Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 20

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.WTrMFREES Free Press Emporu CaII6681,611Il Emporium AdswiII only be'accepted subject ta the following Conditios r -UTOFOR SAL-E 1974 VEGA HATCHBACIC automatlc, radio. A-1 condition asking $1200., Phone 668-0776, Dec. 6, 78 1973 GRAN TORINO, new tires, radio, P/B, 302 motor. Asking $1995. Phone 668-0744 or 668-8623. Oct. 18, 78 72 AUSTIN MARINA, body needs a little work,,$125. AIl'so, 68 Austin 1800 Series 2, body In: '44 good condition, $125. Phone 579-4880. Oct; 25, 78 1971 VOLVO, 144S, Standard, good condition, asking $1075. Phone 668-7163. Nov. 15, 78 71 PINTO, in runnlng condi - tion, uncertified, $200 or best offer. Phone 668-0723. Nov. 15, 78 1970 FORD CUelTom, $500 or best offer. Phone 579-6144. Nov. 29, 78 1970 FORD, 800, 361 'V8, 5 speed, with power take off. 18, aîuminum van body, good condition. Asking $2500. Phone 655-4107. Oct. 18, 78 67 DODGE 3/4 Ton Truck, good 318 motor, good box, new 750-161 snows, homemade ha nd wintch, cab rusteci away asis, 535)0 or best offer. Phone 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 69 4 CYL. ENVOY EPIC. in goo0d condition. AS iS $400. Phone 668-8090 ask for Allie. Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Engine in go0d condition, body solid, $300. Phone 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 70 C HEV B EL AI1R, good cond i- tion., Must seli, $895. Phone' 655-3583. Sept. 20, 78 AUTO PARTSj SNOWTIRES, 78 x 14"1, $20 for the pair. Phone 668-0268. Nov. 29, 78 GR7B.14 SNOWTIRES - Atlas Mark V Steel RadiaIs. Useci 1 season. Rims includeci, $75. Phone 668-1815. Nov. 29,78 3-500 GALLON SKID TANKS. Use for gas, 011 or water. A.1 condition, $100 each. Phone 6554107. Oct. 18, 78 1 VOLKSWAGEN gas heater complotc, $25. Phone 655-3670. Oct. 25, 78 1 STEEL BELTED RADIAL TIRE, size GR78-15". brand new, $5. Phone 723-5473. Nov. 29, 78 iplet, go I miles, $200. Nov. 29, 78 i 1, I Nov. 29, 78 ËECEAONA 16', SCAMPER TRAIILER. Fricige, stove, furnace, toilet. Good conditi <on, $2500. Phone 668-0676. -NOV. 8, 78 STUDENT, MUST SELL 1978, 750 Yamaha Regular.OnIy 5000 kilometers. AÀsking $2400 or best offer. Phone 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 1977 YAMAHA YZ8OD. Excellent condition, $500 f irm. Must self. Phone 668-2203. Nov. 15, 78 1973 SUZUKI TM125 Moto- cross, Girling shocks, excellent condition, $450. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 1972 KAWASAK8, 100 cc Enduro. Excellent condition, $300. Phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 16' ALL STEEL Boait, $400, 18 h.p. motor, $200. For sale. Phone 655 3879. Auq. 16. 78 31 FOOT GLIENDETTE House Traiter- 2 bedroom. Asking 5M0.00. Phone 655-3745 af fer 6 P. M. Nov. 22, 78 1975 HONDA XL 75 Oirtbike. Excellent condition. Portable gas tank included. $400 f irm. Phone 728-3158. PLIASE REAU When the advertisecl Item. is'soîd, disposed of, or unavailable for wha tever roason, the item wiII be deemed te have been soîd and a commission wilI be charged basedl on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardless If price is stated wih "best offer"l. If the itemf is*NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the adi wiII be run for 3 MONTHS and aMINIMUM CHAgE 0f $3.00 wiII appîy. 'Ali advertlsements must be pîaced on an exclusive basis wlth the WHITBY FREEý PRESS athd run a? Ieast one month If not sold. RATES [if article lis sold]: 5% of advertised price up to $400.00 2% of balance over t400.OO - EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $120.00 commfission due $6.00 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising, only 1 Please notif y us if you f ind a retailer listed 18s'a private advertiseir. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately whè item is soîd so that we mnay delete it f rom the following issues. Ali ads net f itting the Er,-np%,rium guidelines will be treated anci charged'per week ýas regular classified ads on a pre pald .basis such as: services, heîp wantedl, clothing, real estate, and personal mlessage type ads, or ads not quotlng price-or quantity: Private classifieci ads may appear ln the Emporium section under appropriate headings. SUMM.ER TI RÉS& j SNOWTIRES, $10. Summner I695xl4", G78x15l", C78x14l. Snowtires - F78x14", E78x14", Ilke new. Trailer wheel & tire, 4 bolîts, 400x8"l. Truck type 4-way wheeî wrench, '$15. Phone 668-3495 or appîyat 711 Burns St. W., Whltby. N ov. 8, 78 2-F78-1S" SNOWTIR'ES o n Ford rims. Good condition, $30. Phone 655-3890. Oct. 18, 78 4 VW SUMMER TIRES on, rimns, less than 600 miles, cost $110, sale for $75. Phone 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 -APAN PORTABLE KENMORE dishwasher, white, 1 year oîd, 1225. 1.black & white T.V., good condition, $45. Phone 668-2806. Oct. 11, 78 1, SIMPLICITY SPIN-DRY washing machine, $155. 1 G.S.W. portable dryer, $155. Both In "excellent condition. Ask ing $250 for the pa Ir. Phone 654610. Oct. '18, 78 WESTINGHOUSE, WASHING MACHINE, excellent condition, $200. Phone 623-5715. Nov. 15, 78 1> DIXIE, 4 burner ki tchen stove, white, very good cond., asking $30. 1 Easy' Brand Eîectric Ironlng Board, $30. Phone 683-7538. OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., Whitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVICUS TOPUBLICATION AT NOON. A'78-13" SNOWTIRES and rims, $20. 668-5791 Nov. 8, 78 1967 VAMAHA MOTORCYCLE 250 cc, 2 stroke, $175 f irm. 2, 12" snowtires with rirns, $30 for pIair. Phone 987-5439. Oct. 11, 78 MUSICAL GI I ',(H CNET AKN hol>low body guitéar.with hard ý Il case and 'Fender vibro- vrrb amip wsth cover, $750. Phone 668 2105. Oct. 18, 78 1 SET 0F PEARL DRUMS, mint condition.-Includes snare, bass, f loor tom tom, high tom tom, 14"1 cîapping symboîs, 16"1 sizzîer& stool. $400. Phone 668-9022. Nov. 15, 78 i MBCElANEOUS I MEN'S REMINGTON MARK li RAZOR, like new, $20. Men's Samnsonite Leather Briefcase, excellent condition, $25. Torcan Interior Car Warmer with timer, $20. Phone 668-9880. Nov. 15, 78 S PIECE CHESTERFIELD SET, with removeable bar andi tables. $250. Phone 668-0920. Oct. 4, 78 DURA FLAME FIRELOGS, Family brand. Burns four hours. Six logs per case, $4.50 per case. Phone 579-6786. NOV. 15, 78 CRIS. $25, infant snowsluit, $7, ToI Ion waffîomaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna, $10, Swin a matic Baby Swing, $15, freostandinq jîîy jumpor, $7, doubîosîid bodsproad & mnatching drapes, $20, colîaps. able waîker, s5, coliapsable stroîler, S8, Little Mac Hamn burger niaker, $10, expanding circular fence, $10, high chair, f olds te table & chair, $25. Ail gooci condition. Phone 668 8780_ O t. ,78 1' SET 0F COLLIER'S Encyclopedia's, includes set of Chiîdren's books, $350., 1 dark Spanish coffee table, plus 2 matchlng end tables, excellent condition, '$150. Phone 728-2449. Nov. 8, 78 2 END TABLES, 1 coffee table, $65. Phone 668-2806. Oct. 18, 78 WHITE SOLID PINE Hutch, $650. Dinette set (solld maple) with four chairs, $200. Phone 668-3926 af fer 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4, 78 GIRLS H IGHRISE bicycle, $25. Phone 668-1063. Sept. 20, 78 GESTETNOR,' electric. Good condition. Autorrtic or single £copy. Asking $100o. Phone 668-3167. Dec. 6, 78 1 Starr.ett master vernier caliper 12" with case, $80, 1 universal precision gauge, $50), 1 Starrett depth gauge, 0-9 inch, $35, 1 Starrett outside micro- meter, 0-1 ince, $35, multi anvi'l micrometer caliper, 0-1 ince, $20. AIl new, best off er. Phone 668 -2656. Oct. 11, 78 HAND-TOOLED R EA L LEATHER PURSE. Adiust- able shoulder strap. Neyer been used. Ideal for Christmas gift, $50 Phone 668-8623. Nov. 15, 78 8" INSULATED CHIMNEY 2-18" and 1-30" Sections. Double waIl with Stainless Steel inner pipe, $25. 4,GallOns Of Meores Red Barn paint, $5.00 per gallon. phone 655-4107. Nov. 15, 78 GIRLS 201, BICYCLE, $15. Phone 655 4349. Nov. 29, 78 09 UNIT FREIGHT TRAIN, 36 foot track and 2 trans- formers, plus some access- ories. Asking $35. Portable record player, $20. Phone 655-3516. Nov. 15, 78 LEATHER BARit n exceller condition, $175. Single dresse with mirror, $35. Drapes 84xl1 gold thermiolguard foar backing, $25. Phone 579-460 af ter 5 p,.m. Sept. 20,7 1 WHOLEHOUSE PORTABLI HUMIDIFER, Woodgral cabinet,.$35. Phone 668-1041. Oct. 25,7 ELECTRIC WATER HEATEF 110 Foîci, $25, twin bed spreac and drapes, $25,- single bet complete 2411, $25 electri( range, $35, vanity bench, $3 -black andi White T.V., $10,' table Iamps, $25. Phone 655-8000. Oct. 40 78 GENDRON POOL tabi *complete with pool & snooke baîls, cues-& rack, 2 yrs old $325 or best offer. Antiqui dining room set, round table, chairs & buffet, $500. PhonE Sept. 20, 78 STROLLER, good condition $20. Carniage, $20. Tricycle ii excellent shape, $15. Traininç wheeîs, $3. Big Cat, $15. Sho( FIy Rocker, $5. Coîlapsibl( Waîker, $3. Phone 668-3771. Nov. 15, 71 £-CONTINENTAL BEDS, 39'ý wide, like' new, $125' each, Phone 668-9009. Nov. 15, 78 SLIM ROW ROWIN<. EXERCISER,almostnew, $25 Phone 668-0268. Nov. 29, 78 1 STOVE, presently seîling for $325, asking $200, 24" white stove, 6 mths. oîd, removeable door, contin. dlean oven, 2 coats - 1 blue with white fur trim, very gooci cond. size 10, $15, 1 imitation fur with brown leather trim, size 12, practic- alIy new, $25. Phone 655-3814. Oct. 18, 78 DINING ROOM SUITE WITH BUFFFET AND HUTCH, $350. 60" bathroom vanity cornplete with marbelizeci arborite top and oval sink, $150. R.C.A. Console Stereo with Garraci Turntable and AMA/FM Stereo Radio, $225. Phone, 655-3661. NJov. 22, 78 TYCO NITE -GLOW RACING SET, in very good shape, large amount of track, 5 cars, 2 power packs, etc., $60. Phone 655-3773. Nov. 22, 78 1 ROCKING CHAIR over 100 years olcI, $150. 1 lounge chair in goici, $40. 1 smail primitive oak table approx. 24 x 24, $40. 1 Butternut Captain's Cahir, olci, $55. Phone 668-0881 after 4:30 p.m. Nov. 29, 78 ANTIQUE SECRETARY. Excellent condition, solid walnut, 6' taîl by 22 wide. Book- case with 3 shelves & carved glass doors, drop leaf desk with 3drawers underneath. 80 years old, $550 or best offer. Phore 668 M&36 Oct 11, 78 FOR SALE - inside looi-s, Stîze 22"xB0" and 24"x80"*. One door wvith door jams, other - door Only, $10 each. 1 Humidifier, like new, $50. Chrome T.V. table, 24" wi<le, $5. Stamp accumulation, Canada, U.S.A. & Europe, $100 or best offer. Phone 6M8 3495. Oct. 2.5, 78 ?nt ier 150 78 -E in 78 ýR c 3i 2 ie r8 le er 1, e 5 ie in Ig o ýe 18 Li b 1il SELKIRK TYPE fireplace, hardîy used, A-i condition. Asking $110. Phone 655-4995. Sept. 27, 78 1 PORTABLE BLACK< .WHITE T.V., $45. Adlusto- matic Dress Forrmof wlre& cloth, $15. Phone 655-3772. Nov. 29, 78 MORNING DOVE - 3 varieties. Asking $5 each or best offer., Phone 668-4349. Nov. 29, 78 SINGLE SEO, $35, X-Minister carpeting, 40lx27", $40. Ceiling tiles & T-Bars, $20, enough for $60, square foot area. Viking heavy duty f Ioor polisher, $6. New lounge exerciser, $30. Room divider, $20. Phone 666-1847. Oct. 4, 78 DELUXE ACORN F-IRE. PLACE, burnt orange, brass trlm onfront, black, pole screen, cernent hearth, mint condition. SelIlng to remoctel, $250. Phone 668-4096. Oct. 25, 7i 1 BLACK & WHITE WESTING. HOUSE 'TV & record player, reconditioneci, $60. Headboarl for single bed, white plastic, aîmost new, $10. Phone 668.'1145. Nov. 22, 78' ANTIQUE DEACON BENCH,-, pine, 5 1/2" long, $75. Phone 723-8771. Nov. 29, 78 2 Carter commercial heaters,' Practicaîly new, 480 watts, 240,, volts, $75 for both. Phone 668-579 1. Nov. 8, 78, 2 PRS. 0F GIRLS SKATES, sizes 1&2, $3 each. 1 pr. of girls skates, size 3, $6. 2 pr. of ski boots, ladies 81/2, mens 10, $10. 1 pair metal skis & poles, $10, baby curtains, 74"lx53"1, $,5, Pink sheers, 86"ix451", $5, goîd & brown, 88"lx4l", $7, snoopy bedspread, single, $7, 2 white scatter mats, 341lx56", $10 each, . 50l"x8", new, beige shag carpet, approx. 8'x4', $15. Phone 66.1921. Nov. 1, 78 INFLATION Inflation rates are gradually )eingý reduced. Professor Lawrence R. Klein e t t h e W h r t cn ; . h o o 1 30 ENGINE, cern condition, 40,000 r Phone 655-3006. if in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO;-ý FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box .206, Whitby, LiN,5$1

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