Whitby Free Press, 2 Aug 1978, p. 15

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2, 1978, PAGE 15 S4~u... ~44ing for ~i1 GNOMES, TROLLS & DRAGONS On Aug. 12 from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. there will be a Gnomes, Trolls and Dragons hour at the Whitby Public Library for young children. FRENCH CLASSES The Whitby Public Library expects to again present its Pre-Sehool French story program- this fail. Anyonie interested in enrolling their children should leave their name now at the library's children's desk. MODEL SCHOOL REUNION Students who attended the old Whitby Model School, now Florence Heard Schooi, are invited to att3-nd a reunion to be held at the If you walk to work, it.won't be work to walk Flgneg. in your heart voiz know k'. rlgh. sehool Sept. 6 from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. Anyone who attended the sehool during the time that it was known as the Model Sehool or Dundas Street School is asked to contact Alvin. Sturgess at 668-3518. DECOUPAGE A decoupage workshop for children 10 and up will be held Aug. 24 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library. Registration is $1.50 per child at the children's desk. ENERGY AUDIT A free energy audit of Whitby homes is being offered by the Whitby Community Conservation Centre. Trained personnel will Corne to your home at no charge and will examine your home insulation levels and furnace and will make recommendations on how to -cap high fuel savings for owcosts of repairs and/or retrofitting you can do your- self. For more information and/or an appointment, contact the Whitby Community Conservation Centre at the Whitby Maîl at 579-0740. KORNI DOG DANCE The West Lynde Commun-, ity Association will present a "Korni Dog Dance" at Heydenshore Pavilion Aug. 12 from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets are $10 per couple, and there will be music by a disc jockey. For tickets, cal Tony at 668-6130, Karn at 668-2202 or Earl at 668-6047. I ~ nu, ng 'Co ven s 668-3621 GUIDA &'DINO INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY 109 BYRON St. S, 668-6031 h% HEX DENSHORE (corner Water St. & Dunlop PAVILION Dr., Whitby> r Notice of Public Hearing 0Ottawa, July 24, 1978 ISSUE NO. 4 HULL, QUEBEC SEPTEMBER 12, 1978, 9:00 A.M. The Canadian Radio-Televislon and Telecom mun ications Com- mission will hold a Public Hearing begining on September 12, 1972 at l'Auberge de la Chaudiere, 2 Montcalm Street, Hull, Quebec f0 consider the folîowing. ONTARIO REGION APPLICATIONS, INVOLVING THE TRANSFER 0F EFFECTIVE CONTROL 0F CANADIAN CABLESYSTEMS LIMITED AND 0F ITS LICENSEE SUBSIDIARIES AND THE BROADCASTING UNDERTAKINGSOPERATED BY THEM, AS 'ET OUT IN THE FOLLOWING: Applications for approval df the indirect transfer of effective control of: a) Canadian Cabîesystems (Metro) Limited, icensee of cable television systems serving Parts of Metropolitan Toronto (781387600) Part of Mississauga (1) Appîewood (781388400) Part of Mississauga (2) Fleetwood (781389200), Part of Burtingfon (781390000>, Part of Hamilton (781391800), Ontario. b) Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited icensee of cable television systems serving Brantford, Paris and surrounding area (781392600), Cornwall (781393400), Kitchener, Stratford and area 781394200), Part of London (781395900), Newmarket, Holland Landing and Bradford <781396700), Oshawa, Bowmanvilîe and Whitby and surrounding area (781397500), Ontario. c) Chatham Cable TV Limited, licensee of the cable television system serving Chatham, Ontario (781398300). d). Kingston Cable TV Limited, liceflsee of the cable television * system serving K ingston, Ontario (781399100). e) !'ommunity Antenna Television Ltd.. licensee of the cable television system serving Calgary, Alberta (781400700). and of the broadcasting undertakings operateci by them through the acquisition by Rogers Teecomniunficafions Limited "Rogers") of common shares of Canadian Cablesystems Limnited <"$CCS"#). One or more subsidiaries of Rogers currently beneficially own approximately 25.6% of the common shares 0f CCS, and Rogers now proposes to acquire a further 24.4%, principallv f rom Heco Securities Inc. (a company beneficially owned by Edper lnvestrrients Ltd.).- Rogers, a company controlled by Edward S. Rogers, indirectly controts cable te levision underta kings servi ng Parts of Metropolitan Toronto, Brampton and Leamington, Ontario as well as radio stations CFTR andi CHFI-FM (Toronito), CKJD (Sarnia), CHYR and CHYR-7 (Leamington). These applications propose change in the degree of concentration of ownefshlp and control 0f licensed broadcastiflg uAdertakings, psrtkcularly câble ttlvisot undertaklngs, in Southern Ontario. Af the heafith fe COMMImlSIOflwilI trefore wish tO eXPlore fUllY wifh aIl interested parties the implications 0f the proposa is for the Canadian broadcasting system and the communities served by the licensed undertakings involved. Locations where the applications may be examined: Canadian Cabîesystems <Metro) Limited carrying on'business under the name 0f METRO CABLE TV 2nd Floor, 254.Airdrie Road, Toronto, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited under the name of METRO CABLE TV Apt. 101, 3105 Queen Fredrica Drive, Mississauga (Applewood), Ontario Canadian Cabîesystems (Metro) Limited under the name 0f METRO CABLE TV Apt. 201, 1867 Bloor St. East, Mississauga (Fleetwood), Ontario C4nadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited under the name of METRO CABLE TV 3115 Park GAte Crescent, Burlington, Ontario, carrying on business carrying on business carrying on business Canadian Cablesystems (Metro) Limited carrying on business under the name of HAMILTON CO-AXIAL 1120 Main Street East, Hamilton, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems <(Ontario) Limited carrying on business under the name of JARMAIN CABLE TV 23 Harris Avenue, West MaIl Business Centre, Brantford, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited carrying on business under the name of CORNWALL CABLEVISION 517 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario. Canadjian Cablesystems (Ontario) Limited carrying on business under the name 0f GRAND RIVER CABLE TV 85 Grand Crest Place, Kitchener, Ontario. Canadian Cablesystem (Ontario) Limiteci carrying on business under the name 0f LONDON CABLE TV 800 York Street, London, Ontario. Canaclian Cabîesystems (Ontario) Limnifed. carryinq on business under the name of .JARMAIN CABLE TV 20 Gladman Avenue, Ncwmarket, Ontario. Cénadian Cablesystems <Ontario) Limited carryinct on business under the name of PINE RIDGE CABLE TV 1353 Kiffq Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. Chatham Cable TV Limited richmond Mail,, 491 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. Kingston Cable TV Limited 335 King Street East, Kingston, Ontario. Communify Antenna Television Limited 3003 Macleod Trail, SE., Calgary, Alberta. The attention of those persons interested in examining these applications is drawn f0 letters f rom the Commission dated June 12 and July 6, 1978 and related correspondence (ail on fhe.public file) concernirng the f iling of these applications and procedures proposed to be foîlowed at the public hearing, and specifically f0 the fact that the Commission has established fwo deadline f iling dates for the f il ing 0f additional material in connection with these applications as follows: July 28 - Iast date for the filing by CCS of any supplementary material relating f0 the application or f0 be relied upon at the public hearing which if considers relevant; August 4 -last date for the f iling by Rogers of any supplementary material in response to the f iling by CCS but not ofherwise. GENERAL INFORMATION How f0 Intervene Anyone wishing f0 comment on an application must submit a Written intervention which should contain a clear and concise statement of 'the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the initervener's support for, opposition f0, or proposeci modification of, the application is based. It should also state whether or not the intervener wishes f0 appear at the hearing. Deadline for receipt of Interventions at the Commission and with the Applicaxt: August 23, 1978 To be sent by registered mail or personal delivery f0 Applicant and CRTC Ottawa, Ontario KiA 0N2 with proof of service. Interventions must be actually received on the specif ied date, flot merely posted on this date. Examination 0f Applications and Documents At local address given in this notice and at the Commission, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chaudiere, 1 Principale Street, Roomn 561, Hull, Quebec. Rules 0f Procedure Further information is outlined in Rules 0f Procedure availabte .for the sum of 35 cents f rom: The Publishing Centre, Printing Centre, Printing and Publishing, Department of Supply.-and, Services, 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, Ontario. information: Write fo CRTC or phonc 819 997 1027 or 997-1328. Lise Quimiet, Sccretary Gencral. CRIC Public Notice 197899 L * Canaduaui Ra«to-*WiviSiofl Consei de la radiodiffusonI and Teleommungcatiofl et des télécommuvilcatlons Commission lm cNadie V- s Whitby Community Bingo imycees, 150Kiwmn s Knsmen, Qptim uts 2 -$ 0.JACKPOTS EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Monday, Aug., 7 1978 Lic. No., 235447 FIRST JACKPOT AT 55 -NIMIBES SECOND JACKPOT AT 5o NIJMBERS 7:15 p.m. No childrep under 16 admitted NO ADMISSION CHARGE! upto500/ooff Specially Marked Items WANDA&TONY MARTIN AT o THECOMPLETE HA RDWARE STORE DOMINION HARDWR 1 Custom cuting and shaping for womnen, with temphasis on individuality. Cati for an appointment WIF jw--- ka .1 1. - - ll'ý lý

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