Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1978, p. 5

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Corridor M e Capers Iristmas to eVeryone. Itt ben agood year. A special Christmas greeting to the SafadManagement of the Whitby Free Press. tLecause of tergeneros ity, we are abie to keep you Up to date on the, Cri'drhappenings. The past year has seen some upgrading of the roads in the Crio.Powell Road has been paved to H-unter Street, and,,it îmy understanding that during '79 it will ho compieted. Kendalwood has occasionally had the pothoies reluctantly filled. However, it is in dire need of extensive repair. Maybe we will be forced to stage a Poinsettia Planting Party after the Christmas- festivities. Its a good job sommoe was thoughtful enough to give me mitts for planting flowers in the wintertime. AIl we really want is to drive on Kendalwood Road, not around it. Applewôod Cresoent seerns to be getting excessive traffic as By John'Rbet WHITBY FREE PR of late and its condition is deteriorating rapialy. it >must be a dishca rtening job, repairing roads after the hieavy trucks have ruined thern. SEWERS If sewers are now past your house, be sure to pay the hook-up charge bef ore the f irst of the new year. The $150 can bc paid at the Regional Public Works Department at 105 Consumers Drive in Whitby, or mailed to the Works flepartment P.O. L-Eox 623 Whitby, Ontario, LiN 1C4. If you have any questions telephone the WVorks Vepartment at 668-7721. Hopefully ail wîll ho well, but at this point don'! take any unnecessary chances. CORtRIDOR RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The Corridor Ratepayers Association will hold thieir executive 'meetings on the second Tuesday of each month, commencing January 9, 1979. The January meeting will ho in the Whitby Municipal 1juilding, Committee Roomn 2, a! 8 o'clock sharp. WESTMINSTERI UNITED CIIURCII December 24 - Ghiristnmas Eve Communion - 11 p.mn. SCOUT PAPER DRIVE .The next paper çrivewill be on Saturday, January 13. 1It may seem a long, way. off, but with holidays in 1 the meantime, it will creep upon us before wc know it. Rememiber, the, second Saturday in January, -1 PAPER DRIVE. That's aIl for this w-eek. The busy season doesnt ]cave But I have aiso heard othe down somewhat. There could The economy is down, and pei This means that the customei even with liast year. As well, ti the Oshawa Centre (bite myt though I think that the peri shopping centre shopping just personal shopping in downtom Last week a, questionnaire appeared in this newspaper to do so in the future, there car regardingthe proposed acti-vities of the B3oard of Management. 'to the merchants' associati Along with this, I explained in my column what I believed to be advertising and co-operatior the implications of the Mainstreet programme Lo' the inflation and-extremne compe businesses wîthin theredevelopment area, and. during the ln this last column before, week a newsletter was sent out to ail businesses within this people, to wish the best for th area, again explaining the actions of the Board and giving those who have patronized my compiete Information on the Mainstreet programme. To date, to attempt'to operate a busii I have received one (1) response to the questionnaire. mind. To Mike Burgess andIt 1 repeat, really for the.iast ime, that we want to hear from giving me the opportunity t people whose money we are spending. We' care what you think, colurnn.' 1! hlas been an excel which is the reçison we have been proceeding with extreme views o! the merchants and th' caution.thus far. We con't want a negative response after the to improve the dowintown area fact, such as occurred a feW'years ago against the larger' the clerk's office and the plar redeveiopment budget. We want to get any probiems sorted hias been done could not have1 ou! before they escalate into catastrophe. But if we don't hear help. Bes! wishes to Centre WC froni many people (and the one response 1, had, was positive) I interest.and ability you have s can only assume that we have the option to proceed with the future. -A special thank you to t blessing of the business people. So if you object, le! me know. te those positions I now hold, lil listen. -lut a special best wish Là al To turn to another point, this wîli be the las! column before a great place te live and worl Christmas. Done your Christmas shopping yet? This is the first and working together for the Christmas since I havebeen in town that thère basbeen an yours, sineerest bes! wishes f0i «â~nized promotional effort on behaîf .of the merchants, and ear. ni' wondering bow they are finding their sales this year in compared to las! year, and years previous. ~etLvnde How, in oth er words, Is the Retail Merchants Association' affecting Christmas traffic this yeai? Firs!, le! me explain m y position. 1 hink .that the Association bias been a very positive Aa ce i factor in the returns that I've had this year, because I believe 4 nc i thatoit is bringing more people downtown. Sales are up, the customer counit is up, and, the general attitude among cancelied merchants is very positive. There were a few minor problems, mmndyou, but nothing that wouldn~t occur in any fledgling The West Lynde Social organization. My sincere congratulations to 13ev Watts for the Club New Year's Eve dinner work she's donc on the Christmas promotion,- almost and dance hias been singlehandedly, and the other members of the association cancelled. Caîl 668-2244 for wbo bave made downtown Whit.by a good place to shop. refunds. 'Dep*uty chief KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS :. apointed MWI G The Corporation of the TB N G-- Town of Whitby announces CAL HMNR VanDoleweerd te the position 0f Deputy Fire Chief 4 B1G GAMES I effective December 18, 1978.I Mr.y-fVaneer o ags *EVERY WEDNESDAY Mhr. -fvea oflew e married wîth two children * UP TO $375«0 IN PRIZES and bias been a life long *3fi 1O ~ om resident o! Whitby. 3__ for___4_______W _________ He joined the volunteer section of the Fire I LAST WEEKS WINNERS Department in 1969, became Mrs. P. Baley, Oshawa MAiss C. Mitchell, Oshawa a full Lime memnber in 1971 Miss A. Pudel, Bowmanvitle Mrs. E. McNeil, Oshawa and was promnoted toe Captain * Mrs. R. Masai, Oshawa -. .white, Oshawa in 1975. He hias been in charge of *GA DP U UNR the Fire Prevention GRN RZ MNR Division Plan Examination r.RShdOaw and Junior Fire Departmnent *Ms.RSoyOhw Program over the pas! T.V. Bingo wiII resume on January 3, 1979. I Mer. VanDoleweerd was m RD A AI BL AT President of the Whitby Fire *NGO ARDis-S AVeA LABLE Ah t:y Fighters Association from * aknRbns-SfvyPzaWtiy 19714-1978. Oshawa Meat Producis & Delicatessen He lias been actîvelv - 1818 Dundas St. E., Whitby I involved in the Commrunity, Shortv's Cigar Store - 121 Brock St. N. Whitby- I especially in the Whitby * Shorty and Son Billiards - 130 Dundas St. W., Whitby Mlinor L'asebaîl Association i Bailey Pharmacy - Brock St S., Safeway Centre-. since 1959 and lias held thUuy&icelDu tr -Wib lz positions of Coach, NManager. * Ju»11L'7i OugStre - -&htbyPlZ * Seeretary, Treasurer andi President of that ;51 1 tripoib. b. Whitby QIrns & Mirror 210 Broclç St. S. ier îmerchants say that sales are 1be a number of reasons for this. oôpie arecertainiy spending less., er traffic has to increase Lo stayý the openiîng of the new addition to tongue), hasn't helped. And even nduium' is swinging away from ;a littie bit in favour of the more N'n areas, and wili likely continue ýn'! ho any reasonable alternative on in the 'near future. Group ýn in these days of outrageous etition is the only answer. Christmas I have a number of he holiday ýa nd the new year. To ystore, thank you. I will continue iess with your'best interests in the Free Press, many thanks.for this year- to write this weekly lient- vehicle for expressing the ie attempts we have been making a.,Thank you to the municipality, ni'ng- department. A lot of what been accomplished without your lard councillô r IBarry Evans.' The, ,hown thus far augers well for the, .hose of you who have elected me 1. l do my best. residents of Whitby. Our town is k, and the town is people, iving Sbetterment of al. To you and )r the holiday season and the new USS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, ï1978,,PAGE 5 enoughL ime to prepare lengthy colunn This wiIll h the final edition of the 1978 Corridor Capers. May I wish one and aIl a very Merry Christmas, and a happy and prýsperous New Year. Sec you in '79. M. McEachern 725-'ý9fi7 RESTAURANT &TAVERN C - INEE &Caruadian Food 1 PROUDLY PRESEINTING OUR' 1 I NEWLYEXPANDED SEAFOOD & STEAK HOUSE SPECIALTIESI COME LET US PAMPER YOU LUNCHEON ... DINNR..-COCKTAILS i IN RIETALRAITIO.. WHITBI I AJAXI BROOKUN OSHAWA M DNENM TAKE OUT -~ M CATERING 105-107 BROCK ST. S., WHUTBY> JST SOUTH 0F 4 CORNES I MON-THUR TIL 200 A LICENCED UNDER LLB.O,I WHITBY SPEND, 15 MINUTES WITH US' TOMORROW AND .,FIND OUT WHAT US ,GOING ON UN' DURNAMI NOON, EVENINGS NIGHT RÉPORTS, 129:20, 6 P.M. & il P.M. Weather, Sports and News p B

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