Whitby Free Press, 6 Dec 1978, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WINESAY, DECEMBER 6,1978, WHITBFREEF, FSS 65-year-old maàn. A 65 year-old Whitby resi- dent was fined $300, placed on 12 months probation and ordered by -the Court to do 50 hours o! Community service on the charge of assaulting a 15 year old news delivery boy. Provincial Court Judge Norman Edniondson told Bruce Campbell 65 of 209 Craydon Road that he is to do not less than 10 hours per month 0f ,Community Service until he lias completed the stipulated 50 hours of service." His Honor warned Mr. Campbell if lie breached the probation lie could be fined, jailed ýor both fined and jailed. Mr. Campbell pleadedguilty to the assault B On SeptemÎber 6 John a 15 year-old. newspaper carrier of 1015 Hutehison Street, Whitby was delivering bis newspapers in the area of 209 Craydon, Road when the accused "Ibegan yelling obscenities and racial remarks," Crown Attorney Ted Howell told the Court. The youth had been deliv- erinig papers at one time "to the Campbell residence. Mr. Campbell told the youth lie did flot want the youth on lis property. At the time of the incident the paper, delivery boy was on the opposite side of the street when the accused, Mr. 'Campbell, began, yelling at the newsboy., The youth crossed the street to wliere Mr. f ined $30 Campbell was and during the ensuing moments the- youth who was the butt of obscene language and racial remarks replieçi to Mr. Campbell saying that .he "would go where he wanted to go" and that he "Iwa~s on the sidewalk." Mr. Campbell "then spit in the face of the youth and shoved him." Crown Attorney Howell said. The Court was told that Mr.' Campbell admitted spitting at the youth and shoving him but he denied hitting the youth. The accused iclaimed that lie didn't "figure Pakis-~ tanis should be in this Country. 1 don't want a Pakistani on. my property. 1 don't want them in my lane- way. I can't s'tand them, " He claimed that the boy called ANOTH ER BUY AT WHOLESALE. PRICESý KAIERS84%oo. fOor, hini <'old Baste "You can'tt tudes," Crow Howell said as h that "racial prg riglit and no society at, orejudîces give. sive raciali becomes a crun as well as rý repugnance of si is no reason ti spitting in some is repugnanta and an offensiv The defense that Mr. Campe] about eight bcause of iii gets excited at t blood pressure loses contact w 'Mr. Campbell h; old son. "In regards prejudicial vi Courts of this Ji and do not to violence or viol type," Provin Judge Edmondsi passed judgeme "Apart fron inspired assaull ,have been deait Courts with a jail least. The court1 with such seethit and the giving sentence to de shallowness shoi with this type ol Provinc 'ial i Edm ondson racially inspired ard.'- Campbell that lie undoubt- c( legisiate atti- edly represented a small vn Attorney segment of the community if he pointed out but bie dîd not represent the 41 ejudice has no majority of the Community.' ai place in our llus Honor was passing gi' ail. When sentence in a strong enough Y( riet> ofn form as possible considering , remarks it Mr. Campbells age and t minal offence health "in an effort to deter' r *eceiving the Mr. Campbell and "lother Y ociety. There like minded bigotted", char- 41 hat warrants acters froni sucli actions. Ji eone's face. nt "It is to be known that sucli c and însuîting actions are disgus'ting in ve action.' abhorcnt and properly Ci pointed out dcnounced. Spitting is ,,l] had retired disgusting; while the youth's years ago reaction is- human and health. "He understandable," he saîd. imes and his P'uring the Jengthy lecture goes up. He Provincial Court Judge vith reality." Edmondson stated that asa 13-year- "persons of varjous racial Of backgrounds can look to'the $2, sto' racial Courts is as undoubtable as pr, iolence the the right of any person in the TI and wiIl not Community. The people and pa olerate such the community have a right ne, lence of any to look to the Courts for of ncial Court protection, 'Jhey are entitled 9 on said as he to the protection of the Court mi cnt last week. the sainie as any member of an nany racial the Community, If any 1lyd ts; assaults person is inclined te commit a Lwith by the racial insuits those persons >Hi i -sentence at are as deluded in their judg- Tt is concerned ment as they are in their of ing înné r evil attitudes. If they think the ex< ;0f such a Court is flot interested when 1 enounce' the they are deluding, them- thq wn by those sel ves. " be f evil." His Honor turned to Mr. de 1 Campbell. and passed th( Court Judge sentence which included "'a hol tnd Mr. substantial fine and 60( assault .ommunity service." He warned Mr. Campbell fin the future lie bas any Islimey bigottry that races ýround in " his mnd lie is to ro to lis" basement, lock ýourself in while you revile ýourself in your filtli." He is o"Ikeep the vile thouglits on ,cisim that races tlirough ,our (Campbell's) mind to 1hmself. Provincial Court udge Edmondsofl oncluded by saying "'leave ny presence, now. Leave the ourtrooi." Warehouse site bought The Liq'uor Control Board Ontario has agreed to pay .,052,000 for the site of its roposed warehouse in the hickson Road industrial ark, following lengthy egotiations with the Region Durhiam. Construction of the $40 illion plus warehouse, first nnounced in the spring of )77.1 is expected to begin on 51.3 acre site south of igliway 401 and east of hi 'ckson Road in the spring f1979. Completion, is :pected a year later. Liquor Board officiais say ie warehouse could employ etween 100 and 300 people epending on how automated ie plant will be. The ware- )use is designed to, occupy ý0,000 square feet. Bagels. *o.s Dinner Rolis ssoee. Fren~ch Stick g** Hamburger RqIls, Onion RolSss * 0055* O 5 i. SOOSS O Rye Double 'Dark or Light Vienna Stick ... .. Polish RoIlis..... ... . Sesame Bunsý....... Subs Roils,,-.7 .*. Subs Roils 90.. Subs- Roils il"1 ,Weiner Rolis mas Ose.... e * S g S .5 *' e O * g mosos. Piîzza- Shels...se.. Pizza Dough oe mes... Whole Wheat Bread a 0 a e a Bread Crumbs ... . . ... .ý 1380 HOPKINS ST., UNIS 6- 7 WHITBY, ONTARIO 666-1177 .11/each .48/doz, 48/each ' 65/doz. . 85/doz . a.70/each > 39/each ,, 70/doz. * 85/doz. 975/doz.' I .14/doz. e99/eight .65/dotz. I .30/doz. 39each .48/each .47/each Closlng Hours Mon. Thru. Sat. 6:00 P.M. Sunday 4:00 P.M. W VHITBY wmie~ MALL DURHAM, REGIONAýL MUNICIPALITY 0F DURHAM APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN. AND THE OFFICIAI PLAN FOR THE FORMER PLANNING AREA 0F THE CITY 0F OSHAWA: PART 0F LOT 16, CONCESSION 111, CITY 0F OSHAWA (SOUTH-EAST CORNER 0F TAUNTON ROAD WEST AND THORNTON ROAD) NOTICE 0 PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Planning Committee of the Regional Municipality 0f Durham will consider an application to amend the Durham Regional Officiai Plan and the Officiai Plan for the former Planning Area of the City 0f Oshawa at a meeting f0 be held on Decemnber 12, 1978 at 10.00 a.m. in the Boardroom, Regional Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario. Subsequently, the recommendation of the Planning Commlttee will be considered by Regional C ouncil ata meeting to be held on December 20, 1978 at 10: 00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, Regional Headquarters Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. The purpose of the amendment application is to reclesignate the land use designations 0f the' Durham Regional Official Plan and the Officiai Plan for the former Planning Area 0f the City of Oshawa in order to permit the construction of a 50,000 square foot building, for marketing farm produce, on a 17.9 acre parcel of land situated on the south-east corner 0f Taunton Roaci West and Thornton Road, in the City of Oshawa. The document related to the amencfment application is available for Inspection, commencing December 7, 1978, in the Regional Planning Department, 105 Consumners Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and in the office of the Regional Clerk, Regional Headquarters Building, 60 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Information regaring the amendmemt application may be obfainted by calîing Mr. L. Kotseff, Regional Plannin#g Department, (416) 6687731. Requests to appear before the Planning Comnmittet' as a deputation cqncerning the amendment application must be forwarded to MAr. Wm. F.H. McAdams, Commlssloner. Regional Planning Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, and must be received 48 hours prior fo the Planning Committee meeting. Requests Io appear before Regional Council as a deputation concerning the omefidment application must be forwarded to the Regional Clerk, Regiontàl Headiquarters Building, 60S Rossiand Road East, Whitby, Ontrio, andi must be received 48 hours prior f0 the Regiorwl Council meeting. Regional Chairman Rbolonai Cierk DINNER ROLISou. FRESH &'1KED'DAIL Y ON'THE >PREMISES Kaisers,,,. . >**** * **$ *8 /doz.

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