Whitby Free Press, 17 Jan 1979, p. 3

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*MTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESAY, JANUARY 17, 1979, PAGE 3 Bluegrass club gains mi popularity The Pineridge Biuegrass Association is gaining in popularityand members. President Rod Craig and Vice-Presîdent Carl Earl will' be appearing soon on Pine R..dge Cable TV Channel l0 to expiain the aims of the association, which 'is dedicated to the promotion of Bluegrass style country music. The Association travelled to Peterborough in Decemn- ber for a get-together and efforts are beéing made to start a Bluegrass association in that community. The reguli monthiy piekin' session will be Jan. 27 at the Columbus community cent re, and an annual dance will be held Feb., 24 at the Imaculate Conception Church in Port Perry. Anyone interested in join-s ing the Pineridge Bluegrass, Association may write to Vîce-President Carl Earl at 668-3167.- Book talk Jan. 24 The first meeting of the Whitby Public Library's book discussion group wiIl be held Jan. 24 at 7:30 p.rn. in the Preview Room. DURHAM HOUSE ILELPED Jackie 0 ord, Rose Anne Fleming and Liz Beech, Presidenit of Epsilon Tau'Chapter'of Beta Sigma Phi present acheque for $80 to Liz Clayton of Durham, House Children's Cenitre, a home for emotionally disturbed chiidren, which operates a residence in Oshawa and.a day treatment centre in Whitby. The money is from the proceeds of a doil raffle heid by the girls of Epsilon Tau in December, and wiil be used to purchase educationai toys. Free Press Photo* Lieutenan.t-Governor visits hosepi"tal and is the guest of honor at dancÙ-e Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, Pauline McGibbon, will make an officiai, visit to, the Whitby Psychiatric Hos- pitai between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Feb. 21. Acecompanied by her aide de camp, Lt. Coi. Michael Koster, Comman ding Officer of the Ontario Regiment, M rs. McGibbon will be given a conducted tour by Hospital Administrator -Michael O'Keefe, Medicai Director Dr. Sama Usha and Erika Dovey, president- of the hospital's, Volunteer Association. Mrs. McGibbon, who is making ber first visit to the Wbitby hospital, wili 'visit a variety of wards and patient activities and programs. She wiil meet and taik with department heads and the director of nursing and will aiso meet staff ove r coffee in an informai setting. Mrs. Dovey said it is won- derful that the Queen's Otter Creek school is dfiscussed Provision of a schôol for the Ã"tter Creek subdivision, north of'Dundas Street and west of D'Hillier 'Street, :wil depend on population of the subdivision and vacanci es in Whitby Schools, says School Trustee David Sims. The Durham Board of Education bas met with parents from thé community who expressed concern that there was no new school as promised in the subdivider's promotional literature. Last year the board received numerous comn- plaints from homeowncrs saying they were given false information as to schools and other conveniences which would be built, in various subdivisions.. The board wrote to the Ontario Real Estate Associa- tion and was told that the wrong information was given out by people employed by the subdivision builder and not qualified real estate agents. Meanwhile, the Board of Education is considering what to do about a scho'0l for Otter Creelk, and wiIl pass on any' ,informùation regardlng thé issue to parents In the' subdivision. representative in Ontario shows such-an interest in the work of the staf and volun- teers in the psychiatric hospital and her visit shows the community's concern for the mentally 111 and the work being done by the hospital. Mrs. McGibbon, accom- panied by her husbandwill be the guest honor at the Whitby P sychiatric Hospital Volunteer Association's annual Snowfiake Bail, to be held,,at 8 p.m. Feb. 24 at the LeGros Community Compiex in Ajax. Mrs. McGibbon will receive guests at. the door at the beginning of the dance. CFTO newscaster Tom Gibney, a Whitby resident, will be master of ceremonies and music wili be provided by -Gord Coupland and his rchestra.- There will be refreshmfents and a hot- and cold buffet. Mrs. Dovey said that she is deiighted that Her Honor and her'husband have consented to grace the'evening with their, presence 'and hopes the community- willý corne and support the' dance and thé volunteer association. The Snowfiake Bail is- open to the public. For tickets cal Mrs. Flint at 668-5881,.-ext. 323. The hospitai's' volunteer association has about~ 100 members and the fundsfrom the bail wiil be 'used, to expand volunteer programs in the hospitai to bring cheer. and companionship. to the patients. without knowingit, yU could be a turn off, ~Do you always take a bath, instead of a shower which uses less powver? Do you MIal kett fuit to make a single cup? lÙbm on the Washing machine for j ust a few things? Leave the TV on when no onés watching? And do you often forget to turn off the porch light even though everyones home in bed?. Any of these thoughtless littie habits can.make you a turn-off. Because waste of -electricity like anything that everybody really needs. can tum people off. Wouldrût you rather turn off a light bulb than tum off a friend? Think about how you use etectricity WastingelecticitYturn people off. This message is brought to you by your Hydro on behallol people who careQ> WE'RE IHEADING TYOUR WAY.- Your Education Opens the Door To a Challenging Career As ANOFFICERIN THE CANADIAN FORCES We have openings in the following Off icer Classifications: 'Pilot, Air Navigator, Maritime Surface and Sub-Surface. Applicants must be under 24 years of age, be medically fit and have a.minimum of Grade 12 education in a 5year oradvanced program, (Subjects - English, Mathematics, Science and Social Science>. We are offering an exciting and rewarding career. lt's 'More than just a job. Visit our Mobile Recruiting Unit Canada Manpower Centre Oshawa January 24, 31, 1979.o 10:00 a.m * 3:00 p.. . .... ........

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