-PAGE- 2sWEIMMESAY, JANLJARY 10,19r9, WHfW RUE PRES Whi*tby.fights proposed fi*nance" department move to .Oshawa Cout'd from P.' i building," the report conitin- ues. "Bothi the directors of administration services and treasury services are sub- stantially separated from divisional managers under their direct responsibility. Communications and Man- agemfent inter'a*ti'on -are cumbersome and resuit in wasted time on the part of' managers,. directors and staff.,, The reportnotes that ex- pansion of the regional head- quarters for provincial requirements could begîn as early as August 1979, and this woisld require the remo- val of two portables and the information systems group of the finance department from the main building. The most critical problemn facing the department is that the comaputer. facilities are flot compatible* with the sophisticated equipment the region now, employs, the report States. There have been power shortages when both the computer and the air conditioner are working at peak, capacity and delays have been experie nced of -as much as two daysbecause of this problem, the report The report concludes that a regional beadquarters will probably not become a rea- lity for five or more years, and recommends a new lo- cation for the entire depat- ment in Oshawa. The administration offices vacated would be used by thie personnel, solicitor's, clerk's and development depart- ments, the portables would be sold, and storage areas returnedto their original use. The finance committee says theý Oshawa location would be' ofNadvantage because there would be bet- ter public ýaccessibilityý for water bill paymnent, the site bas- lowest rentaI rate avail- able, computer facilities the police headquarte rs across the street, the de'part- ment would have efficiient accommodation, and there would be adzquate computer MADE TO ORDEIR RunlE AMPS Busmas, Lottoeais, Custom end Perso nal, Etc, Etc. R.seubIe Prices 1 Day Service 0Possible Muny Type FacesAvailablo To MalteA Prafessionel Stamp Fur Yeu T.Pe. Distbuting 725.2l38 .ANYTIME room facilities Iwith proper environmental control fire prevention and detection and security. im needed Cont'd from P. 1 a small town even though it is becoming a large City of 30,000 people. Mayor Gartshore said the Town of Whitby was lucky in industrial' growth in 1978, with an,$85 million expansion at LASCO Steel and a $11/2. million expansion. at, Cadbury, not to ment ion the many. small industries, that are moving into rentai space. The liquor control board warehouse is the only large project for 1979, he said, but a number of smaller indus- tries will,continue to corne in. Mayor Gartshore said the assistance of five developers providing $100,000 a year for two yearq for industrial and commercial promotion should -help the town, "but it's not going tohappen over night; ittakes time." Hesaid he éxpected, the program would be operational in two to three weeks. -Mayor Gartshore said he expected a zero to two mill tax increà se for. local pur-. poses in 1979. Budget delib- erations by council began on Tuesday. The mayor pointed out that Whitby's seven per cent growth in 1978 will just about equalize the inflationary p roblemsi faced 'in the budget. Mayor Gartshore also said he expected the Port Whitby marina to commence opera- tion in 17,wt about 100 slips for boats available by spring or early summer and 200 by the faîl. Next week the town expects to be adverti- sing the marina with brochures at the Toronto Boat Show, he said. 98BROCK ST. N. WHIT13Y 0F CHAR BROILD TWO CAN EAT FOR THE PRICE 0F ONE FOR THREE SUNDAYS ONLY JAN l4th, 2lst, 28th., Buy one (Veal Cutlet) for $5.95 GET ONE FREE Includes Salad or Tomato Juice, Baked Pot- à toes with sou r cream and ch ives. R>IIs, Butter, Pickles and Olives. NO PREFERRED CUSTOMER CARDeP4!EA-$E OTHER LOCATIONS WATERLOO .à LODONqTRATn P n says mayor MVayor Gartshore said the town.'s, public works pro- gramn will. continue in 1979, for "there is a lot of catching upp to* do on roads and siat-. walks." He pointed out that. it.will cost three quarters' of a million dollars to' upgrade the existing sidewalks in the town, and it is difficult to get such a program going because it does not get any provincial subsidies. Roads' are subsidized 50 peïr cent by the province, he said. Mayor Gartshore t old«the Chamber miembers that the Brooklin study is completed and awaiting regionalI input. A program of development could begin in two years, he said, but even it it does not, the program is -in place Diow and can bestarted up when ready. The mayor pointed out that it was worth the effort to do the Brooklin study because whatever happens to the air- port lands 20 miles to the west, will affect Whitby and Whitby has tôý be prepared for the developmpent of those lands. Mayor Gartshore said 1978 was a "6pretty good year for Whitby, " and he has confi- dence for 1979. "We don't have to create a lot of noise to make things happen," he said,_ "Thlepeople of Whitby want a job done."11"" hope to lead Whitby quietly into the 1980's.l" Day of prayer A Day of Prayer, arran- ged by the Whitby Ministe- rial Association, will be held at the Whitby Baptist Church Jan. 23 from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.. More office space ainmirumu 1 à ýqÀ