Whitby Free Press, 22 Nov 1978, p. 4

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whitby Voce of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, The ont', Whitby newsaaer independentiy owned and operated by Whil Two events of ýthe week show Whitby's progress Whitby is a go-ahead town in many ways, as was seen by two special events last week. On Friday the new 104-unit senior cîfizens' apart- ment building on Coîborne Street was officially opened. This is the third Ontario Housing Corporation aparf ment complex for senior citizens in the Town of Whitby. Whitby now has 202 housing units for senior citizens, and ln the words o f Mayor Jilm Gartshore, "we are very favord." The waifing lst for accommodation is now vlrtually non-existent, and Whitby can be proud of what if has done for ifs older residents. Another happy event occurred on Sunday in the burning of the mortgage on St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. The.Church is free from debt affer only,10 years, and much credif goes to the congregation and those whio are incharge of the church's management. if is not offen that two such accompl ish ments occur inthe same week in Whitby. If is a good reminder thaf' our town Is moving ahead and facing the future wifh confildence. School bus plans concern -mother EDITOR'NOTE The following is a COPY of *a letter sent to the Chairman and Trustees of the Durhanm Board of Education by-,a concerned mot her in the Pringle Creek Comm un- ify (near Anderson Stree), regarding busing of children fromi that subdivision to Florence M. Heard School: To the Chairperson and trustees of the Durham Board of Education: 1 wish to congratulafe the Durham Board of Educat ion for their decision to bus children of Kindergarten through grade 3 from the Pringle Creek communify f0 F.M. Heard Public School. 1 arn however, concerned for the 12 remnaining children who' wilI be excluded. (This figure was defermined In consultation wifh the area parents ani is subjecf to change.) 1We have faughf our children fa travel fogether, preferably wifh a group. This decision by the Bo>ard provides safe transpor-, tation for our daughter, whiie our son and only .exempted chiid on our streef musf walk alone or be driven behind the bus. 1 feel this is a foolish and unnecessary situation- MAy concern lis also for safety. 1. - The ý,'shorfcul" tIo Schooi involves eifher crossiflg à creek if the water isn't foo deep by Jumping ie-om stone to Stone, w or trespass on pray no train will1 come. We can't teach respect f or pri1vateý property a nd safety around railways if we condone that. Il. - Childrenusing the route a long Hwy.1 2 m usf cover the entire distance from home to Anderson St., f0 Garden St. where nof one Block Parent sign Is displayed. The Block Parent program was initiated by parents who were concerned that children hurt or hassled could find a safe refuge quickly. If will soon be dark before fhey reach home. Construction along HWy. 2 this week has left children walking on the highway--a busy four- lane route! The trustees for the Board of Educa- tion must be aware thaf major reconstruction of the corner at Anderson and Dundas Sts. is scheduled to begin soon. Last winter 1 saw. children waiking on the highway while snow rernoval crews worked fo clear snow drifts f romn sidewaiks. During these same conditions 1 saw cars skid toward theý sidewalks. Snow does not wait for the chlidren to reachi their destination f irst! Children are offen seen walking out onto the highway to circurn- vent skîrmishes of other youths. PLEASE, don't deiay safe transport for these few aremaining child- ren until accident or misForfune occurs. 111i. - Our school park ing lot has been crowded wlth cars thta vie for exit and entry deliver- F Publshed every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publlshlng" I and Photography lue. Phone 668-6111 Thie Free Press Building, Publisher - Menaglng Editor 131 Brock Street North, by residents for Whitby residents. ILP..Box 206, WhItby, Oni misjudgement or bad weather conditions could resuit in serious accidents on school property to the children as they walk around these vehicles. I wish f0 commend the loving con cern shown by the Separate School Board as I understand their students are bused. f rom in front F.M. Heard school, along this samne Hwy. 2 route Io St. Theresa's School. The reasons for gra'nt- ing a bus for the young- est children are equally val'id for the few remnaining. Reconsider- ation by ail concerned to ammend this provision f0 include transporta- tion for ail public school children in this community and to keep brothers and sisters united will be deeply and sincerely apprec- iafed. Yours fruly, (Mrs.) Eleanor Thorndyke Whitby [Le$erst the edfito eont'd b.Io]1 tL Communlty Editor -arian WInter Contributlng Editor -Jlm OuBali production Manager -Marie Burges Prini & Proemtlonal1 Manager -Robin Lyon 1 ClassifiedAd .Lynn Wagnler' Circulation Manager --Shar On LYOn i Maling Permit No. 460 Member of the: <Better Business Bureau 0f Toronto .Whitby Chaniber of Commerce 66% did not vote Voter apat4hy worresrede Dear Sir: On Nov. 11, Remem- berance Day, services were held fo remind us of the high price thaf was paid by s0 many fo profect the f reedom and good life we enjoy. We had the symbolic fwo minute silence, and the tradifional "Lest We Forgef" How corne only two days later on Nov. l3th 50 rnany had already forgotten? They had forgotten thaf the high price that was paid was fo protect the most imporsiant element in the f ree systern of government, that is: The right to vote as you choose. If is appaliing that in some polis are 90 per cent of those elitg ible failed to vote. Overail sorne 66 per cent didn'f vote. Thaf's nearly 2/3 of thie electorafe in our area 1 In some counfries if t'as become ma"diory by Iaw to vote, wifh fines imposed on those who fait to compiy. Surely il wiil not be necessary to go fliat far, although thie results would at Ieast refiecf the wlshes of ail the people rather thon a 0f course l'r sure thdse who neglected to vote without a legifi- mate reason also, won't bother to complain for the next fwo years. I wonder what wouid happen if suddenly we woke up some rnorning and heard on the news thaf the right to vote had been taken away frorn those who had falied to use if! There is no doubt we would hear the cry "You don't have the right te ftake our "right" te, vote away! Weil jusf rememnber if is not only a 4"right" if is aiso a privilege and a dufy, If we expecft t keep this country f ree. Vour lawn consisfs 0f single biades of grass. If 64 per cent of those single blades cf grass decided thaf they weren't important and didn'f grow, you know whaf the result would be. We get the same resuif when 66 par cent of the people don't vote. There 15 a great deai of concern generated whe,î we hear fthe un-eniployment rate is 8 pe-r cent and justifiabiy se. even fhough there musi be 92 per cent working. But thore is shown when we hear thaf 2 /S3 of the vofers are indifferent and wiiling to allow thernseives fo be confroled by the wishes of the rernaining one-third. This creates an alarrning situation! If this country ïs ever defeafed if won't be by Separatisfs, Communists, Facisfs, Conservatives, Liberais, New Demno- crats, Sociaiists, or any other group. If wmil be defeafed by the apathe- tic voter! The one who says, "My vote won't make any difference"l. Sorne day the difference befween freedorn and repression May be defermined by sorne- thing as simple as an "#X". Maybe even your Wars can -be won or lest af the baleot box as weli as on the battie- f ieid! As fooiish as if May seern the apathy of 66 per cent of the voters brings the possibiiity of ""George Orweii's 1984", much doser thon you th ink!1 LEST WE FORGET Sincereiy Delores 4oll1day 121 Northview Ave,.

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