Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1978, p. 3

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WHITgY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4,1978, PAGE3 Riddle - What is brown and green and looks' like the beach at Normandy after the invasion? lil give you a hint;' it has to do with my ever faithful companion. - often called (mistakenly) "man's best friend" but more recently in my case called, "the scourge of camp sites". Yes, the secret is out and I must take the blame. My own dog, Ben, is probably responsible for some of the dîsasters you've likely seen at a few campgrounds. You see, Ben has this compulsion to dig and bury things. Things like chuckwagon surprise dinners, the s'pare tire off the camper, squirrels and even the odd unsuspecting tourist or camper innocently walking by. The results are that I will in ail likelyhood be banned from many çampgrounds next season. Take one example last summer in Penetanguishene. The campground is located within the town which is populated by both English and French speaking people who I believe to be very tolerant and eager to please t ourists and visitors. 0f course Ben has changed al that. IL happened one day we first roiled into the campgrounds - neat and dlean and each site with its own bit of lawn, the green grass well cuL and rimmed and each site having a sand driveway on which you parked the camper. I quickly set up the camper with Ben helping by tangling up aIl the lines and chewing the end off one of the wooden supports. I tied Ben Up to a nearby tree and completed setting up the camper with aý minimum of fuss. While setting out the groceries on the camp table I discovered some jelly donuts that must, have been lef over from a previous trip. They were-free of mouid and seemed in reasonably good condition except that when I broke one open it appeared the jelly inside had started Lo ferment. Ben seemed the likely candidate to dispose of hem. I untied hlm from the tree and retied him to the camper and gave him the first jelly donut. He quickly gobbled it 'down, made a wry, face and then let out a belch. His tail was Maýjor indus TJwo majoîC Whitby industries are planning considerable expansions, iL is rumorcd, but company officiais are remaining sulent on the nature of hese expansions. .Constructipn ,*as already begun on an addition at the Cadbury Schweppes Powell plant which wiIl ad 18i,000 square feet 0f planît floor space and 8,000 square feet of office space. The expansion is expected to crea te about 400 jobs in the Whitby plant. llowever, company officiaIs are not commenting on whether the head offices of Cadbury-are going to be moved from Montreal to Whitby. President T.C. Powell, has stated, however, that the Montreal production plant will close before the end of 1978 because of a declining confectionary market. A Toronto radio station Iast week, stated in a news- (ast that Cadbury wilI be rnoving its head office fî'om- Montreal to Ontario, but no officia] confirmation has hecîi made of the statement. Last week, rumors were circulating tha t Lake Ontario Steel Company was planning a big expansion, hill President Chris 5% wagging so I offered him another donut. His tail' stopped wagging. Stili he accepted another donut and it went down al most as fast as the first. Another wry face was displayed followed by two beiches this time. He accepted the third donut but refused to let it touch his lips which he carefully kept curled way back while the donut was perilously held between his two front teeth, swinging back and forth. As he walked away with the donut swinging between his teeth he tripped and the donut touched his lips thereby making hlm) feel compelled to eat it which of course he did. More beiches and absolutely no Lail wagging at ail now. Donut number four was accepted but he handled- it between his teeth likç it was a rare diamond. He walked carefully away from me, picked a spot, and to my horror quickly dug a giant hole and dropped the donut in and replaced the dirt. I yelled to hlmî that a simple refusaI of the donut would have sufficed, he need not go to such lengths to show me what he though of them. Luckily the campgrounds manager was absent so I did a littie dean up job at Ben's hold and you could hardly tell the difference. I dimissed the incident from my mmnd and prepared to bed down for the night. I was awakened a few Urnes by merry makers who didn't have ,the sense to get to bed but eventually sound sleep came and s0 did morning. I jumped from bed realîzing I had slept late and after putting on some clothes rushed out the camper door to a shock - there standing around my campsite was a haif a dozen fellow campers ail staring at my campsite., I followed their stares and nearly fell over in surprise. Ben had spent the whole night transforming my campsite Science days Students f rom Henry Street, High School and Anderson Collegiate ha 'v1 been attending the Univer- sity of Wateil oo's Science* Days this faîl. On Sept. 27, 40 students fromn Henry Street High School attended science lectures at the university, and on Oct. 4, 35 students fromn Anderson Collegiate attended. Whitby students have been attending the Ujniversity of Waterloo's Science Days for a numnber of years. etrial expansions expected Schmnelzle would not confirmn Alrucady this year LASC() thei, umors. 1le 'said, lus spent $1.9 million on ho\vcvu ci that the company 1)uilditigs and equipinent, will soon be making an iiicluding a roi] shop. Iu ; !ln ounceiînent of some sort. ser'vice the rolling, milI. E t OF CANADA OWNER OPERATED soq how fics yoiw carcmsIo*k Palet sarq4oe. ial. ROYAL ~5? PREMIER $1 8995 SUPREME $249;,- ALL PAINT WORK GUARANTEED into a miniature replica of the beach at Normandy after the landing complete with fox holes, trenches and bomb craters. One camper came forward and asked, "Was anyone hurt here last night??" 1 was too shocked to answer. There was hardly a square foot of level ground. The upshot of ail tJiis was an hour later after 1 had almost fiiled in ail the trenches, foxholes, and bomb craters I turned to spot Ben digging yet another crater but suddenly he stopped, dipped his head down and brought out a potato which he proceeded to eat. I was completely stumped as to how the potato could get there until I took a dloser look and discovered it was yesterday's #4 jelly donut which he had buried and had now dug up and eaten, gravel, fermenting jelly and ail. Ben is a very strange dog._ James P. A. Prentice DISPENSING OPTICIAN 400A Dundas St. West Bus. 666-1646 (at Kent) Whitby, Ont. Il N 2M7 Res. 668-0067 COLLISI oiK Dsing jour damaiod car lta MAACO and ws'II do the resU. WeliI contact jour Insurance agency or broker. We'II make sue an udlustur ses jour car. We'II do quulity work at a esbonable price and givo you tast service, FREE INSURANCE ESTIMATES MHWY. 401 579-4000 'À«ý LO__T 710WILSONRD.S OSHAWA, ONT. - WNWRI 1SIIOP NOURS Mon tru Fr- 8am 6 Pm 0 Sol 10arn?2 pm w Ask us about yo0u Corne and tell us what you're Iooking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on either side. We'Illbe glad to talk. And we may have just what-you're looking for. But you'il rever know untit you ask. Visit our Mobile Reécruiting 'Unit Canada Manpower Centre OSHAWA 4, 11, 18, 25 October, 1978 10:00 a.m. w wmpl p IL -3:00 p.m. ARMED FORCES. I I. Wesley's Wrld of Tra vel inc. Go BaFisIlat Dragon Bay $309900 185 Brock Street North, Whitby, Ontario TEMPORARY ADD RESS: 400 DUNDAS ST. W. (above Manchester Credit Union) -4 L WÀ A 1

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