Whitby Free Press, 24 Jan 1979, p. 12

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JGE12. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24. 1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Free Press Emporium Ca-Il668-611il Emnporium Ads wilI onlybe accepted subject to the following Conditions. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1974 VEGA HATCHBACK; automatlc, radio. A-i condition, asklng $1200. Phone 668.0776. Dec. 6, 78 1971 VW SUPER BEETLE, new battery, 2 VW snow tires, 1 wlnter'oîd, 4 good summer tires,, Wlnterlzed, gas'heater, '. electrlc rear wlndow drfroster. Good running condition. Seil- as is. Asklng $700. Phone 985-8684 after 6 p.m. -Jan. 17, 79. 1971 VOLVO, 144S, Standard, good, condition, asklng $1075. Phone 468-7163. Nov. 15, 78 71 PINTO,- ln running condi- tion, uncertifiecl, $200 or best offer. Phone 668.0723. N ov. 15, 78 1970 FORD CUSTÃ"M, $500 or best offer. Phone 579-6144. Nov. 29, 78 66 FORD GALAXIE 500, good 289 Engine and drive train, 4 very good tires. As is, $100. Phone after 6 p.m. 655.3546. -Dec. 20, 78ý EUTOPARTS 20 FOOT VAN TYPE BOX, roll Up door, side door, 9211 hlgh, has furniture louvers to loador tie furniture. $1500 or best offer. Phone 668-6448. Dec. 13, 78 GR78-14 SNOWTIRES - Atlas' Mark V Steel Radiais. Used 1 seas'on. Rlms lncluded, $75. Phone 668-1815. Nov. 29,78' 302 ENGINE, compiete, good condition, 40,000, miles,ý $200. Phone 655.3006. Nov. 29, 78 4 VW SUMMER TIRES on rims, iess than 600.miles, cost $110, sale for $75. Phone - 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 1 DELCO BATTERY Y87 for sale. 7 months eld. Paid $55, will seil for $25, or best offer. Phone 655-4373. Jan. 10, 79 MGB/MAR INA 1.8 litre 5 bear-' ing cylinder block bare), plus four matched pistons and rings, uniysed, $100 or best off er. Phone 668-2864, evenings. Dec. 27, 78. FOUR TIRES, ER-78-14", $40. Fits compact car. Cali 668-9215. Jan. 24, 79. l4" - A78 13" rbest offer. Jan. 24, 79. 2 VOLKSWAGEN SNOW TIRES with rirns for sale. Used one winter. Asklng $60. Phone 668-5211 affter 7 P. m. Jan. 3, 78. 2-155-15 MICHELIN MS Winter Tires on 4 Boit Pattern Rlms, like new, $70 for the pair. 2-645-15 Goodyear Tires, $4 for the pair. 4-H78-15 Goodyear Polyglass Tires; 2-H78-15 Wlnter Tires, haîf worn, $25 for ail. Assorted hub caps, $1 each. Phone 668-0621. Dec. 20, 78 ~ANPIMES WESTINGHOUSE WASHING MACHINE, excellent condition, $200. Phone 623-5715. Nov. 15, 78, 1 FRIDGEDAIRE IMPERIAL STOVE in good working condi- tion. Asking $75. Phone 668.5104 Dec. 13, 78 SERGLER OIL HEATER* fan forced f rom bottom of 'stove. Like new. Asking $250. One single cut frame $5.White cook stove 301, 4 burners $50. Damaged bicycle $10. 3 burner propane stove. Like new $40. Phone 668-3282. Jan. 10, 79 1 DIX IE* 4 burner kitchen gas stove, white, very good condi- tion. Asking $30. 1 Easy Brand electric ironing board, $30. Phone 683-7538. Nov. 29, 78 KENMORE FROST-FREE Ref ridgerator. Harvest goîd. 17 1/2 cubic feet. Excellent condi- tion. Asklng $300. Caîl 839-2695, after 6 p.m. Jan. 24, 79. RECTATINAL VELES 16' SCAMPER TRAILER. Fridge, stove, furnace, toilet. Good condition, $2500. Phone 668-0676. Nov. 8, 78 1 BOMBADIER SKI BOOSE ,SKI DOO SLED, asking $125. Phone 668-8967. Dec. 13, 781 1973 SUZUKI TM12S - Moto- cross, Girling shocks, excellent condition, $450. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 1972 KAWASAKI, 100 cc Enduro. Excellent condition, $300. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 31 FOOT GLENDETTE House Trailer - 2 bedroom. Asking $5000.00. Phone 655-3745 after 6 p.m. Nov. 22, 78' TRAIL STAR HARDTOP TENTRAILER, opens to 20 feet, f ridge, stove, furnace, 12 x 14 awning. Wall to wall shag, FM 8-track. Other extras. Must seil, $1750. Phone dayS 725-2828, nights 668-1139. Dec. 13, 78 PUMESE RAD When the advertlsed Item Is sold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the item will be deemned to have been sold and a commission wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, reôardless If prîce Is stated wlth "best offer". If the item Is NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wlll be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE et $3,00 will apply. All advertlsements must.be placed on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY'FRËE PRESS and run at least one month if flot sold. RATES [if article Is soldi: 5% of advertised price up te $400.00 2% of -balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertlsed for $120.00 - commission due 16.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertlsing onîy i Please notif y us if you f mnd a reta lier listed as a private advertiser. Please notif y the Whitby Free Press immedlately wheén Item is sold se that we may delete it f rom the following Issues. AIl ads not f itting the Empv.rium guldelines will be treated anci charged per week as regular classifled ads on'a pre pald basis such'asý services, heîp wanted, clothlng, real estate, and personal -message type ads, or ads not quotlng price or quantlty: Private classified ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. 1J ln doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LlN 5S1 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS, TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. 69 OLYMPIC. Good condition. Asking $200, or best offer. Phone 655-4495. Caîl anytime. Jan. 10, 79. 197j HONDA XL 75 Dirtbike. Excellent condition. Portable gas tank inciuded. $400 f irm. Phone 728-3158, Dec. 6, 78 1978 YAMAHA DJ-175 for sale. Excellent condition. Has 1500 miles on it. $1200 or best offer. Phone 668.7105 after 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 1978 POLARIS SS 340 Snow- mobile. Like new. Hardly used. Asking $1,500. Cali 655-3006. Jan. 10, 79. 1972 SKIDOO TNT 292 engine. Has only 2,000 miles. Excellent condition. Asking $500 or best offer. Cali 668-6564. Jan. 24,'79. i 1975 TX 440 POLARIS snow- machine. Asking $1200 or best offer. Good running condition. CaIli 686-0060. Jan. 17, 79 .MUICL STE R EO FOR SALE. AM/FM,' 8-track, turntable and speakers. Asking $90. Cali 668- 7595. Jan. 17, 79. 1 SET 0F PEARL DRUMS, mint condition. Includes snare, bass, f loor tom tom, high tom tom, 14"1 clapping symbols, 16", sizzier & stool. $400. Phone 668-9022. Nov. 15,'78 AGS-AM/FM Receiver. 30 Watts. per channiel. A-i .condition, $175. Phone days 725-2828, nights 66-1139. Dec. 13, 78 [ SCELLLLAN E0US FRENCH PROVINCIAL COFFEE TABLE, excellent condition, $75. Webcore Tape Recorder, $40. Armed Chair, ref in ished, ready for uphoîster. ing, $15. Phone 668-8028. Dec. 13, 78 CROSS COUNTRY SKIS* 870 cm with poles. Boots size three. Asking $25. Phone 668-1921. Jan. 10, 79. GIRLS 20" BICYCLE, $15. Phone 655-4349. Nov. 29, 78 CHESTERFIELD & CHAIR* rust/brown/beige., Reasonabke condition. Best off er. Caîl 668- 9947. Jan. 10, 79 SKIS, POLES and boots for sale. $45. Good condition. Phone 683-6638. Dec. 20, 78 BABY NEEDS, Crib/Mattress/Playpen/Car Bed/Waiker/Carry Seat/Bath Change Table/GM Loveseat, $95 for the lot or will sell separately. Dehumidifier, $55. Baseboard heater, $15. Phone 668-7816 after 2 p.m. Dec. 13, 78 i ANTIQUE FLOWERBED HOLDER,_ $5. 2 Antique* Dressers with mirrors, $50 each. i Ladies Vanity, $30. 6 Black Cast Iron Chairs with Red Upholstery, $15 for ail, assembly required. 1 Black Roomn Divider, $2. 1 Baby Carniage, $20. 1 Baby Waiker, $2. 1 Joily Jumper, like new, $10. Phone 668.0621. Dec. 20, 78 TYCO NITE GLOW RACING SET, in very good shape, large amount of track, 5 car,,, 2 power packs, etc., $60. Phone 655-3773. Nov. 22, 78 POOL TABLE, 4' x 8', ail accessories included, $400. Phone after 5 p.m. 668-0127. Dec. 20, 78 SLIM R OW ROWING EXERCISER, almost new, $25. Phone 668-0268. Nov. 29, 78 1 LrVING ROOM square table, $45, neyer been used. Phone 668-9009. Dec. 1 3, 78 HUMIDIFIER $50, summer tires & snowtlres, $10. Sumnmer 695x14"', C78x14". Snowtires F78x14"', like new. Trailer wheel & tire, 4 boîts, 400x8"'. Truck type 4-way wheel wrench, $15. Phone 668-3495 or apply at 711 Burns St. W., Whitby. Nov. 8, 78. 1 ROCKING CHAIR over 100 years old, $150. 1 lounge chair in gold, $40. 1 small primitive oak table approx. 24 x 24, $40. 1 Butternut Capta in's Cahir, oîd, $55. Phone 668-0881 after 4:30 p.m. Nov.. 29, 78 40 CHANNEL, BASE CITI - ZEN'S BAND RADIO, Base Station Antenna, 50' coax cab- le, $125. 41 by 5' eîectric rai lway layout, 451 oval track, 2 traris- fermers, 2 engines (1 'steam). Cars and accessorles $110. For further information caîl 668- 6744. Ask for Rob. Jan. 17, 79. MEN'S REMINGTON MARK 181 RAZOR, lîke new, $20. Men's Samsonite Leather Briefcase, excellent condition, $25. Torcan. interior Car Warmer with timer, $20. Phone 668-9880. Nov. 15, 78 4 Gallons of Moores Red Barn paint, $.5.00 per gallon. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 i UNIVERSAL'PRECISION gauge, $50.,l1 71/4 inch Black & Decker saw, $35., or best off er. Ail new. Phone 668-2656. Dec. 27, 78 1 PORTABLE BLACK & WHITE T.V., $45. Adîusto- matic Dress Forn-of wire& cloth, $15. Phone 655-3772. Nov. 29, 78 MORNING EXOTIC DOVES-3 varieties. Asking $5 each or best offer. Phone 668-4349. Nov. 29, 78 SLEEPER SEATS for Boat, $50. Phone da ys 725-2828, nights 668-1139. Dec. 13, 78 AQUARI1UM 32" by 181 by 14". $35. Caîl 655-4097. Jan. .24, 79. PORTABLE BLAC K LEAT- HER BAR for sale. Asking $175. Phone 579-4605. Jan. 10, 79. i BLACK &WHITEWESTING- HOUSE TV & record player, reconditioned, $60. Headboard for single bed, white plastic, almost new, $10. Phone 668-7145. Nový. 22, 78 GARWOOD OIL FURNACE, 95,000 B.T. U. Use for garage or cottage. Asklng $200. Phone 668-8967. Dec. 13, 78 10 SPEED BIKE for sale. Prevlously used ln raclng. Excellent condition. Asking $200. Phone 668-7105 af ter 4:30 p.m. Dec. 27, 78 WESTINGH«OUSE T.V. FOR SALE. Good condition. Black & White, 26"1 screen. Asklng $40. Stereo for sale. Wood cabinet. Almost new. Asking $160. 130 Byron St. N. Whltby. Jan. 10, 79. FOR SALE Two snowmobiîe helmets,' one skldoo, both almost new and both wlth visors. $15 each. Cali 668-3497, evenings or mornings. Jan. 17, 79. GREEN CHESTERFIELD 7 feet long. j Asklng $50 or best offer. 161WHEEL TICYÃŽCëLE $20, Ritde-on-car $5, tractor & trai., ter $10. Cali 668-6087.-i Jan. 10, 79 FOR SALE 32 gallon aquarium wlth wrought iron stand, can- opy, fully equipped. Asking $100. Cali 668-4473. Jan. 10 1 PAIR of second hand skis, blndings, potes and ski boots, size 7 to, 8. Asklng $25. Cali 728-3370. Jan. 24, 79. 911 TABLE SAW and 4" loint/ planer on stand with motor. Asking $100. Cali 683-6516. Jan. 24, 79. BUNKBEDS FOR SALE with matresses. Asking $150. Cal 668-6400., Jan. 24, 79. SKIS' and SKI BOOTS, size 7 *for sale. Asking $30 "or best offer. Coul 655-3583. Ask for Marie. Jan. 24, 79. FOR SALE-OPTIMIST sali- lng dinghy. 7 1/2 feet long. Wooclen hole single sail design. Good stable beginners boat. Asking $275. Coli 655-3700. Jan. 24, 79. CUTTING EDGE for 6 ft. by 6 ln. Myers snowplow. 10 1/411 centre to centre boit holes. Excellent' condition., $30. Cali 668-8523. Jan. 24, 79. PbnMOailfd difor -more tmns FOR SALI"» ( SNOWTIRÉS-F78 i Asking $15 each or Caîl 668-6185.'

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