PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3,, 1979, WHITfY FREE PRESS Bus trip, films, stress lecture offered by seniors' centre There are plenty of events ini January for Whitby's senior citizens at the Seniors' Activity Centre at Brock and Pitt Streets. Jan. 5 at 8 pn. Dr. Gary I Adains wili be înaking his second appearance at the centre to deliver a lecture on "Attitude and Stress.' An admission fee -of 50 cents will -,nwer the cost of this pro- gramn. Jan. 8 froin 10 a.mî. to noon, registrations' wili be taken at the centre for red seats at the Ice Follies on Jan. 23. Tickets are $5.50 IIANDCRAFTS à SUPPUES YARN SÉNEEDLEPOINT STITCHIERY, WÉAVING & MACdIAME j' WINTER CRAFT CLASSES 1 CROCHET i*NEEDLEPOINT IOFF-LOOM WEAVING SPINNINO & DYING EN QUI1 Sampler ma REGIrER BUSINESS'HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:30 Monday Morning 9:30 - 11:30 Monday Evening 7:00 - 9:00 l' .Starts Januarv 8, 1979 Tuesday Morning 9:30 - 11:30 Tuesday Evening 7:00 - 9:00 Starts January 9, 1979 i nursalay îvornung 9:3 Starts January 11, 1 -Includes frame, saIish, inkie, shai and hoops. Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30 Starts January 9, 19ý Wednesday Evening 7:00. Starts January 10, 1 9 Thursday Evening 7:00 - Starts Januarv il1,1 97ý RE ABOUT CLASSES AND COIL IN L BASI aterials supplied for first lessi ÃURING BUSINESS HOURE ,97 mEHU mZ-7 mmmm mmm uto. P/S P/B vivl rof, efroteI W W/C Lic MYK496I a uta., P/S. P/B, vinyl roof, defroster, Wc W/C Li. MK696 deI 6 WEEKS $1 8.00 6 WEEKS $1 8.00 A WEPK.q u - 1mi:3u » VF-% 1979 «$16.0 ped cardboard 8 WEEKS( 9 :00 $30.00 - includes frame rentai: 79 6 WEE'KS 9:00 $30.00 *OOM WEAVING KETRY on inil classes S BEFORE JAN 8 1979 110 BROCK ST. N.,,WHITBY including the bus, with only 40 tickets available. Jan. 18 froin 2 paxn. to 4 p.m. the monthly birthday party will be held at the centre. Jan. 20 at 7:30 p.m. there will be a "Winter Frolic Danice Party' at the centre, with door prizes, lucky draws and refreshinents. There is no admission charge. jan. 23 at 6 p.în. the bus leaves the centre for the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gardens. Jan. 26 at 7:30 p.n. there will be the Watt Disney feature filxi "The One and Only Genuine Original Farnily Band," a musical coxnedy about the 10- meîmber Bower Faînîly Band, inixing mnusic with politics duirng the Cleveland-Harrison presi- dential caxupaign. Admis- sion is 50 cents and refreshinents will be served. Seniors register now Memnbers of Whitby's Seniors Activity Centre are reîninded that ail new reg- istrations and renewals of cards inay be obtained at-the cenitre every Tuesday, Wed- nesday, and Thursday froin 10 am. to noon and 2 p.In. to 4 p. i . 1The fee is $2 per person and al Whitby residents 55 years or over and retired (or partially eînployed) ar'e eni- couraLup.d tn iil * r LINCOLN MERCURY SALES LiMWfED * 1120 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY 668-5893 *mmmmmmummmmmmmm mmmmmmm -mmmm -