Whitby Free Press, 25 Oct 1978, p. 14

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PAGE 14. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1978.- WHITBY FI SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT UIS GOING ON IN DURHAM.' NOON, EVENINOS NIGHT REPORTS 12:20, 6 PAM. & il ýP.M. Weather, Sports und News SHHHHHHHH. oeoe*IT'S A SILENT AUCTION Carole Murkar and Marion Bentley of St. Mark's United Church, proudly show off some of the items available for bidding at the church's Silent Auction, Oct. 30. The sulent auction is at 7:30 p.m. but there is a whole day of activities. From il :30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. homemade soup and sandwiches will be served and there will be a bake table from all these events will go for church work. Free Press Photo Cri-me is breach of trust says judge p p OWNERS, WANTED SEXY, EUROPEAN NEEDS MATE 1976 Cipri, blue, Lic. JUPiSi, $3695 WANTED GOINO PLACES - FAMILY WHO'S, 1976 LeMans Wagon, whi e, autOmotic, V8, power stoering », power biakes, defroster, W/W, W/C, Lic. KHH 903 $3695 WANTED - OWNER WHO APPRECI ATES COMFORT Mercury Marquis'4 dr. Brougham, gold,I too mony options Io1sf, Lic. KSB 529 1976 oaded, $4895 I L=N MERCLIW SALES UMITED. Ii* 1120 DUMAS flT AST 'Il. is fot only a crime it is a breach of trust,' Provincial Court Judge Donald Dodds told Randal James Flieler 17 of 1420 Oxford Street Oshawa as hie placed the accused on 18 months probation. The stipulations of the probation include not leaving the Province or changing his address without permission from the Probation Officer. He is to report once a montb to the Probation Officer. His Honor also ordered File' 2r to 'perform 80 hours of Comm- nity Service' at the rate of five 'hours service cach week. The accussed was senten- ced on the charge of thef t and had pleaded guiity to this charge when he appeared in the Whitby Court last September. Last August while employed as a watchman and being trained by the Hardin and King Construc-. tion Limited, Flieler permitted some 'of bis con- federates to enter onto' the Wbîtby construction site. He had cimbed over the fence surrounding the Wbitby construction site location and left the gate open. The gate was left open 10o permit his confederates to enter and take a number of items,' the Court was told. In reviewing the case Provincial Court Judge Dodds said, tbe accussed was employed as a guardian but ho permitted some of bis companions te gain entery 'te the Construction Com- pany's location. Altbough the items taken were small, some oul, hand cleaner and other such items of whicb the value came to $6.50; it 'was a breacb of trust. Being a Breach of Trust is just as serious as committing the crime and it can have a far reaching affect on the future of tbe person who committed sucb a breach,' the judge said. 'It is irnperative that, he recognize that- he alone is responsible for his conduct, not bis parents or his envir- oment,* said Provincial court Judge Donald Dodds as ie swutenced Michael Rick 17 of K.R. 3 Port Perry to fine months in a Provin- cial Correc tional Center of 15 counts of Forgery. Rive was aIse sentenced te three months ini a Provincial Çorrectlooal venter on the tion. The accussed who has been in custody for 18 days prior to being sentenced bad pleaded guilty to ail 16 charges when ho appeared in Court earlier. As Provincial Court Judge Dodds reviewed the case and the pre-sentence report, 'His Honor pointed out that the youth had taken a cheque book wbich belonged to another person and wrote out 15 cheques using another person's name. He bad forged the name of the cheque book owner on the cheques and tried to cash tbem at various locations in Port Perry and Oshawa. The loss of nioney to the owner of tbe cbeque book was $870. When the accussed appeared in Court to answer the charges earlier in the montb evidence produced in court indicated tbere is still $650 outstanding restitution to be paid on break, enter and tbeft charges. Prior to the passing of sentence the Court learned that tbe youth's parents had paid the money, $870 gained by forgery back to the cheque book's owner. This prompted His Honor to repeat, the accussed should trecognize that he alone is responsible for his conduct. If he doesn't recognize that now lie will find himself in a very unfortunate situation. It is unfortunate that be has placed himself in such a circumstance as he now finds himself in by bis presence here.' (in court) He already bas seven previeus 'Nobody forces a person to drink. One could say as weil that it is tougb to get One leg back after it is' taken off. Provincial Court Judge Donald. Doblis told Stuart R. Pelvin 34 of Willowdale. Pelvin was sentenced to 21 days in jail and placed on three months probation witb the stipulation be refrain from drinking alcobolic heverages. His drivers license was suspended for six months on a charge of driving white his ability was inipaired by alcobol. His Honour warned if the accussed was convicted agaîn on a simîlar charge he 'will serve tbree months in jail and bis driver's license wiIl be suspended for one ycar.' Mr. Pelvin plcaded guilty te the charge. t5ast April white thie Ontario Provincial Police, Whitby Detachment was on patrol on Simicoe Street north, Scugog Township, a car was seen parked on the side of the road. The car was damaged to the extent that the damages were similar to those received by a car that was in collision with another vehicle and had ef t the scene of the accident. The driver's side of the car was damaged completely and the car parked on the side of the road' was imbed- ded in the ditch. There was four feet ofwater in the car,' Police said. The court was told the Officer saw the accussed who had been sitting behind the wheel 'slide over te 'the passenger's side of the car and get out of the car.' He displayed all the clinical evidence of a person impaired by alcobol the officer told the court. The breath test indîcated a reading of 100.11 mg. of alcohol per 100 mm of blood in his system. The accussed had left the scene of an accident when he was found *by the Police. foquois defeat Hornets The Whitby Iroquois Senior A hockey teama defeated the Cambridge Hornets 6-5 Tbursday at Iroquois Park arena, but the victory was marred by the plans of goaltender Bryan Rose to retire. The 26-year-old netminder said lie is not enjoying hockey anymore ,and can't make the practices because he lives in Cobourg and works in Oshawa. Hlowever. the Iroquois, with Rose's goaltending were able to gain their second win in seven games. Coach Peter Vipond will. have to make a number of changes and had four new players out to Tuesday's practice session. The team is far from complete and its delensive gamne is still suffering. lie said. The Iroquois played thie Thunder Bay Twins at Iroquois Park Sunday after. nom0, I I I ~s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ I I I Il I I I I I I I ,~ I I

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