Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 7

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Histo-rical Whitb FRANCIS, j. MêINTYRE The subjeet 0f this week's column, Francis-J. MeIntyrewas one of the benefactors of Whitby, who extended his community service to many fields of interest in the 'tQwn. Mr. MeIntyre was born at Whitby in 1891, a son of Jacob Melntyre, 'a well-known hardware merchant and tinsmith in the town. The Mclntyre family,,came Wo Whitby in 1848 from Ballantraugh, County Donnegal, Ireland, and were among the pioneer- settiers of 'the town., Jacob Mclntyrie started a tinsmnithing and hardware business in 1880 iii the location on-Brock -Street now occupied by the Nearly New Shop. I 1911 he moved W1t the building now occupied by, Donald'sTravel, ýand in the 1920's, the store wes moved one door s-outh, to 'the present location of the, Martinizing'store. Francis Mclntyre took over his father's store, and rettred in 1956 ending 76 years of theé hardware business by' the-Mclntyre family in Whitby. In his younger davs, Francis Mclntyre was an avid Good Day: 1 arnm looking forward to writing this column each week and I kflow. that with your support 1 will keep you well informed of the, evenftâ occuring in our cornrunity. Susan Smith NEWS The winners of the Great Jelly Bean Counting Contest held during October at the Brooklin Branch Library were: lst Prize - Michael Cann 2nd Prize - Chris Brady, 3rd Prize - Darryl Hiscocks The correct number of jelly beans in the jar was' 253. Congratulations to the'winners and tbanks to all who pî[rticipated. 1The Brooklin Branch Library would like ail children to corne c elebrate the Children's Book Festival with thern. For every Canadian book you read between now and Nov. 24 you will be given a lucky draw slip to fI out and deposit in the Children's Department. The winning slips will be drawn Nov. 25 in a special celebration. The Brooklin Horticultural Society bave some choice bulbs for sale at good prices; availabie on a first corne, first served basis. There are tulips, narcissus, hyacinths, paperwhites, crocus and amaryllis. These bulbs are suitable for forcing as well as fofi outdooruse. Anyone interested rnay pick thern up frorn Gordon Witk at the Brooklin Bulletin Office, Cburch and Albert Streets. WHITBY FREE sportsman, being a member of the town's Junior and Intermediate hockey teams, one 0f which won a championship. He was aiso, a player on one of the town's basebail teams. Mr. Mclntyre's interest in sports continued throughout bis life. Along with Donald Wilson and Norman Irwin, he took -an active part in leading the campaign to ralse funds for a Whitby Comniuity arena which was built ini 1953-54 wbere the iquor store now st.ands. The Whitby Community Arena was, oneC o the projects in wbich he took a great interest, and he served as chairman of the arena board until bis death in, 1958. Mr. ýMclntyre was a. member of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce for rnany years,ý and was its -President from 1940 to 1942 wben the Chaniber suspended operations'for the duration' of the Second WorldWar. He was also a member of the Whitby Rotary Club, and served as president in 1953-54, the year the cornmunîty arena was built. Duringhis preidencyteRtr lbpi for -the concrete floor ,for te~e Mr. Mclntyrewas also a mmero the Whitby branch o f the Red -Cross> Society, and-served for a tirneas the branch's president. During the Second World War, he *as chairman of the Whitby War Relief Comrnittee,anhd during the De pressioin years of the 1930's he took an activeprnte welfare work of the Town of Whitby. Education was. another of Mr. Mclntyre's* interests. For many years he served'as -the Separate Sehool representative ,on the Whitby Bo ard of Education. For two years1 he was chairman of the Board of Education., A member of St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Myrtie Woxnen's Ingtitute wish to advise that their short course 4 Spotlight on Bread' wîll be held in the basernentof the Myrtie United Church on Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 9 a.rn. to 4 p.m. Ail ladies are welcomne. Please bring1 your own lunch. Hot beverage will be supplied., The Brooklin United Churcb Women would like to announce their forthcoming 'Snowflake Bazaar'l on Saturday, Nov. 25. Further information to coine. VIEWS For those people who have not -recently been to the Kinsmen park, some new equipment bas been installed. The Brooklin Kinette Club bas donated playground apparatus for the use of aIl. I regret Wo say this equipment has already been defaced. Other vandalism in the park bas also been reported. 1 hope we will be fortunate enougb to see this stopped. DATES TO REMEMBER Nov. .9 - Sehool Board Ail Candidates Meeting - 8 p. m.- Meadowcrest Sehool Nov,, il - Boy Scouts Paper Drive- - before 9 a.m. Nov, lil- Teen Dance -1 8 p.m. - Brooklin Community Centre Nov. 14 - Spotlight on Bread - 9 a.m. - ýMyrtie United Church, Susan 655-3932 Brown's Drop off (before 2 p.rn. Sat.), Socer group gets grant The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club will receive a Wintario grant of $1,291 for travel assistance to attend an invitational soccer tourn- ament in Cincinnati, the 'a4rio Ministry cf Culture ,iid Recreation announced last week. IN, WHITBY - MONDAY NOVEMBER 13 FOR REGIONAL COUNCIL 'vTIATTERSýLEY-y Bob .E *J WHITBY DISTRICT. BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 8, 19ý78, 1VAGE 7 Church, Mr. Melntyre served as chairman o! the St. John's Cernetery Board, and was a director of the cornmittee to build the new churcb on Giffard Street, whlch was completed in- 1959. »Mr. Melntyre diedAn hospital in Toronto at the âge of 67 on Oct., 27,' 1958. He was one, of the most, well-known and well-respected citizens of Whitby,, and at the tirne ofis death it was said that he would best- be remernbered for the' leadership he gave in building and rnanaging the Whitby Cornru nity Arena.- The, arena, howeVer, lasted only 18 years.' In 1972 it was declared structurally'unsound, and was demolished. It was replaced by the present Iroquois Park arena. At the tirne the cornrunity arena was built in 1953-54, Whitby was a srnall town 0f about 6,000 people, and it was very rnuch Upto the volunteerwork of the citizens to build a structure as big as an arena. Today these matters are usually bandled byý theý municipal governmnent,ý as was the case with the Iroquois Park arena. Mr. Melntyrt will be remembered by many, Whitby, citizens today for the work he did in. this-town 25 years ago, to provide the seýrvices wbhich people tend Wo take for -ranted today. '/2" $1.95 ."$3,95 2#9 $7,95 Other Thicknsses j AvaiIabIe Flbnghkso& mfofl ha Stock MMTCELL OUmmU *OOKLIN 6*4W1 SPENDý 15 MINUTIES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT US GOING ON IN DURNAMI MORNING REPORTS 6:20 & 7:20 Woather, Sports'and News NEXT SATURDAT NOVEMM Ril PLEASE HAVE YOUR PAPERS 41l' p p exstie, building centre

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