And most, im- portant of alI, do it in order to build long-term security for Yourself through your own individual pension plan. That, in essence, is what an RRSP is" Now the man, out of whom the devils departed, besought him that he might be with him: but Jesus sent hlm away, saying, Return to thine own house, and show how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great'things Jesus had done unto him. IL'aR. : 38.3 WEST LYNDE COURT - $691000) Delightful 2 years old sidesplit sporting 3 large bedrooms, massive kitchen over-Iooking Family Room with brick fireplace. Living & Dining Room. Door to cedar deck from kitchen, attached garage and completely fenced lot. See it soon with Merv Parchment 668-6171 or 579-0569. BUNGALOW -.$63,900 3 Bedrooms. L.Shaped Living and Dining Room. Family Roomn. Close to schools and shopping and on nice- established street. See this pleasing home with Herb Visser 668-6171 or 668-5718. 4 BEDROOM RAISED BUNGALOW Living and Dining Room. Large 1 car garage, paved Drive on nice treed street. For only $55,000. See it with Herb Visser 668-6171 or 668-5118. DOVEDALE SEMI - $47,900 Owner has been transferred f rom Whitby area. Must seli this nicely decorated 3 bedroom bungalow with f inished rec. roomn and bar. We could make a proud owner with as little as $2,500 clown and $433 per month. Cali Garrett Dowker 668-0063 or 668.6171. A "FRANK" LISTING MEANS A GREAT DEAL gn.L ISITWITI.I"FRANK' PFIPLEI HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL, ESTATE? ~.and, done BLAIR BUCHANAN I wiI11 give you an hour or more «of my time to try to help you decide. CALLMEANYTIME --'668-8865 668-6313 Opportunhties in our Whitby Off ice. ~ (11.130 OFFICES TO SERVE ItU tiiiiYOUBEIT ER Charter Prices Slashed by WARD AIR From TORONTO To LON DON, MANCH ESTER & PRESTWICK Now$299"_ BOOKINGS MUST BE MADE 90 DAYà INADVANCE MALTA CHARTERS SJILLL AVAI LABLE <LIMITED SPACE> $5091» Passport Plciurs Compâlnery WedIm Bookhia.

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