Whitby Free Press, 29 Nov 1978, p. 9

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Vets' auxiliarýy presents pet program in schouls Grade 2 children at Kath- leen Rowe Memorial Public School are being introduced to a new province-wide program on pets and their role in the community. "$Pets Are Special Friends' is an educational program provided by the Auxiliary of the Ontario Veterinary Association. Members of the auxiliary bring the program to schools in their communi- ties. At Kathleen Rowe School the program is, being presented by the Auxiliary's President, Mary Lynn MacKay, wife, of Whitby veterinarian Clayton MacKay. Mrs. MacKay started the program two weeks ago and would like to see t expanded to other Whitby schools. She is a classroom assisstant at Kathleen Rowe School, The presentation consists of a film strip and record, plus. coloring books and "Pets Are Special Friends" buttons which are handed out to the children, at the end of the haîf-hour program. The Ontario Veterinary Association is made up of more than 1,400 doctors of veterinary medicine practis- ing in alI parts of Ontario. They are keenly aware of the values of pet ownership for children, says Mrs. MacKay, and in developing concern, and compassion for aIl animals and birds. "The "Special Friend" program is designed especially to strengthen understanding -and responsi- bility among children in a famnily with pets and those who may be comtemplating the ownership of pets," says Mrs. MacKay.. "i3u,1t pet owners or not, al children come in contact with domestic animals, and 3 arrested for stealg light butbs The Victoria Woods Subdi- vision has been plagued with break, enter and thefts just Mie several other develop- ments in the Town of Whitby. one of the houses was broken into last week and light bulbs were stolen, police said. Three 19-year-olds were arrested and charged with break-ente1andtef t. They by Susan Mathews of 101 White Oaks Court. The C.B. radio was taken from ber auto which was parked in the parking lot of the apartmnent building. The garagp of Charles Diagle of Brock Street north, Whitby was broken into. -1- .- ho Ontario veter inarians believe its most desirable to foster the healthiest possible attitudes in such an impor- tant phase of growing Up,"1 The information presen- tation is endorsed by the Ontario Veterinary Associa- tion for its profes sional accuracy and. balance. The film, strip shows pictures of children and adults with dogs 'andca ts, and begins with children describing what it is like to own a pet for the first time. A number of basic topics such as feeding instructions, care and brushing, proper bedding, training and obedi- ence, and obeying local pet bylaws are stressed ini the filin. The film emphasises the need f or a pet to have a balanced diet, and not be fed table scraps. It also 'points out that long-haired cats and dogs need human assistance in keeping their -coats dlean and brushed, Obedience schools are endorsed as a way to teach a dog to obey. -The general theme of the film is that pet owners have to be good neighbours and you have to help your, pet be a1 good, citizen. Varlous safety precautionsý are mentioned, such as keep- ing animais off. the road away from traffic, and taking them to the local vet, to have the necessary shotsý to protect them f rom There is also a catchy song that accompanies the film, entitled' "Help Make the World a I3etter Place for Pets and People." Following the showing of the filmstrip, Mrs. MacKay' asks the children questions about what they have learned from it, and passes out. the coloring books and buttons. The response shown by -the children who saw the presen- tation lasi. Thursday was quite keen, and they appcared to bc enjoying learning about pets as friends in the community. VH»YMM ROS Wf èMh, NVM«29,1978. PAGE 9 CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROCLAMATION DOWNTOWN W>HITBY -DAYS TAKE NOTICE THAT the period of December 2nd to t hitby Days" in and for the Town of Whitby. Dated et Whitby 'this 29th day of November, A.D., 1978. Mayor J.C. Gartshore Town of Whitby AI1JITERY THIATLEJSYOUMWRIE YOUB> OWN CE 10W TO PLAY. AIl you need is a selection slip, a pencil, a buck, and a little Iuck. 1Yorî can get selection slips froni any LOlTARIO agent. On each slip you'îl see seven 'boairds with nunibers 1 rhrough 39. lJsing one 'board' at a trme, select any six of the 39 nunibers. With a black pencili myake a vertical mark in the box which contains the number selected. 2 Take your selection slip ro, a 21OlTrARIO agent or rerailer who mill enter your selected numbers in the LOTTARIO computer and issue you a receipt with your numbers pninted on ir. That is your LOTTARIO ICKET Check ir ro ensure thit the nunibers on it are thte ones you have chosen. 3 Each 'board' cosrs $1 to play. You miay play as many 'boards as you wish. In other words, if you played 2 'Ioards', it would cost $2. 4 Then watch the draw on TV every week or checkc your newspaper tu, see if the numbers you've chosen match the numbers dhut are drawn. 5If you've won, sîmply presenit your winning ticket ro 5your L017ARIO agent for validation. If you've won $100 or less, -dhe- agent will pay you fight there on the spot. If you're a big winnoer, yur LOITARIO agent will telIyou how and where to dclm your pr. HOW YOU WIN., Every week six ngular numibers and a bonus nunîber Il be drawn on TV. 0 Match those six regular nurnbers, in any order, and you're the JACKPOT-winner, or, if someelse bas also chosen the sanie numbders, then you'll share the prize. But if you don't have ail six nunibers, there are stIi rhousands of other chances ro win. If you get 6ive of the regular numbers right and your sixth nuniber matches the bonus number, you share in the big Second Prize Pool. Or, if you match five of the regular numbers, yourhbundle of cash cornesfrom the Third Prize Pool. Match four regular numbers and you share in the Fourth Prize Pool. And, if you miatch thre of the regular nunibers, yxi win $5. Not bad fun for a buck! And dhere art bound ro be thousand of winners every week, because te nunIer you choose dontr have ru, be in rte saie ordier as those dwn. 1 IDU DONT JU)SI BUY ATICKELe YOU PLAY L .HOW MUCH YOU WIN. I The major prizes aredivided into I four separate prize pools - the IJACKPOT Pool, the Second Prize I Pool, the Third Prize Pool and the ~U I Fourth Prize Pool. gThe Fifth Prize is worth $5. Those holding winning tickets ini any of te four Pool crgoiswill share that Pool equally. For example, if the JACKPOT * *. ~ pool is $300,000 and 2 players have correcrly chosen the six regular numbers each player would win $150,000. The weekly JACKPOT could be $100,000,$S300,000, $500,000, or more depending upon the number of people playing LOTTARJO. In the event thar there is no JACKPOT vwqnner, the JACKPOT Pool builds each week unril somneone In Quebec, the JACKPOT in a simiàlar lottery was overS$1 million before being won. , NTARK) LOTTERY oefUATION Furniture Strfppioi *No dip *Ulnique REPAIRED- REFINISIIED et MacNeI's Antiques & Upholstw'y Older tumlture& antiques bought & sold IT PAYS TO HAVE VOIJR FURNITURE REU PHOLSTERED" 413 Duncfas St. E WHITBY SBU. 668-5481 James P. A. Prentice DISPENSING OPTICIAN 215 Dundas St., East Whitby,* Ont Li N 2H8 666-1646 Res. 668-1352r> lç p 1

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