Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 16

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PAGE 16. WEDNESDAY- NOIVEMBEnR 8,1978,WIB2FE R Press Emp orium Cou 1668-611I1i tEmporium Ads wIli only b. occ.pt.d subj.ct to -the following'Conditions. IAUTO L 1970 FORD, 800, 361 Vs, speed, with power take off. . aluminum van bodly, go condition. Asking $2500. P hoi 655-4107. Oct. 18, 72 MAVERICK, auto.,' râdig As is $275. Phone 668-0776. Aug. 23,7 72 CHR YSLER TOWN AN1 COUNTRY Station Wag.o Fully equipped with V8 auto P/s, P/B, lncluding tailgat window, power seat, 8-trac stereo,, air cond., roof racý electrîc taligate lock, cruis control etc. This Station Wagci has been maintained and is A- mechanically. Transmissici was just rebuit. Rad jus recoredç. New water pump, fai belst, spark plugs, oil f ilter etc R ecent bil1îs on th is work avali able f0, prove same. WIII sel certif led for a reasona 'ble offer Phone 668-6111 f rom 9-5. 71 DODGE POLARA, 2 dr. hrtp., V8, auto., good condition $600. Phone. 668-5638. Aug. 23, 71 71 PONTIAC CATALINA needs some work. In runninç condition. $200. Phone 668-4058, Sept. 20, 7k 70 CHEV BEL AIR, good concji tion. Must seil, $895. PhonE 655-3583. Sept. 20, 7E 69 CHEV, 6 sedan $600 668-6408, cyl., auto., 4 dr., certif led. Phone Aug. 30, 78 i 18, )od ne 78 jo. 78 I D ln. te :k, Dn St1 3n er. 8 Ci t? r 2 F Cc 1 6é 01 w Phi 165 69 VOLKSWAGEN Station Wagon, runs good, needs some body work, $150. Phone 668-391 Sept. 13, 78 69 4 CYL. ENVOY EPIC. Ini good condition.> As is $400. Phone 668-8090 ask for Alfie. Sept. 20, 78 68 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. Engine ini good condition, body solid, $300. Phone 655-3654 or 668-547 1. Sept. 20, 78 1973 GRAN tires, radio, Asking $1995. 668-8623. TORINO, new P/B, 302 mnotor. Phone 668-0744 or Oct. 18, 78 1972 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Excellent condition. Power steering, brakes, windows, locks, seats, trunk & sun roof. Arn & FM stereo, climnate control air. cond., cruise control, tilt & telescopic steer- ing wheel, rear window defogger, twilight, sentinel, corrieri2ig and map lights. Leather upholstery, front wheel drive, air stlocks, Mithe- lin tires. Askinq $2.995, wil certif y. Cal day or evening 668 0581. Oct. 18, 78 74 MAZDA 808, 4 cyl., 51,000 miles, good condition. 480. Will certify. Cal 668-1041. Aug. 30, 78 1974' VEGA HATCHBACK, automatic, radio. A-1 condition, asklng $1200. Phone 666-0776. Nov. 8, 78J 1977 DODGE ASPEN, 2 'door seda, green, 6 cyliînder, 4 speed < overdrive, sunrofrust. proo)fed,,sriows& rims, rear window defogger, PS, arn radio, tachometer, fog lamps, 30,000 miles, will certify, $3,300 or best offer. Phone 728-1831 Oct. 1.1, 78 72 AUSTIN MARINA, body needs a 1 ittle work, $15. Also,-68 Austin 1800 Series 2, body in good condition, $125. Phone 579 4880. Oct. 25, 78 67 DODGE 3/4 Ton Truck, gooci 318 motor, good box, new 750-1611 snows, homnemade hand wintch, cab rusted away asis, $300 or best off er. Phone 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 AUTPAT SUMMER TIRES & SNOWTIRES, $10. Summer 695X14", G78Xc15", C78)011". Snowtlres F78xl4", E78xî141", 1like new. Tra per wheel & tir e, 4 boits, 400x8l. Truck type 4.way wheel wrench, $15. Phone 668.3495 or'apply at 711, Burns St. W., Whltby. Nov. 8, 78 4 VW SUMMER TIRES on rims, less than 60,000 miles, cost $110, sale for $75. Phone 668-6236. Nov. 8, 78 A-78-13"- SNOWTIRES and rlms, $20. Nov. 8, 78 1 VOLKSWAGEN gas heater complete, $25. Phone 655-3670. Oct. 25, 78 2-F78-15" SNOWTIRES on Ford rims. Good condition, $30. Phone 655-3890. Oct. 18, 78 4 STYLE STE EL wheels 13"- rim rings - dust caps & lug nuts, $100 or best off er. Phone 568-4804. Sept. 13, 78 XNE BRAND NEW AM Radio vith front speaker. Neyer used viii fit Monte Carlo or other encrai Motors cars, $70. hone 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 OUR RALLY wheeis omplete with centre hub, and hroryie rings wiII fit Monte îrlo, Camaro,. good cond., 00. Phone 668-3587. Aug. 23, 78 500 GALLON SKID TANKS. ýse for gas, oil or water. A-i onditiOn, $100 each. Phone Oct 28, 78 MEFA STOVE an goebu xtkie. cobnertioks5.Prfe vo a it upredcl, $5. 7 one 66 2305 Sept. 13, 78 ENMORE VACUUM cleaner th power beater. Like new. t $270. Sdil for $150. Phone 15638. Aug. 23, 78 IM ' EEAD When the advertlsed leIem lB sold, dlsposed of, or unavailable for whatlever reason, the Item wll11 be dleemed f0o have been sold and a commission wlll be charged'bas$ed on THE ADÏVERTISED PRICE as iiîustrated below, regardless if 'price Is stated wlth "best offer"1. If the item Is NOT SOLO, or dlsposed 0f, the ad wlll be run for 3 MONTHS andt a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wlll apply. All advertisements must be placecl on an exclusive basis with the .wHiTBY FREE 'PRESS and run aft least one month if not $old. RATES -[if article is soldi: 5% of advertised price Up to $400.00 2% of balancé over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold item advertised for $120.00 commission due $.000 [minimum charge is $3.001 Private advertising onlyl Please notify us if you find a retailer listed as a private advertiser. Please notify the Whitby Free Press, immediafely when item is sold so that we mhay delete it f rom the following Issues. Ail ads niot fitting the Ernp%.rium guidelines will be treated ancI charged per week as regular classified ads on' a pre paid basis such as: services, heîp wanted, clothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not quoting price or quantity: Private classified ads may appear in -the Emporium section under appropriate headlngs. t in doubt, caîl 668-6111 MAIL ADS TO:* FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby, LIN 551 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N., SWhitby THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. COMBINATION ELECTRIC fryer & grill (MAoffat), $450. Steam table, $350. Showcase fridge, $650. Electric deep f ryer, $275. Electric grill, $300. Black vinyl chesterfield chair, $350. Co mmercial gas stove, $250. Phone 668-8091. Aug, 23, 78 PORTABLE KE NMORE dishwasher, white, 1 year old, 1225. 1 black & white T.v., good Condition, $45. Phone 668-2806. Oct. 11, 78 1 SIMPLICITY' SPIN-DRY washing machine, $155. 1 G.S.W. Portable dryer, $155, Both in excellent condition. Asking $250 for the pair. Phono 655-4610. Oct. 18, 78 16' ALL STEEL Boat, $400, 18 4,.P. motor, $200. For sale. Phone 655-3879. Aug. 16, 78 FîOR -SALE - 1 'hardtop tent- trailer, electricity & canopy included. Asking $450. Phone 666-1893. Sept. 6, 78 TENT WITH attached dining shelter. Tentmaster 12'x 12' sleeping area, dining area 6'x12', in good condition, $100. Phone 668-3931. Sept. 13, 78 1967 VAMAHA MOTOR CYCLE 250 cc, 2 stroke, $175 f irM. 2, 12" snowtires with rims, $30 for pair. Phone 987-5439. Oct. 11, 78 1971 YAMAHA Snowmnolle Model GP396 in goodi condition, $150. Phone 668-0744. Sept. 27, 78 75 HP CHRYSLER OUTBOARD complote with 16' Aason Boat and Traiter, $750. Phono 655 4107. Oct. 18, 78 16, SCAMPER TRAILER, Fridge, stove, furnace, toilet. Good condition, $2500. Phone 668-0676. STUDENT MUST SELL 1978 750 Vamaha Regular. OnIy 5000 kilon-iters. Asking $2400 or best offer. Phone 655-3654 or 668-5471. Sept. 20, 78 E USICAL RECEIVER WITH Garrard traboand Speaker enclosed in 34V'x23" cabinet. Bargain at $40 or bost offer. Phone 668-4915 Sept. 13, 78 GRETSCH CHET ATKINS hoI!ow body guitar with hard shicII case and Fencier vibro. vorb amp with cover, $750. Phono 668-2105. Oct. 18, 78 ORCANA CHORD ORGAN In top condition. Major, minor and seventh chords, $89. Phone 655-4702. Nov. 8, 78 lc:«IONEUSJ 1< SET 0F COLLIER'S Encyclopedîas, lncludes set of Children's books, $350. 1 dark Spanish coffee table, plus 2 matchlng end tables, excellent condition, $150. Phone 728-2449. Nov. 8, 78 MESH PLAYPEN, 25. Infant rocker, $5. Phone after 5 p.m 579-2791. Sept. 13, 78 PING PONG TABLE, $39. Two lamp Shades, white ex. $4.50 each. Eîectrîc f ire log with motor, $16. 1-26" inside door, $5. 2 siiken brocadle beclspreads macle in 1 ndia. Turquois & gold, yelîow & gold, $35 each. Phone 668-0592. Aug. 23, 78 6'X6'IXU' PATIO DOORS, includes hardware, $60.2 Carter commercial heaters, practicaîîy new, 480 watts, 240 volts, $75 for both. CB Tower and head with 100 ft. of cable, neyer been usei, $60. Nov. 8, 78 GIRLS HIGHRIsIE bicycle. $25. Phno 66M 1063, Sept. 20, 78 2 END TABLES, 1 coffee table, $65. Phone 668-2M0. Nov. 8, 78 1 O lte1, 7p LEATHER BAR in excel condition, $175. Single dres with mirror, $35. Drapes 84x gold - thermolguard foî backing, $25. Phone 579-4, at ter 5 p. m. Sept. 20, 5 PIECE CHESTERFIEI Set With removeable bar a tableý, $450. Phone 668-0920. Oct. 4, ELECTRIC WATER HEATI 110 Fold, $25, twin bed spre, and drapes,' $25, Single b complete 24", $25 electr range, $35, vanity bench,1 black and white T.V., $10, table iamp's, $25. Phoi 655-8000. Oct. 4, GENDRON POOL tait complete with pool & snook balis, cues & rack, 2 yrs o, $325. or best offer. Antiq dining room set, round table, chairs' & buffet, $500. Phoi 668 0006. Sept. 20, 78 WOODBURNING COOK stov Warming oven above fuil1 pric $275. Space heater (propani complete with tanks, hose regulator. Full price, $175. metal sash various sizes, $ each. 12 pr. of original woodi shutters, with f ittihgs, $30 pt pair. Phone 655-3488. Sept. 6, 78 COOK WOODSTOVE, ne% grades, wood or coal. Askin $300. Phone 655-8081. Sept. 6, 7 YOtJTH BED, $25, 2 sets' a sheets to f it and bedspread, $2C Phone 668-6087. Sept. -13, 71 1 STOVE, presently selling fo $325, asking $200, 24" whitq stove, 6 mnths. old, removeabi door, contin. dcean oven,: coats - 1 blue with white fui trirn, very good cond. size 10 $15,'l imitation fur with browr leather trim, size 12, practic. ally new, $25. Phone 655-3814. Oct. 18, 78 1 CRIB MATTRESS, like new, $10. 1 Starrett master vernier caliper 121, with-.case, $80, 1 universal precision gauge, $50, 1 S ta rrettdceipth gauge, U-9 inch, $35, 1 Starrett outside micro- meter, 0-1 ince, $35, multi anvil micrometer caliper, 0-1 ince, $20. AIU new, best offer. Phone 668-2656. Oct. 11, 78 GOLDEN GREEN VELVET chesterfield and chair, 2 side tables and cotfee table f0 match, asking $350. Phone 668-2259. Oct. 18, 78 5 PCE WOODEN DINING ROOM SET for sale. 2 captain and 2 side chairs. In fair condition. Asking $80. Phone 668 0581. Oct. 18, 78 Aug. 23, 78 26" COLOIJR console televi- sion in working condition, $160. Phono 668 1041. Aug. 30, 781 lent, ser 150 ýam 1605 78 mnd 78 ER ?ad ed ric $3, ,2 one 78 ble ýer )Id, ue ne ee. ie) 20 015 en ýer ig 8 )f 8 r ýe le 2 r 21 c dcc $2 1 S p i PIq CRIB, $25, infant snowsuit, $7, Tef on waffÎlemaker, $15, Schick Facial Sauna, -$10, Swing-a-matlc Baby Swing, $15, freestanding Ioly JuMper, $7, doubleszed bedspred& matching drapes, $20, colaps- able waker, $5, colapsable stroller, $8,,Littie Mac Ham- burger maker,- 1,expanding circular fence,> $10, high chair, fods f0 table & chair, $25. Ali go'od condition. Phone 668-8780. Oct. 11, 78 SELKIRK TYPE f irep 1lace, hardly used, A-i condition. Asking,$110. Phone 655-4995. Sept. 27, 78 SOFA BED for $65. 2 mirror wardrobe with drawers, $25. Phone Oshawa at 579-'6786. Sept. 2i, 78 WHITE SOLID PINE Hutch, ,$650. Dimette set (solid mape) 'with four chairs, $200. Phone 668-3926 after 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4, 78 GOOD FOR REC ROOM OR COTTAGE. Kitchen table & chairs, $20, chesterfield, $50, double bed, $45, 2 dressers,,$25 each, 1 TV stand, $5. Buy as a group, $125.00. Phone 668-9722. Oct. 25, 78 SINGLE BED, $35, X-Minister carpeting, 40'x2711, $40. Ceiîing Mies & T-Bars, $20, enough for $60 square foot area. Viking heavy duty f loor polisher, $&. New lounge exerciser, $30. Room divider, $20. Phone 666-1847. Oct. 4, 78 ANTIQUE SECRETARY. Excellent condition, solidi walnut, 6' taîl by 22 wide. Book- case With 3 shelves & carved, g lass doors, drop leaf desk wi th 3 drawers underneath.- 80 years old, $550 or best off er. Phone 668-1436. Oct. 11, 78 FOR SALE.- insîde dioors, size 22"x80" and 24"x80",. One door uvith door jams, other - door onIy, $10 each. 1 Humidifier, like new, $50. Chrome T.V. table, 24" wide, $5. Stamp accumulation, Canada, U.S.A. & Europe, $100 or best offer. Phone 668-3495. Oct. 25, 78 DELUXE ACORN FORE. PLACE, burnt orange, brass, trimn on front, black p'Ole creen, cement hearth, mint ondition. Seîling f0 remnodel, ý250. Phone 668-4096. Oct. 25, 78 WHOLEHOiUSE PORTABLE IUMIDIFER, Woodgrain :binet, $35. Phone 6U8-1041. Oct. 25, 78 ýHORtWAVÈ EQUIPMENT . larconi CRS5 Receiver. 100 Vatt bi-lnear power suppy. las CB frequency . 2 Johnson îkling transmitters, in eorkçing condition. Package eal 10f $150 or best off er. Phone ý8.0989. F.ree - i-

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