Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1978, p. 2

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PAGE 2 W]EDNESDAY DECEMBER 20. 1978. WHîTITR 1p1lî WQv JVitbiy p-oi ice officer struck b i and run car w hile' assistin In an éfott help others from being injured following a motôr vehicle collision at the intersecti n of Park Lane and Harrnony Road, Oshawa, a Whitby resident * received two broken legs. o tb Kim Trent, 27, of201 White Oaks Court, Whitlby, was on duty with a new officer at an intersection one block north of an earlier motor vehicle accident, where the people were injured. The two-Region of Durham Police Officers were directing traffie away from the confusion that an accident creates when a southbound car barrelled right through the inter- section ignoring ail direc- tions and Constable Trent Winter dance The West Lynde comm- unity Association wilI be holding a "Winter Blooz Dlance" at Heydenshore pavilion Feb. 17 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are avail- able now by calling Annette a t 668-6610, LIeryl a t 668-7104, Margaret ýat 668-9691, Tony at 668-6130, Earl at 668-6047, Lynn at 668-647 or Colin at 668-7655. PRESENTS Diawer a country of sunshine and good Urne, while you enjoyfirst class accomrnodation at the Intercontinental Ocho Rios. One uwkfrorn$359, Ocho ios Jainaica JaMaica is one of the most beauti slands in thie Caribbean, and Ocho Rios is onie Ofthe most pular towns. The Intercontinental 18 a eirt c=s hotel on Mallards Beach, and close to aIl the exciing attractions that make Ocho ioss oplr The Intercontinental OchoRios His a perfect blend of first clas srvice, lots of actiirity in the hotel and cho Rios, and lazy hours soalking up the sunshine on Mallards -D [y DENURETHRP CLINIC 111 DUNDAS ST. W. WHJB 66811464 NIEW BUSIeESS lIN BRtOOKLIN The Brooklin Chiropratic Centre, the first business of its kind in Brooklin, was opened FridaY with an officiaI ribbon cutting by Mayor Jim Gartshore. The centre, which specializes in medical problems of the spine and nervous system, is located at 66 Baldwin Street, and operated by Mary Ann Goldhawk, a 1978 graduate of the CanadianMemorial Chiropractic College at Toronto. Taking part in the ribbon cutting, from left to right, are Miss, Goldhawk's. father Albert, Miss Goldhawk, Mayor Gartshore, and North Ward Councillor Bob Carson.' Miss Goldhawk lias had associate practice with Whitby Chiropracter Greg'MeConneil since hier arriva] ini Whitby from Ridgetown, Ontario. Ties on tracks .con cern police jeopardy by unknown .pranksters. They are not .ont'd from P. 1 looking on the placing of railway ties across railway 'he second derailment tracks as aprank. Itis a ,ured east of Hopkins serious act and can do a eet. There were a number great deal of harm to ives ars tossed about on either and limbs as well as c0f the Canadian Pacifie property. I lway tracks into the Repairs can be made to mp area. The railway damaged property but ]ives ks were ripped up for a-t can not be restored. t haîf a mile between the Inspector -Westbrook and >kins and Thickson Road the Region of Durham Police isngs. There was a great Force want it to be known 1 of, damage but no that they are not looking ries. upon the railway ties across ie Police have every railway tracks as a prank. It t and reason to be is a serious act and "'serious erned when lives and action will be taken,", police oeRPORATION 0F TME TOWN U0F WHITY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to stop up, close and oeil that unopened portion of Gilbert Street as here-, inafter described, namely: - That portion of Gilbert Street'shown on Werden's Plan, west of Brock Street, lyîng between Henry Street and King Street, bounded on the forth by property municipally known as 300 King Street <King Street Public Schooî) and on the south by properties municipally known as 401 Henry Street and 400 King Street, and designated as Parts 1, 2 and 3 on a Plan of Survey depositeci in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham.(No. 40) as Plan 4OR-4729. UNOPENED GLBERT STREET ~wwL . ROAD ALLOWANCE. i1F1F1[imMrII WL SkXLarkaloffers &ai ilasive holidays at theTRELÂWNy BEACH HOTL frout $479, and fint clas holiday At thie SAY ROC HOTEL, from M9. LinTaC RlAI&! AND FURTt4ER TrAKE NOTICE that the Oporations Commn- ittee of the. Counci of the Town of Whitby Mill, at the. hou, cf 7:30 p.-n on the. lSah day of January, 1979 n Conittee IRaom utniber Tvwo cf the. Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Ro.d! East, Whulby, Onariro, hear in porion or by his counsel, solicitor, or agent. oey peron who dlam. u s land will b., prejudicialhy affected by' mach by-law and who Bpplhes, to be #Word. Oated at Whibhy. Ontanïo tuis 22nd day of Now,,*>er, A-[).. 1978. W,,,. H. Wallace, A.M.CT.. C.M.C. Clerk-Adginisraor lThe Corporation, of the Town of Whitby 575 IRossiarid Road East Whby. Ontario E T gcci StrE of cý side Rai swa trac leas HOPI Cros, deal injui Thi righ coîc, prop Last run on @pur line great great grandson 0f James Dryden, Who was given the spike as a souvenir. Also participating in the ceremony was Mrs. Eunice Stocks of 49 North Stree,,t Brooklin, Who is a great grand-daughter of James Holden the ma naging director of the "Nip and Tuck" and first president of its successor, the Whitby, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway. The- Whithy, Port Perry and Lindsay Railway was a major shipping route for grain and lumber to port Whitby in the l9th century, but after the harbor trade died about 1900, it was used to take childrenji» sehool in Wbitby from the back parts of the township of Whitby. After the spike removal, the dignitaries adjourrNed te a reception at the Whitby Arts Station, which althxo in keeping with the railway theme was never used by the 'Nip and Tuck." Work will proceed throughout December ona the reîgval oM the spur iine, the last link vith the histoi raiilway wlKse story v ad in the 641stlal W ltbv»l FROM TUIE lEST SELLER LIST PU4M 135 SIIOCK ST. S. WHITUaY, OUTAR(0 66&-1221 Open Daiy 9. 9 *xcept Saturdoy THE < SOFT' PERM The Ideal Hairstyle for the Holidays GUIDA -S DINGf INSÉITTE 0F BEPWW 6683621 109 SYRON st. S. 6684601 a was knocked down by the car. The car f ted the scene Of the second accident, police said. Constable Trent is in the Oshawa General Hospital resting as comfortably as one can with tWo broken legs. Hie received a double Iracture of the right leg and a single fracture of the lef t leg. He also received scal. p lacerations, police said. lus parents are living in Lindsay. At -the time Constable Trent was struck by the car that left the scene of 'the accident, the officers were directing traff ic. It was ahoùit 7:30 p.m. on Wed- nesday Dec. 13 and one block north of the first accident. There were a' number 0f emergency vehicles at the scene of the earlier accident, police said. There were fire and police vehicles as weIl as an ambulance and the tow trucks on the scene. A person from Peterborough was injured in this accident at Park Lane and Harmony Road. The Region of Durham Police made a search for the hit and run auto. A car was later found on a side street in Oshawa, and the driver of the - car was arrested and charged.1 Police said the man charged with leaving the scene 0f an accident, is Brian Lamoureax, 30, 0f 1106 Eldorado Avenue, Oshawa. Cont9d bom P. .1

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