*PAGE 6,- WEDNESDAY FEBRUARy 21, 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS * It's da ngeou 0t try to predict election time says federal PC candidat The Federal Candidate for includes the Associations turnout of approximately 30 When asked what got hlm was asked if he would pre- Riding which is locatdna Ontario Riding, Scott Fen- already« mentioned plus people to the meeting. He into politics Mr. Fenneli dici. any specific tirne for the the Regional -Rod 2 neli was introduced to the North Pickering and said they were brave sould to repîîed that "it was actually PikwLion. Mr. Trudeau is the (Whitby-Pickering Tw Whitby Progressive Conser- Uxbridge. 4'corne out in such cold Trudeau that got me into onet who calîs an election and line> and the Nint Cn vative Annual meeting held Lorne Almach of Clare- weather." polities. 1 got so mad at hlm appoints the time and date cession. He would prbal in the Whitby Municipal mont is the P.C. Associa- As he did not have a and his policy that the only for a -Federal election. That be moving into thearan Buidin Tursayby he tion's Federal Riding pres- prepared spech Mr. Fennel wyt aea hnewst is why it is dangerous to try telt pig al president Eric Laycnck. ident, and Roy Fitzgerald of gave more of a social talk go into politics, which I id." to prediet an election time as summer, he said. Mr. Laycock said tlîat the Brooklin was re-elected as saying he thought," we have Mr. Fenneli said that his Mr. Trudeau can stail and The 1979-8o WhitbyPC local Associations, which president of the Provincial a great campaign team but I "iaim is to get more friend- staîl it. He can. s tali the Association's siate o fi include Whitby, Brooklin, Riding Association. can't win an election alone. ship into the Country and the calling of an election as he cers are as follows:Ps Ajax and Pickering will in- As Mr. Laycock intro- -It will take a lot 0f work to country's policy. We need to wants to stay in powèr." President, Bob Whty crease communications duced the P.C. Federal win the comning election.", develop friendship in order Mr. Fenneil was asked if President, 'Eric Layok between the Federal and Riding Candidate he said, He said lie would néed the to reduce the diversification he will be living in the First Vice-PresidentJh Provincial Associations of The Association "hopes to be support 0f everyone in the of the people in this and other Federal Ridii~g of Ontario. Pisani; Second -VicePsi the Progressive Conserva- prepared for a possible early Riding to elect hlm to office countries." He replied that he is coming dent, Clare Hewson; hr tive Party. election." as the Riding's represen- During the question and into the Riding to live. H e C ntd n The Federal -Association Mr. Fenneil welcomed the tative. answer period Mr. Fennel has purchased a home in the ~ ot~O .' * ....onFia itu le eK lee lee le diees hteo :ath room tissue *g peruit Heinz Canada fancy e 0 dm*tomato juice: 4 roll 0woMienui99 4 *pkg.0 temple oranges * ~. homo grown No. 1 ti 7y.Ivvv :not2 more producee Onytefrshest produce wNf do- o Ied&yhi e *We're proud of our fresh qDfuit and vegetables ad* j *wantyou to know the E~~~~~~~6 S -eeee.e e**ee etafforwe put int * j~~~u e e M Lme. s...A. . e of the. * Gf 1W5 IEIdW0 available. We're buimgthe Canada utility grade eviscerated Lean and maty fresh utt * toea 6wîth 10r 1tol b.bavg. <*enadmat rs utcaoto peserve is quality 1* wdhpokadeeîhes *Clark beans:frSsIlor ID14 f1. lb e* oz. tin ao k ehp b el VffkeJar, Iunchtîîm.or Party pk ,1,36, , ié sf "l1ked ham va 480lb. wpaay uare*2l e .areobiscut32 apkg. 99 hm steaks 1.24 W * uu0ula çLi y taene kr regular cernam *Mapie Ladi Golden Gariic lb.18Plus 12Oz. Cole slaw Fre 1.2 eeUh0veMeVanls aimteryquid 2 fioe *dertamiAihip 6 1.29:ug 12Cz. potato salad Fee a 1.w golden owl e *9 * an MFtetersews- .1.29: eseffective until closing Saturday February 24' 1979. 6 29 : 'N J b.21'S- .9e eCoronOBlue ew 1,9 We reserve the right to limnit quantities. 1efl2 0en an«-oG ISU t in 10 oz.ySbutter andServiced by National Grocers Company Ltd. 0*0i litre cont..1.0M é Cpure raspberay or st - 24111 6660966666600 oi juldrco. li..1 eD Laura Secord jama.jar. eie69eeee eeeeeeee 5 e1oirf soe 5 oz DLVR uc z i j Zquick lbal mix g 89 ACHMARE b ra %.3 Mefa na 6 CHARGE ELIIddough eCj *collée titeàs ý%.99e 6MB OW IFOODMASTER SORERHOURS - e pa 2 9 e Mehia pe mfie OENSIX VSAWELCJCuëpa ba;a 9 e 8910 XCPT HUR.&RI. er macamor e ::~:~ ~ e ee ee ee j';Noci huIYPNN M451NGTS TLnu bbe 6 2lb. .79 e b