Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 3

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1978$,]PAGE 3, Centre Ward, eleetiion, Cont'd from P. 2 development, retaining the character of the older towýn, and working to implement a financially feasible limited transportation system. BARRY UVANS The issues are tax control, downtown ,improvemnent', and transportationý. If elected, I will attack these issues collectively. I propose to.insitute a public- transportation sysýtem to encourage people to shop downtown, and to encourage industry by providingtrans- portation for employees. I propose, to attract a mnajor office-shopping complex downtoWn by leasing town- owned land,, so that the initial cost of construction would be Iower, and th ereby provide a strong incentive to build. 'The public transpor- tation would assist in attract- ing development by trans- porting shoppers. Once a major complex was 'built, more people would be attracted downtown,* and area merchants would then bave the necessary incentive to improve their facilities. Any increase in industrial and' commercial develop- ment in Whitby will increase tax revenue, and thereby control tax increases. In summary, Whitby requires a comprehensive remedy, not bandaids on individual prob- lems. GORDON HANNA I consider the task 6f bringing the final fruition of many years work in down- town Whitby as my top prior- ity. This will not necessarily be easy considering the diversity of opinion that exists. However, I sincerely believe that some momnen- tum bas started an amn confi- dent that it can continue tbrough dedication of duty. Industrial Developnçnt to, belp balance tbe present beavy residential growth is a necessity and my job experi- ence in this field shouid be an asset to council i formulat- ing promotional plans for industrial attraction. Working with community organizations to continue and infact strengthen their roles in our community is an important priority of mine at this time. A conimunity of proud and invoived people as portrayed in the Cbamber's recent service clubs signs depends on encouragement and recognition. I arn In summary prepared to dedicate myself to build- ing the character, encourag- ing the pride and promoting the economic welI being of our Town. Santa parade isDe. 2 Chistmas is not far away, and the Whitby Jaycees are already planning for it with their Santa Claus Parade. The annual Santa Claus Parade wifl be held Dec. 2. Any groeups interested in entering a float are asked to contact Joe Arbuthnot after 5 P.n. at 668-0631 Two candidates seek North Ward seat BOB CARSON fandidates contesting the North Ward council Seat were asked two questions. Foilow- ing are, the questions and the candidates' responses, limited to approximately 75 words for -the first and 150 for the scond. WIIAT QUALIFICA- TIONS DO YOU- HAVE FOR THE, POSITION YOU ARE SEEKING' BOB CARSON My qualifica tions for runn- ing *for councillor of the North Ward are f i ve years' management experience and five years' owning and managing my own business. 1 also have had three years' experience on council. I have served as chairmàn -of the planning department and fire department. I have also been chairman 0f the opera- tions committee and have sat on the management committee which is made up of two 'counciliors and the mayor. I have gained a thorough understanding of the struc- ture and workings of the town and council, and have established good relations with the staff and councillors from other area municipal- ities. RENIE THIEBAUD My qualifications for the Municipal elections for the, Town Of Whitby on the l3th of J~ufemer,1978, are as follows: I sincerely believe that I psesthe necessary, qual- ificationsto run for council- lor of the North Ward in the November l3th election.. 1 have had the opportunity to establish a landscaping firm that has'been a success for the past twenty-five years and is now considered one of the largest firms in the latndscaping industry in the province of Ontario. With my business experi- ence I have been able to. acquire a considerable amount of knowledge perainngto parks, and recreation, public works and financial operations. I would also like to mention that I am billingual and I feel that this is an asset for the future public relations in the Town of Wbitby. WHT ISSUES HAVE ,MHE GREATÊST,.IMPACT PN HERESIDENTS IN MVLL YOU, I F ELECTED' COUNCILLOR FOR THAT - WARD, -DO ABOUT THESE ISSUES? BOB CARSON In the North Ward we'have the 'Brooklin study drawing to* completion. We are now negotiating who pays for what and the phiasing. I intend to insure through' negotiations that 'the developers pay for the services to the existing homeowners to the lot line. I. believe the downtown should be serviced in the early part of the develop- ment. so that it can be cleaned up and'the down- town ready to serve the expanded village. Opening nwew doors Financial assistance Ma-nageetcounseîing Maam ent ff o.training Informfation on government programs for business ON WEDNESDAV, NOVEMBER 15, 1978 -one of our representatives MR. N.J. MCGRATH, wiIl be at THE LUCI EN MOTE L, BY-RON ST.,- WHITBV, ONTARIO0 BETWE EN 9:30 A.M. UNTIL 3:30 P.M. FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL 416-668-6879 As in the past, 1 intend to make myseif available to al the North Ward'residents to hear their problems, their côncerns and make every effort to see that they are looked alter satisfactorily and fairly, to everyone. RENE THIEBAUD I believe that the number of one issue in the new term willI be the budget for the Town of Whitby. I pledg to. my utmost ability in showing ail the possible restraints for cuttîng down on frivolous. projects 'and concentrate on the basic needs 0f the people iii the Town of Whitby in the south a-s ithe north. No. 2 issue is new indus- tries and small businesses, thèse are greatly needed to balance our ever1 growing residential tax system. I would recommend that more financial and moral incen- tives be given to those indivi- duals who would consider' Whitby as a place of location. for their businesses. We do hbave the facilities and, we must move ahead. ,No.* 3 issue is the garbage collection in the Town of Whitby. 'At present it is very WHITBY FABICS I ,,,CUSTOM DRAPES Patterns DressGoods ~Excellent prices on custorn made drapes. 121$ Duû as St. E. 6(18-4821. RENE THIEBAUD unsatisàfactory. Whitby has the garbage collection included in their taxes but Brooklin must pay an'addi- tional, supplement1 to their taxes for this service' while the residents north of Brook- lin don't even have garbage collection. I think aI citizens should be treated equally. Park gets large grant The Whitby Rotary Club received word last week that it will get a Wintario grant of $71,500 to aid in the costs of redeveloping Centennial Park. The grant wil provide about one third of the funds for the park project, esti- mated to cost more than It is expected, that some work on the park can begin this month,, once tenders bave been let. The' town coucnill has approved the development of (z. passive park, and last rîtonth, Burns Street was reconstructed through the park, as a first step towards eventual development of, the park site. Plans for the park include a.bandstand, new washroom facilities, a wading pool, and installation of, lighting, walkways, and landscaping. @(IUESDAY FAMILY SPECIAL' Wien you buy a Thrîft Box at the regular prîce(oas whoIschicen" of $4,55, pouget FREE 16 ftoz. Salad French Fnies.-.. for 3 Cort& Sa d srosan make d fogrickhV goow CORRIDOR ARE RATEPAYERS ASSOIATION NOTICE 0F The Annual General Meeting of the Association will be held on Thursday November 23, 1978, at 7:30 p.m. at Dr. Robt. Thomnton Publie Sehool (cr. Scott and Hazelwood Dr.), The purpose of the meeting, will be to present the financial and other reports, and to eleet a siate of officers. Signed on behaif of the Board-of Directots. Mary McEâchern Secretary. 1

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