Whitby Free Press, 8 Nov 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEM BER 8, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS T ,ee ceandidates seek. West Ward seat on council, Candidates contesting the West Ward council seat were asked two questions. Foilow- ing are the questions and the candidates' responses; limited ;o approximately .7S words for the first and 150 foi the second. WHAT QUALIFICA- TIONS DO YOU HAVE FOR THE POSITION YOU ARE SEEKING? J0E BUGELLI The actual qualifications needed for a citizen to seek a position on Council as stipu- Iated by the Municipal Elections Act are that a person has to be over i8, a resident of the municipality- and a Canadian citizen. I meet ail these requirements and having lived in Whitby for many years, belonged to service associations, involved in community affairs (including 2 years on the Committee of Adjust- ment), and possessing a solid background in -manage- ment, certainly certifies my quâlification. * Askus> about'yo Corne ahd telli*us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you wont to be tornorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match1 your needs. No obligations on sither side. We'll be glad to talk. And we may have just what you're looking for. But you'Il g)ever know until you ask. Visit ou.' Mobi. Recrultlng Unit Cimdc Manpower Contre OSHAWA Novumber 8, 15,#22,29 10:00 «.. 1 :00 p... * CANADIA ERIC LAYCOCK Having lived in both West Lynde and on Cochrane Street over the past five years, I understand the needs of both the new and established residents of the Ward.1 Through my experience in Hospital administration, i learned much -about open communication, finanicial restraint and the necessity of working co-operatively with others. I have worked with businessmen, labour and volunteers alike. I arn young, energetic, enthusiastic and capable of meeting this challenge effec- tively,,with your support. JOHN ROBERTS I care about Whitby, both as a resident and as 'a downtown merchant, I have consistently proven this by continually promoting the town, not only at election time, but as a Director of the Chamber of Commerce and my weekly newspaper columns. I have worked for youth through the Optimist Club, for rny church through its Board of Management, and for. the downtown through the Board of Management and Retail Merchants' Association, -WHAT ISSUES HAVE THE GRE'ATEST IMPACT ON THE RESIDENTS IN YOUR WARD AND WHAT WILL YOU, IF ELECTED) COUNCILLOR FOR THAT WARD, DO ABOUT THESE ISSUES?'* 10E BUGELLI hoods themnselves. One issue is common to al of Whitby- .public transportation. I have put forth a plan 0f action, gradually phasing in a bus system,i commencing with utilizing school buses when not in use by the scilool boards. As the demand is lestabIishied and public acceptance asserted, more buses will be added to accommodate additional routes., Further deveîopment shouîd be slowed down to ensure adequate planning and. consideration being -given to necessary facilities such as schools, parks and services. Developers should be made more responsible to prospective home owners and the munieipality alike. West Lynde and other Creek developments lacked much of this attention. In the more established parts &f town, the forgotten majority have waited for years for curbs, road repairs, general mainten- ance, storm sewers and the like.- 1 PrOP Oseto honestly and fairly represent ail of my ward gîving fuli regard to .ile needs of aIl 0f Whitby. ERIC LAYCOCK 3. Presentation of Whitby's small town char- acter. As councillor, I would encourage. S1. Semi-annual 'Discus- sion Forums with West Ward residents to review my actions and discuss future council matters. 2. The Region to immedi- ately: a) instail traffic signais at Dundas and Jeffreyl D'Hiilier and b) complete Rossland Road, Whitby Town-line and the proposed 401. interchange.' 3. Immediate discussion of proposed high 'density area of north-west corner of Rossland and Cochrane. 4. Completion of secon- dary stuidy areas ensuring presentation of Whitby's boundaries, ýdowntown,, har- bour and parklands. 15. Innovative programs to attract industry and commence to balance resi- dential growth. 6. Elimination 0f costîy bureaucratic delays in plan-. .nlng, approval lproces-. 7. Responsible, financial reporting at council. 8. Promotion of shared regional services to save money. I would encourage responsive and responsible government withi.n Whitby. JOHN ROBERTS' The WestWard needs a transportation system, which I strongly support. I wilI investigate ail possibil- ities s0 that the system we JOHN ROBERTS' get will serve the largest number of people at the lowest possible cost. This cannot be achieved through hasty or unworkabie election promises. The West Ward needs a strong, thinking represent a- tive who wiil listen to the concerns of his constituents. I have aîready deait with probiems relating to senior citizens in the West Ward, residents 0f Otter Creek,, West Lynde, Key East and- Henry Street concerning traffie controL, transpor- tation, shopping, problems and problems with homes and builders. I have heiped people with recreation and planning probiems. I wili not make promises that I cannot keep, and I have proven that, I will work for people in the: ward and wiil keep promises thdt I make. I will represent my ward to the best of my ability, and be available when needed. Forum'

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