Whitby Free Press, 20 Dec 1978, p. 26

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PAC~4E 10,WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 20, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS St. John 9s The St. Johtn's Anglican Churcli Congregation at Port Whitby held a pot luck supper Dec. 9 in honor of Rev. R.J. Carder and his family. The Carders are leaving Whitby for a new parish ini January. Rev. Carder, bis wife and farnily received numerous gifts from the mexnbers of the St. John's congregation. Among the many gifts were an oil painting of St. John's Anglican Churcb, a quilt made by the Anglican Church Women, with appliqued churcli blocks scattered through the many embroidered autographs of the ladies who made the quilt. Loth Rev. Carder and Mrs. Carder received a purse and Anglican wa l1et ontaining pioney and the eilîdren eachi received bracelets engraved wlbb their names. Wben Rev. Carder saw te quilb being unfolded lie said. "This 18 the answer to my question. 1 bave asked many Urnes how were te ladies going to selI a quilt like thîs. Now I know it wasn't for sale." At tite conclusion of the hour-lorig gift presentation session Rev. Carder told the, overflow gathering, "you have solved our problem. We don't have to observe Christmas; we have already had it." Members of the Church and Eiders also paid tribute to Rev. Carder. "lb was with mixed emotions" tev received te Church say letter and te news of Rev. Carder's resignation. "His tireless efforts have contri- buted greatly toite growth of the Parisit. After nine and a itaif years witb us he is going to te Erindale Churcit in Mississauga." Rev. Carder recalled some of te highlights of bis years spent ini Whibby. He said titat lie had been ministering in the St. George's Parish Haliburbon witen lie received an invita- tion to corne to St. John's Anglican Churcit, Wbitby on April 10, 1969. He saîd he . knew Jeff Martin from "Camper Days in thte Haliburtons" before coming to Whibby. M ev. Carder then spoke bo the late Olive Goldring and said he "lthouglit of ber as s goodbye being like the Queen Mother. She was so regal." He then expressed pleasure that the Parish stililihas Ady and Bertha Goldring with them. «'In mnany ways St. John's became a bouse churcl," Rev. Carder said. "The members of St. John's Parish opened up their homes for Bible Study" and other church activity meetings, "Tihis isn't going to be the end. We wili be visiting each other from time to Urne," he said, as Rev Carder -on behaif of himseif and famlly issued an invitation to, the Parisit members tb visitý themn in Mississauga. Rev. Carder invited his friends and Parishoners to te Erindale Church for 7 p.m. January 28, 1979 when I PR"E CHRISTMAS SUPER SPECIALSI w 1976 CHEV IMPALA 4 DR* e air conditioning * vinyl roof a radial'tires " remote mirrors &-more " Lic. LFB 885 i$3695. M 1974 AMC NORNET X HATCIIBCK * V-B standard- -* radio " sport mirrors " rustproofed " medium green metallic *A-I condition!, e Lic. NJJ 955 $1750 a 1968 ONTIACPARIEN 2 D. e 327 V-8 automatec *-full power e radio * fully certifled ready to go! * Lic. NKK 111 $675 Ma 1975 COUGAR XR7 a emaculate condition e dark copper metaillo e factory mags a, remnote sports mirrors e spli bench seats a vinyl roof & much more a Lic. JMA 681 w$2750Q 1973 MERCURY 2 DR* *'V-8 automatic a full power e vinyl roof e radio e mqedîum blue metallic e radial tires &, more a Must be *seen! * Lic. FBA 019 $1650 1967 VALUANT 2 DL a 6 cylinder automnatÎc a rad io a excellent gas saving second car e fully certified * Lic. BKY 409 $675 MOTOMS ITWEST, WHITIY to Rev, R. J. Carder lie will ha inducbed lr4o te new cburch and Parisit. As the Pot Luck Supper meeting concluded te friends and memnbers of the St. Johns Parishburst forth witb, "For He is a Joily Good Feilow. " The guest bock was passed around to be signed and the Master of Cerentonies for te very pleasant evening was Rev. Peter Williams of te St. George's Anglican Church Parisit, Oshiawa. Mr. Williamns was formerly a member of te Whibby Church. The Mens' Senior Divis- ional Playdowns for, the district were'iteld at tite Whitby Curling Club on Sunday, December 10 with eleven rinks participating from Unionville, Oshawa Golf, Newmarket,. Port Perry, Uxbridge, Whitby, Sutton, Oshawa Curling - two rinks, Richtmond Hili and Annandale.",1 Thte Winner of the play- dow ns was Bill LeGros rink frorn Whitbv witere Jim McCielland was vice, Don Sutton, second and Vie Ames, lead. Runner up was a rink front Sutton with George Holburn, skip; Gerry Pollock, vice; Lou Andrews, second and Keitit Dunn, lead.' Tite winners will compete at tite Granite Club on January 6 and 7 in the Interdivisional Playdowns whicb lead to the Provin- cials witich will be iteld in Barrie. Noticeof Pu blic Hearing Ottawa, December 11, 1978 ISSUE NO. 1 PETERBOROUGH, ONTARIO FEBRUARY 28, 1979, 9:00 A-M.' - The Canadiari Radie-television and Telecommunrcations Commission wilI hold a Public Hearlng beginning February 28, 1979 at the Holiday Inn, 150 George Street, Peterborough, Ontario to corisider the folloWing. ONTARIO REGION CanadiaiP Cablesystemns ~on business under tte name of PINE RIlDGE CABLE TV, 1353 KiniStreet East, Oshawa, Ontario. LIt-t 1M4 Oshawa, Bowmanvillie, Whitby, Ontario and surrounding area (781981600) Application for authority f0 change tihe subscriber fees from those presently authorized by the Commission for Os hawa, Bowmanville and Whittby, Ontario and surrouncfing area as f ollows* Fees Present MAaximum 'Fees Proposed Maximum Fees I e I e I e I s15.00 56.00 $W.00 56,50 The aboVe are maximum indivictual fees. The applicant proposes special fees which are detailed in the application. Location where the application may be examifled: 1353 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. GENERAL INFORMATION Flow Io Infervene Anyone wishing to comment on an application must submnif a writtefi intervention wtiich should contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grouncls upon which fthe intervener's support for, opposition f0, or proposed modification of, thle application is based. If should also stafe whether or nof the inter vener wishes to appear at file hearing. D>eadline for receipt of interventions althfie Commission and wvifh the Applicant: January 17, 1979 To De sent by registereci mail or personal dlelvery f0 Applicant aria CRTC Ottawa, Ontarno IIA 0N2 with proof of service. interventions must be actuailly received on thle pcfedtno merely posted on this date- Examninateon WoAppicatéons and Docurents At tocal address givein in thïs notice and al fMe Commission, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Promnenade dtu Portage, Room 561, Huit. Quebec. Ruies of Procecture Furttier ;nfortration is ouflîned iTtn Rukes of Proceclure avaitabge for thle sum of 35 cents fro-; TYe Ptbirshkra Centre, Prtntingo Centre, Printing and Pbi*inDeparmert Of Supply andi Services. 770 Albertf Street. Ottawa, Ontfario. lnformnation. 'Wrtte te CRTC or p'oe8V; 997 1071 or 99713n J GPafeftaude, CRTC Put; < OtýccWÎ78 182 Cvtadal Raio-b6ei xConsel dela -nafe - dewMS I , à n- Whiýtb 0yrik wn men9's playdowns i I I I I 4 fi I I I I I I I I i I Installation Tee Monftly tee ý

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