PAGE 2, WEDNESJAY, JANUARY 3,1979, WHITBY FREE PRESS Chivà lry It is good to know that * chivalry has not dried up and there 15 some of it stili around," commented Provincial Cour.t Judge Norrrian Edmondson. Robert Scott Brown 19 of * 414 Cochrane Street, Whitby, had stated that he would not bc * havé~ made the rernarks he did following an accident if he had realized the driyer of f the other vehicle was a % * woman, when he appeared * for sentence Dec. 8.ï Mr. Brown was sentenced t * to pay a fine of $100 and placed on 18 months * probation on the charge of J faîling to remain at the scene of an accident. The terrns of probation v * included the accused attend C ýs'not deadjudge fo such mdia counsel- is of sinftcance mnat you igand therapy as recoin- ( rown> are living at home rnended by the Probation with your parents. it is a Officer and(i niedical mlitigating factor. You hlave adviser." got (o chanige; thero can't bc I-lis Flonor warned Ille i:uîchfurt lier patience." youtlh if liboen-t4e Actlug ,Cî'own Attorney terins of probat ion hie wotild i>l 'iet.cher hiad asked the )e brouigh:t. back to Court Ilaui Cotl t gîve a stlff fine or couli be sentenced lu il. , 11111terni ils lsentence was On1 the Charge of fa iliig le1<> psto, Mir. letcher' sicl ie appear ini CouK rt , B lrown iudo t hfle o quesil sNoIl. wouid was fined $50 or five duys hli ho 'la roîluder t o hoth (hhe ja il. The you til pi on dod îî 1111 al(lite publktlic guiity te botil charges, whten hving Iuvoived lIi o t o r dhe case, wls Iheard iast Vellii ti <'odoit wai(f11111114 month. I o ta ilit Iltivelleo wtill As ProvincialI Court lo t oor td, Judge Edmondson pussed 1,481st ep1)teoilhet' M 1'. sentence lho tolc Mr'. Brown Pi'owiî wils Iluvoivci luIn i thiat "there cornes a point inot or vohice ilcL!<'l<k'ut ou where Mr'. Brown lias tI o e Wiiuchstoi' Rond 1 Ui'ool lui, ::onccrnod about hirnsoit'. 11t. le fl'ailed (o stop alit,(lie fscene DATA PROCESSING SERVICES - PAVROL - ACCO UNTS R ECEl VABLE - GENERAL LEDGER - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - OTHER SPECIALIZED SYSTEMS ON REQUEST CALL: J. Carter - 668-0429 Whitby D. Fulford - 751-9751 Toronto De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundas St. E., WViéuby 668-7797 HOU RS Mon. - Sat. & Evenings Bv Appointment Only new office In an effort (o keep pace with the increaso ln demand for services of (ho Ontario March of l)imes by (ho physically handicapped community, a new office bas been. openod. Sports ni*ght registration The West Lynde Conimunity Association will hold registration for its Ladieà ' Sports Ni ght on Jan. 3 from 8:45 p.m. (o 9:45 p.m. The sports night is held every Wednesday evening from* 8:45 p.m. (o 1<:45 p.m. at West Lynde Public School, beginning in January. For more information, contact Lynn McCrossen at 668-6467 after 4 p.m. says *in lb of the accident, the court was told. The driver of the van struck by the car driven by the accused followed the car, which went into a gas station. Dianne Tate, driver of the van pulled into (he gas station and was taking down theolicense number 0f the car, when the accused got out ot' his car leeaving the do' open, (he Court was toil, lie carne over to the vlitm's van and asked, 'lwould you like your face re ura uge "lie thon said go tieuii take (he license iiiiîberand you can't do aulyt lin g a uyway. Mr-, lrown failied(] oappear lui Court m, ouNVeinber ':1 but <11<1 lippe111' just bct'ore the in Oshawa Th'ie office, locateci in tige Arts Itesource Centre, 50 Centre Street Oshawa, wilI hocomne the home base of Tim Uuksulainen, (ho newly appointed community development worker for the area. Mr. Uuksulainen is a soclo- logy gradua te of York University and has been involved with the physically disabled as a counseIlor at the Ontario March of Dimes camps for the past few years. As a community develop- ment worker his primary responsibility will be one of a resource person (o the various groups and individ uals that are concerned with the issues affecting the physically disabled; issues such as the need for better housing, transportation, accessibility and empl6y- ment. Mr. Uuksulainen will also encourage the develop- ment of sport and recreation clubs in (ho area. The Oshawa office will serve the areas of Durham, York & Pool, and is open (o anyone wishing to become involved in programs or for information concerning (ho physically handicapped and the Ontario March of Dîmeos. Mr. Uuksulainen can bo reached at tho office by phoni*ng 571-1489. ocal accident case Court adjourned for the day. Mr. Brown told the Court that ho had set the alarm dlock but the alarm failed to go off. When ho woke up ho (00k a cab to the Court immediately. Mr. Brown waq n-ri probation at (ho ime (OIt' offences wcre commitoti. lie said ho did not realize (hlit wvas a womnan driving the van. fle hough it was a mail; o(horwise ho would not have spoke in the mnanner ho did. West Lynde Park gets newswings New swings will be swirms and slde there. installed in Central and Calais Parks by the West. Two sets of swings, one Lyndo coMmunity large size and the baby set As.Sociation. are to be placed in Central Threo sets of swings, two Park. One set of swings and largo type and one baby the other creative play .swing, as well as (wo sets of equipmrent will be placed in creative Play equipmnent the Lynde Creek area. have boeen purchased by the More equipment mnay be association. purchased in tho future, says 'I'he cquipment has arrived the West Lynde Cornmunity at the Whitby' Recreation Association. flepartment to await place- The association had ment as Soon as possible, applied for a Wintario grant wcather permittng. ' to assist in the purchase of Orle Set of croativo play the equipmnent, but was eq*(uipme-nt for ages three to turne d down because it said seIven, is destined for the the equipment would be parkette on Calais Street, in given to the town and owned addition o the existing an d- maintained by Whitby. Uneploment decreases* The Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa had a very busy month in November. The placement level remained high with 779 indidivuals being placed in employment which compares to 786 pl'acements during October. The greatest employment opportunities existed in Manufacturing and Retail Trade. The number of clients unemployed and registered for work in the Durham area decreased by 729' from Oc(ober's figure of 10,673 down (o November's total of 9,944. During November, there were 5,897 female and 4,047 maie clients. The majori(y of clients were registered in Material- handling, Product Fabrica- (ing, Assembling and Itepairing, Service, Sales and clorical. Iu Novombor, thero were 35 agreements signod under (lhe Canada Manpower Industrial Training Program. As a resuit, 42 people wîll benefit from both training and employment in the Region of Durham. At (ho end of November, there were 206 students in skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centres and 66 people receiv- ing academnic upgrading at Durham College. The Job Experience Training program which commenced in September 1978 has created a great deal of interest with 53 contracts being signed (o (ho end of November, resulting in 53 youths being placed with local employers. This program is designed (o help young people 16 (o 24 years of age entering the labour market (o obtain employ- ment and experience. The Canada Employment and Immigration Commission wiII provide (o eligible employers a subsidy of 50 per cent of the trainoos' wagcs to a maximum of $1.50 por hiour ovor a peî'iod of up (o 26 wceeks. Candidates for employmcnt wiII bo given pre-ompioyment orientat(ion training (o prepare (hem for (ho demands of (ho cmploy- mont situation, Employers are also eucouraged (o take advan- tage of (ho Eznploymont Tax Credit Program which providos a tax advantage (o omployers who' hire unemployed individuals (o fi newly created jobs. 0F CANADA i O2WNFR OPERATE6' Sas how nce yoIW ça eMM oo ROYAL $159?5 PREMIER $1 89?5 SUPREME $249?-5 AIL PAINT WORK GUARANTEED c .Iiusiou IaIS Or##§ jour damaged car te MACCOand Wil do the rosi. Wii contact.your lbnaanceagancy or bruker. We'II mette sur@ en adlustor tses yeur car. Wa'II do quoiliy work ià (etomeo.aI rkofed gie Yeu oi ei C@. FREE IN8URANCE ESTIMTES e j.>' 579-4000 _ 710 WILSON RD. S. C MA, OSHAWA, ONT. - WETOI4 SSOP NOUS mon u o. 8 s6 O,,,.sil aUOm - v,.~N b (~ka mJ~i hd w w March of Dimes, opens MADE TO ORDER RUBIER STAMPS Business, Letterheads, Custom and Personal, Etc, Etc. Reasonabie Prices 1 Day Service Possible Many Type Faces.Aveilable To Make A Prof essional Stamp For You T.P. 1Dis.triebut'ing 725-2138 ANYTIME p E ra ",,m 1 Affla b 1 b r iqqinkiqlmpr N&.V-