Whitby Free Press, 15 Nov 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4, WEDNESAY, NOVEMBER 15,>1978, w"m3 FREE PRES whitaby Pubili Volas of the County Town Michael Ian Burgess, Publisher -Man aging Editor ite only Whltby newspaper lndependently owned and operated hy Wbitby residents for Wbltby residents. I -j 1 I ish.d every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publlshlng and Photography luc. Phone 668-6111 Ie Free Press Building, 131 Brock Street North, P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Ont.. Community Editor Contributing Editor Production Manager Prini & Promotionat Manager Classitied Ad Circulation Manager -Bian Winter -Jim Quail, -Marie Burgess -Robin Lyon *Lynn Wagner -Sharon Lyon >Mailing Permit No. 460 Member ot the-, Baller Business Bureau of Toronto Whitby Chamber of Commerce good councilorI hi om Edwards In what some of the candidates èa lied a "no-issue"* and unpredictable election, Monday, there were some surprises, particuiarly at the regi.onal ievei. Counclilor Bob Attersiey is congratulated on :Ieading the poils decisively in, this election, which gives hlm his first seat on regional council. We wish hlm the bestand entrust hlm with the important decisions which must be made at regionai councili regardIng Whitby's future. We also congratulate Gerry Emm on belng returned to the,reglanal council, on which he ha servesnc 1973.1 The surprise andi disappointment for many was the loss of Tom' Edwards as a, Whltby 'councilior. Counciilor Edwards had put in 19 years of continuous service to the Town of Whitby, four on school board .and 15 on the town -council'. It is with regret that we see hlm out.0f municipal palitics after such iolng service, and we take.this opportun ity to thank hlm for the work he has done over those many years. ln the ward elections, we have one incumbent returned to council and twonew faces on, the scene. Bob Carson was returned in the North Ward, as expected, but ln the Centre and West Wards, it was anybody's guess until, election night. We welcome Barry Evans and Joe Bugeili ta the council and trust they wiil do their best to represent the residents -of their wards falthfuliy ln the next two years. The schooi board representation remains the same, following the election, and we trust David Sims and Jim Speers wiii continue to serve Whltby well in thisL area. To the winners, congratulations, and we are countlng on you to represent us weil durlng the next two years'. To the losers, our regrets, and hopes that this wIli not discourage their pol iticai ambitions in the future. Thieves take papers before Scouts arrive \Dear Sir: As most residents of Whitby are amare, the variaus groups - of ",scouts, cubs and ý>beavers ln Whitby ý,coiiect newspapers 7 nnthl1y f rom Septem - 'ýber to J une. This is done in order ta seil the aid newspaper to raise money for -the Groups' operation, and aiso as a service to the commun- 'lty. We are ail aware'of the garbage-waste- pollution qcy cle ln 'Canada, and recycling should be Importantta everyone. Fortunateiy, at thîs particular time, used ,newspaper Is needed for the manufacture of insulation materlal, and ý,tbe prîce Paid (by the ton) Es falrly hlgh. ~iJforunalythis bas ,,glven rise to newspaper tughjacklng ln our town. Trucks that bave no ,connection wltb thie Boy ~Scouts have been seen at nlght plcking up the and put at the curb for the Saturday morning Scout Paper Drive. This act, whlle not strictiy iliegal, certainly has nasty overtones. The people who take the trouble ta save and bundie their news- papers, as weil as the boys who benefit fromn the fund ralsing, are bath being cheated. Our oniy defense is ta, ask aur falthful contrl- butors ta wait until after sunrIse to put out. their papers. Some of the Scout Groups in Wbltby wlll also be making an effort at an extra Frlday nlght pickup in orcler ta, beat the thieves to the paper. Our tbanks to every- one wbo has contrlbuted to the Paper Drives in the past; and If you baven't yet; Scout Paper Drives are held on the second Saturday Morning of eacb montit. Sheridan Nolan Queen's Park -By George, Ashe Mpp iei As a member of the ail party Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Affairs I recently spoke in the Legisiature about one aspect of the Committee's -report which deait wîth improved communications between Ontario Hydro and the government. The latest part of the Committee's work was to examine the heavy water plant constr uction and this was done over a considerable period of time during the summer and early fal months. With respect to communications, the Committee agr eed that Ontario Hydro provide the Government semi- annually a summary of each project under construction and proposed new capital projects showing: the original budget and schedule; expenditures committed to date; and current forecast of cost and schedule. And the Governmnent shall refer that information to the existing Committee on Hydro Affairs or to a standing committee. Another recommendation of the Committee states that Ontario Hydro and the Government work out a set of def initions and reporting format that will ensure the consistency and clarity of the reported information. It was my feeling, shared by the other Governent members of the committee, that Legiulative review should only be of capital projeets in progress and should not include proposed new capital projects because clearly that is the responsibility of the Ministry of Energy and of the Govern- ment. We submitted a'dissent from the committee report ta this effeet. Further reasoning behind this is that under present rules by which select committees operate, they take up almost 20 to 25 per cent of the total year, and Uhere s potential for them ta operate for baif the year. At the samne lime, 1 fée, there is an enormous amount of lime being wasted in estimates by receiving ministry statements when lte ministries are already six ta nine months inta lte fiscal year under considera tion. Thbe way 1 see il, there seems ta be some room for improvement i titis area. Thâe Legisiature bas a real role tay in reviewing and monitoring what the Government is doing, but 1 sincerely believe we have ta leave ta lte appropriate nisnLtries te reviewing of proposed projects. It seems ta me ta be- unrealistic to expect committees toay a vital role aI litaI stage of eventa. As far as Ontario Hydro is concerned, they have not been keeping the Ministry of Energy and the government informed as they should have. However, I think that steps are being taken to improve that and will continue to be taken to make sure the government has the information il needs and deserves. -Thanks.from seniors Dear Sir: Our thanks to Top' Drug Mart store and their staff, for a wonder- fui Senior Citizens even- ing of Whitby. Refreshments were served, prizes and draws were held, adding to the f un of the evenl1ng. To. wind It up, our friend Gert Drew won a T. V. 'set. Thank you Phyllils Bulioch Whltby' Letters to the ediolr Box 206 Whitby, Onte J Q d 1 mommnq

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