Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 22

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PAGE'22, WP1XDFSDAYDECEN4BER 6,1978, WHMtY FREEFPRESS I Report from Queen's Park By George Ashe MPP De THAPAR Denture Therapist 214 Dundqs St. E., W;îitby 668-7797 w _. Last month Environment Minister Harry Parrott presented a seven point programn for the disposai of industrial waste to a sixteen member committee representing ail parties of the Legisiature. The Ministry's rote has aiways been to ensure that the disposai of liquid waste posed no threat to health or to the eivrniment. andlta nrov- i iIieadrshin andI encoiugment to A ICK ST. Se# WHITI &171 368-0663 4 BEDRO OM COmFORTrABLE HOME,- $55,000 - This home has'Main Floor Laundry Room with a large 1 car garage and paved Drive in a nice residential a rea close to schools Calil Herb Visser at 668-5718'or 668-6171. WH ITBY BEST BUY -$58,900 - This sparkling 3 bedroom Brick Bungalow is, close to school and shopping erea. 1It has Cushion Flooring in the Hollywood Kitchen, 2 Baths, Living Room, 401 Dream Rec. Room with Wet Bar and Spanish Decor, and carport. See 1? soon with- Merv Parchment 668-6171 or, 579-0569. DURHAM WHITBV - $69,900 - The house Is vacant and ready for occupancy. A large $49,000 f irst mortgage at il percent and viendor wiIl take back a second with,10 percent deposit. Make your offer througjh Garrett Dowker for this 4 bedroomn home wlth 1 m/2 baths, FanTilY Room wth fireplace. SAVE THOVSANDS! PhoneGart Dowker 668-6171 or 668-0063. WHIT BY INVESTMENT - Brick Duplex - Two 3 bedroomn apartments, fridge and stove, full hlgh dry basement luit reduced to $69,500. To inspect cati Marlene Kerr 668-6171 or 666-1750. REYNOLDS STREET WHITBY -5$56,900 -3 Bediroomn two storey twln home, attached garage, Dining Roomn, Two baths, Broodloom throughout, for cetails caîl John Johnstori 668-6171 or 728-6023. DREAM DECOR - $411,900 - North Whitby 2 Bedroomn Home, Large squa re Living Room with Sliding Doors, 9x1 Master Bedroom with walkout, Modemn Stucco Decora- ting, Kitchen has oak Wainscotting, A solid 15 year old homwith a new roof, and fenced yard. See this with Marcia Kozaroff at 668-6171 or 655-4239. -WHITSY BRICK BUNGALOW - $47,90 - This 2 Bedroom I-buse wlth a th irdt bedroom n nfte walkout basement must be sold. b? has a large Living Room with Artificlal Fîreplace, newly decorated kitchen, upgraded broaclîoomn over Hardwood Floors. Ail on a 159' lot. See If wlth Merv Parchment 668-6171 or 579-0569. VENOOR TRANSFERRED - 56,900 -Selling below cost is this 3 Bedroomn Home with separate Dlning Room overlooklng a large Living Roomi with walkout, 1 >1/2 battis, walk-ln closets, vast kitchen, attached garage and fireplace in unspoiîed basernent. See it today with Merv Parchment, 668-6171 or 579-0569. OSHAWA 56668 - $43,900 - Lovely Galley Kitchen with dlshwasher lncluded, Dlnîng Room wlth walkout to patio, 3 good sized bedroom and a full basemeflt. Try $2,»0 down. Cati Garrett Dowker 668-0063 or 668-6171. FOR LEASE OR SALE - 5495.00 Montly or $69,900. This beautifully kept ralsed bungalow is luit right for you. Good sizee t in kitchen wlfti waîkout to gigantic cedar deck, skyl6gfmt ln front entrance, finished Famlily Roomn wlth brick f ireplace. Several iaquinies to date. $0 please act now. Cal Garrett Dowker 668-006 or 668-6171. HOU RS .Mon. - Sat. & Eveninus By Appointmeflt Only REGIONAL MUNICI PALITY 0F DURHAM APPLICATION TO AMEND THE OFFICIAL PLAN, FOR THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F EAST WHITBY: NEIGHBOURHOODS 2 AND 50OF EASTDALE COMMUNITY' NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Planning Lommittee of t he Regional Municlpality of Durham will consider an application to amend the Off iciaI Plan for the former Planning Area of the Township of East Whitby a? a meeting to be held on December 12, 1978 lat 10:00 a.m. in the Boardroom, Regional Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. Subsequently, the recomrnendation 0f the Planning Committee wilI be considered by Regional Council a? a meeting to be held on December 20, 1978 a? 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chiambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605'Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of the amnendment application ii to provide guidelines in the form of detailed land use designations and poicies for the future developmnent of Neighbourhoods 2 and 5 of Eastdale Community. This area consisti of approxlmately 665 acres, and is de? ined by the Former Lake Iroquois Shoreline te the north, Townline Road to the East, the Former City of Oshawa limit to the south, and by Harmony Roaid and the east boundary of the approved Celsius subdivision to the west. The document related to the amendment application is available for inspection, comimencing December 7, 1978, In thé Regional Planning Department, 105 Consumers Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Information regarding the amendment application may be obtained by calling Mr. L. Kotieff. Regional Planning Department, (416) 668-7731. Requeits to appear before the Planning Committee as a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwarded to Mr. Wm. F.H-. McAdams, Commrissioner, Regional Planning Departmeat, 105 Consumns Drive, Whitby. Ontarlo,,and must Ibc received 48 hours prior to the Planning Committee meeting. Requesti to appear before Reglonal Council as a deputation concerning the amendment application must be forwanded to the Reglonal Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building. 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, and must be neceived 48 houri prior to the Regional Council meeting. Regiorbal1 Regional Cierk Dr. J. O. Ruddy Generai Hospital, :,Whitby o 'n Saturday, December 2, 1978. -Mrs. Pashier was 'prede- ceased by lier liusband William, lier sisters Myrtie (Mrs. Geo. Sheffield, Craig- hurst), Alice (Mrs. Perce Tliompson, Barrie) and a son Ross. She is survived by sisters Irene (Mrs. William Straclian, Beeton), Lavilla (Mrs. Ken Wilson, Toronto), Lorna <Mrs. Kirby, Thunder B3ay), Goldie (Mrs. Martin, Barrie), Evelyn (Mrs. Jardine, Thunder Bay), brothers Elbridge. of Elmvale and Anderson of Murillo. Deeply missed by lier son William and lis wife B3arbara of Markhamn, daughter Dorothy (Mrs. Sanderson 0f Whitby) and son Murray of Whitby, granddaughters, Nancy (Mrs. Bruce Cosburn, Markliam), Diana Pashier, Markham, grandsons Mark and Jeff Sanderson of Whitby and by many loving and greatly loved nieces and nepliews and friends. A service for family and friends were held at St. James The Less Chapel, Parliament St. Toronto, Tuesday December 5. Funeral Cliapel, Whitby. ETIHEL MeBAIN On Wednesday. Nov. 29, 1ei$, at the Extendicare Nursîing Home. Peter- borouglh. in hler 87t1 year, Ethelt Margaret Mcl3ain, beloved wife of the late Wllîim Mdllain, dear miothier of Helen (Mrs. R. G ibson) of Peterborough, loving grandmother of Philip of Nicole and Stephanie Gîbson and Chandra McCann. Rested at the Carson Funeral Home andi Chapel, llrooklln. Inteenet Groveslde» Cenetery. thé deveioprnent of waste disposai technoiogy. The time lias now corne to re-exarnine the Ministry's role in keeping a delicate balance of reguiat.ion and assistance between government and the private sector. The program as outiined by the Ministe2r includes the foilowing: Developrnent of a plan to establish need, timiing, location and provincial involvement in waste treatment faciiities; Guidelines for industry which cal] for an end to direct landfiliing of certain liquid wastes and the disposai of wastes requiring speciai handiing in perpetuai care sites; A review of interim storage needs *an~d the possible deveiopment of secure storage sites by government; ClaIssification of wastes in termns of treatment and disposai requirements; Long-term- ýregulations specifying disposai methods for various classes of waste, mandatory registration of wastes by producers, and establishment of a fund to provide perpetual care 'of special disposai sites;, Continued streamlining of the newiy-automated ministry waybili systern which tracks wastes from-producer to deposit; Continuing discussion with federai, provincial and thé U.S. governments to ensure free movement of wastes across provincial and' national boundaries to safe disposai faci lities. In presenting.this prograni Mr. Parrott aiso pointed out that it was flexible and that he welcomed any input from the Commiittee' mem bers or fËrm the' industry itself. He also stated, however, that any Initiative by government, must be consisten t with two overriding concerus. One, is that the government would not relax any of its enviro nment require- ments'to'permit u«acceptable waste disposai operations. And two, the Ministry would not commit taxpayer's money to long term operation of expensive facilities'. Furtiier, the Ministry wouid onlyconsider getting into the waste disposai business as an operator if it becomesobvious that private enterprise won't or can't do the job. I believe, however, that the Ministry can work with the private sector to meet the industriai waste disposai needs, Horticultural society eleets its 1979 offieers The Festive Season made i ,urgess and Fred' J aw. its debut on Noveraber 22, Virectors-: 1 year 1979 - when the Brooklii Horticul- Joan Brak, Ken pBrown, turai Society held its Annuai Wiilie Nesbitt, Margaret Pot Luck Supper, to which Powell and Margaret Da vis. the lades of the club contri- 2 year, 1979-80 - Margaret buted some varied and eah Mry H sgo succulent dishes. Audrey* Young, Ann The tables were tastefully i-eauclerc and Anne Ba)lan- decorated with centrepieces tine., The new Executive of evergree>n, gl *azed appies appointed Valerie' Hundert and candles, also, created by as secretary adMrae the ladies aiong with two Davis as an as rgare fl1oweýr arra ngements Miss Gillon then bade a donated by Doris Mariow farewelî to the B1,rooklin and ail of which were given Society for as of next June, it as door'prizes. will be included in -the new Following the dinner, the District 17. yearly awards were made _____________ with the first prize for highest number of points gongtoDootyi.rerwh EATHSM also received first prize forM the highest number of points DAVID MARLOW in yegetab.les. NC K .Second prize was awarded IA C C to Alice Dodds and third to At the home ofhi grand- Audrey Young. parents, 62 Thickson Rd. N., The Rose Eowl trophy was Whitby, on Friday, Dec. 1, presented to Ken Brown as 1978, David Marlow Hancock the new est membe r withý the in his 6th year, beloved son of highest number of points. latka Abersek and Wayne D.. Paul Hundert received,\the Hancock, dear brother of Memberships Award. Marg Lisa,- grandson of Mr. and Davis then presented a gift Mrs. Marlow Hancock, on behaif of the" society, to Oshawa, and Mrs. John Fern Munns who had served Couch, Hamilton. Rested at as Treasurer for the past six the Mclntosh-Anderson years. Funeral Home, Funerai Viola Gillion, flirector of 'mass in St. Marys 0f the District 5 of the Ontario People Roman Catholic Horticultural Association, Church on Monday, Dec. 4. then conducjed the annual Interment Resurrection election of Officers. Cemetery. Donations to the The new slate reads as Canadian Cancer Society follows: Past President, wili be gratefully acknow- Margaret Davis; President, iedged. John Jefferies; lst Vice- MARTHA LOUISE President, Grace Coe; 2nd Vice-President, Carolyn 1'ASHLER Stevens; Auditors, Bill i fiptl, in, her sc1pcwin nt a

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