Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 4

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PAGE 4e WEDNESDAy' NOVJEMBER 8, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS whitby Volce of the County Town McalIan Burgessu lie only Whltby newspaper Independently owned and operated by Wb: FPubllshed every Wednesday by M.B.M. Publishlng S and hotography Ime. Phone 668-6111 - The Free Press Building g, Publisher.- Managlng Edîtor -131 Brock Street North, mtby resîdents for'Whitby reuidents. ê_ P.O. Box 206, Whltby, Or nt. Communiiy Editor Contributing Editor Production Manager PrInt & Promotionai Manager Classified Ad Circula tion Manager Mailing Permi Membrg Better Business Býu Whiiby Chamber -ýBrian Winter -Jim Ouai, -Marie Burgess :-Robin iLyon -Lynn Wagnler -Sharon' LYof nit No. 460 -of the: preau of T oronto r f Commerce ELCTIONFORUM ROUND-UP Transportation a majorissue Public transportation is a major issue amnong the elec- tors of Whitby, and most of the candidates in Monday's municipal election agree it is needed. However, they bave varying ideas on how it should be implemented. A numnber of comments on thd issue of public trans- portation were made at an election, forum at the Whitbýy Public, Library Thursday.. Regional candidate Bob A ttersiey said Whitby needs a 'public, transportation system and it's up to tbe town council to proyide it. He asked bow council could put in subdivisions in the, western part of Whitby, sucb as Otter Creek, witbout transportation to the down- town area. .Mr. 'Attersley expressed concern ýfor the housewife who needs to get to down- town to sbop, and stated tbat the next Whitby town councfi must take a long look at the situation and corne up with cost figures. Regional candidate Gerry Emm said the town should look at possible subsidy fares for the elderly. He reported that the council is looking at bus system proposais, but Pickering bas warned the town to 'go careful' on adopt- ing a dial-a-bus system. Regional candidate Roger Smith said be is against any service that will cost a lot of money and be a burden to the taxpayer. 'We have to be realistic,' he said. 'Transpor- tation systems mun at a big deficit.' Regional candidate Tom Edwards said he does not support a bus systemn that would cost each taxpayer $50 k> $60 a head, but he would support an interim measure. He expressed concern that if Whitby joined with the Oshawa transit systern, the basis of the systemn wouid be the Oshawa Shopping Centre. Commenting on the Pick- ering dial-a-bus system, lie said last year 38,000 people used the buses and covered about 48 per cent of the costs. Mr. Edwards said it was a cop out' te Sy that it costs tornuch rnoney or it is to complicated te put in a bus system. 'There is no question of the meed; the people in the west- ern part of tewn want it, he said. A senior'ciizen who uses ber own car te drive ber friends around* the town asked teCentre Ward town facililties such. as Iro- quois Park and Heydenshore Pavilion, and wouid reduce the deficits of these facili- ties. A bus systém was 'set up for the Whitby Community Bingo at Heydensbore Pavil- ion, and it worked, he said. West Ward candidate John Roberts said Whitby needs a transportation system and needs to look at it very care- fully, ba sed on logic. He asked where the buses are' going'to stop -and if special lanes for bus stops bad to be built. 'There are a lot of concerns on buses,' he said. West Ward Candidate Joe Bugelli said Whitby needs a general bus system to tie in ahl parts of the town. and senior citizens need trans- portation. He suggested an interim, mneasure couid be set up using school buses -in off- peak hours when they are sitting idie. Tbey would ho good for people wbo want to go downtown,. and eight buses could be used to'bring people to the centre of Whitby from the north, south, east and west, he said. Attersley challenges mndus trial pollution Regional Council candi- date Bob Attersley bas cballenged the Region of Durham and its Chairman Walter Beath te make a statement of wbat they are going te do about 12 indus- tries that are allegediy dumping liquid waste into the region's sewer system. Referring te an article pubiished i another news- paper last Wednesday, Mr. Attersley at public forums at Brooklin and the Whitby Public Uàbrary last week urged that the region level a charge againat these ummarned industries, and the province would back the region up, lie said. He criticized Chairman Beat for stating that the Region does mot wamt te make a public issue out Mf the alleged waste dumping, wben it wants to attract industry te Durham. 'It appails me when it (the newspaper article) says there are 12 regional firms that are breaking the law,' lie said. The firms are mot M It~ÃœUp toyu lt's election time again, and interest May flot be running s0 high this yea"r because of acclamations for the mayoralty, East Warcj seat and Separate School Boa rd. However, this election, as any election, la important'. There- are -many issues of Importance to Whitby residents, on which most of the candidates are taking stands. S During the past two weeks we have present ed the piatforms of ail the candidates ln their own words, and have reported extensively on the'Brookiln and Whitby Library election forums ln this week's e dition. The choice is u p to you on who you vote for, but It is Most important that you vote. We need strong .representatives ]n these times of financli constraint and1 sweeping, changes in the deveiopment patterns of Durham Region. Whitby's voice must be' heard at the region, and careful management and planning must be exerclsed at the local level. In a democracy it Is a right as much as privilege to ,vote for the candidate of your choice. Those who choose to be apathetic and stay home on election day are forfeiting their right to determine the destiny of thieir commtinity. Those who vote are ensuring that Whi tby does ýcare about Its future and are helping to shape that future at the ballot box. Let's see a* good turnout on Monday; if's your chance to séeth at the right people are representing you In 1979-80. Duplication of serviees concerns one candidate The regional government concept and duplication of services are causinig concern for Regional council candi- date Roger Smith. At election forums at Brooklin Wednesday and Whitby Tbursday, Mr. Smitb said his taxes have increased six times since 1974 because of an overlapping 0f services between the town and the region. 'We are paying double for everything that is done; how mucli do you get back in services?' he asked. Mr. Smith alleged that the planning staff of the region and town are running tbings and not the councils, because the -council refers matters back to the planning staff instead 0f the council making decisions. 'Taxes are up because of a duplicationi of services,' lie said. Regionai candidate Gerry Emm said that the tax increases of $4.50 for Brook- lin and $23 for Whitby for regional and local purposes hast year were not out of Une with the rest, but the board of education was another matter. Candidate Bob Atterlsey said lie was, appalled at the lack M o industriai growth in the region and noted that Oshawa wants to start its own deveiopment depart- ment when tbis la supposed te ho a regionai responsi- bility. 'Industrial growth bas mot kept up with the rest of the province,' lie saîd. 'The town staff earns their pay; 1Iwantto know if the regional staff does,' sald 'Communication between, the region and local council and the people, who pay the shot, is lou sy,' be said. Mr. Edwards referred to the police station nearly beîng removed from Witby and tbe lack of communica- tion regarding sewer and water bills. 'The region is here to stay and our job is to work to make it work,' lie told the voters. Mr. Emm said the town bas to get invoived in promoting industryý as the majority of industrial land in the region is located in Whitby. In answer to a question about getting traffic iights at Dundas and Jeffrey Streets, Mr. Edwards said a petition from the residents of the area would help in getting this project accomplished. Mr. Smith was asked a question by a resident of Brooklin about property owned in bis name on Thick- son Road. He repiied that the property was in bis naine but was being heid for a client, which is a common practice with hawyers. Mr. Edwards isted a numnber 0f accomplisbnients by the town council in the, past year, including the establishment Mf the Neigh- borhood Improvement Area, start of the CPR underpass on Brock Street, compietion of the library addition, rebuilding oM Wellington Street, storm drainage for Asb creek, acquisition of 57 acres oM parka wortli $3 million, and settimg up oM a downtown lmprovemnt area wlth a board of management. a fi ir E la ni fi Pl tc i su ci] th, 1h tr Brooklin "arrangement," was made saýys Smith Consolida ted Building tion is a pumping station and Corporation, the developer pipe, to the- village. of lands around Brooklin Both Mr. Emm and Mr. must have some arrange- Attersley reported that extra ment witb the Provincial money had to be provided to government, Regional complete the Donovan Council Candidate Roger Pinker study of Brooklin Smith alleged at a public because it had gone over its forum in Brooklin last Wed- $100,0Ã"00 budget., Council has nesday. approved the money for the 'Why did CBC pick Brook- study to be completed saidý lin?' he asked. They had an Mr. Attersley. ,undert.aking from the provin- He told the votersthat the cial government--a promise town can't make a final that they could go abead. A decision on Brooklin until it big. corporation will flot gets the final documentation, speculate and buy up 3,000 and mnust wait for the water acres of land unless they and sewer study from the have an arrangement.' he region. 'It could go down the said. drain if the région does not Mr. Smith alleged that approve it,' he said. 'It's got there were links between to be approved by the town, CBC and the provincial the région and the province.' government, and that the Mr. Emm said he expected province had bailed out CBC figures on the Brooklin study financially in 1971. would corne before the Mr. Smith said he believed council in two months. that there was some official When asked what the plan for the province where alternative was if the development had already Brooklin study said there been worked out for the should be no growth, Région- Brooklin area. al candidate Smith said the He reminded the Brooklin province will impose its will residents that Ontario Hous- on the town and the region ing Corporation owns 650 and 'we won't have any acres of land within three alternative. The Ministry of miles of Brooklin, and he Housing says this is a growth wanted to know what plans area; it just has to set the province has for-it and density.' how it will affect the North Ward candidate Bob community. Carson said tbe town and the He urged that the council province want growth, and form. a committee to now it's up to the région. 'If approach the province and the région says 'no', there rînd out its intentions regard- will be 'a lot of pressure ng this land. brought on the region Regional 'Candidate Gerry because of pollution. The Emrm said the OHC owns region will be on the spot te ,and in the Pickering 'air- service Brooklln.' îort noise zone, but he does Mr. Carson said once ot know why it was pur- sewers corne, development ,hased or what the govern- won't stop. If the region pays nent will do about it. the cost of sewers and water Replying to Mr. Smith, he services instead of the aid developers were not developer, it will cost twice ressured to buy land at as much because of deben- Irooklin, and they are turing, he said. 'It wiIl be a resently meeting with tbe' cost of $3,500 to each home- own te see if development owner. We bave no alterna- il work there. tive,' he said. Régional council candi- Mr. Attersley said the ate Bob Attersley said the growth pattern will corne, irst and foremost duty of the but bis main concern is the ical and regional councils is type of housing that wil ) bring an end to the Brook- corne to Brooklin, flot the .n study and bave ail reports amount. abmitted s0 that the coun- North Ward candidate is can make a decision of Rene Thiebaud said e commumity's growth. Uxbridge, Oshawa and Port He boped tbat a décision on Perry are ail againât the ,rooklin's sewer and water Brooklin study because they roblems would resuit fromn have sewers. He suggested ie region's current study of the use of an aprophobie r 91 Ont.

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