YWHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26e,1978e PAGE 3 Summer -is bu8y time in West Lynde The West Lynde~ Corn. munity Association is busy this summer, involved in sports and special projects for park irnprovements in their part of town. President Tony Rate reports that a lot of people in the subdivision have been concerned about the 'safety involved in the existing play- ground equipment in central park. A wooden retaining wall was constructed to contain sand fili in the, grounds underneath the play appara- tus, and seats have been installed along- the wall. Also, the climbing net will be replaced, says Mr. Bate. Vîce-president Margaret Boyce reportsthat the new Otter Creek Home Owners Association has asked to join with the West Lynde Com- munity Association in its efforts to have traffie signais installed at the intersection of Dundas and Jeffrey Street. This intersection has been of concern to West Lynde residents for a number of months. Mrs. Boyce. also reports problems with furnaces experiencedby a nu mber-of West Lynde residents and suggests that ail residents should have their furnaces checked. She reports that a number of gas furnaces have cracked heat exchangers which could cause fumes to enter bouses. So far, six have had to be replaced, says Mrs. Boyce. Another'problem reported is furnaces that are not large enough for the, houses they heat, and the motors are burning out. Mrs. Boyce also reports tliat two tons of paper garbage were removed from Central Park in one week by the town, and she would like to see some way of control- ling littering in the park. Membership Chaîrman Annette Wortman reports that the West Lynde Com- munity Association has 790 members as of July, with a number of new families moving into the town bouses at Burns'and Annes Streets. West Lynde Fun Day is scheduled for Aug. 12 at Central Park. Helpers are required to run 10 or 12 events such as races, a tug or war, fish pond, and refresh- mnent booths, in the evening of Aug. 12, from 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. there will be a Korni Dog Dance at Heydenshore Pavilion Tickets are avail able by calling 666-1130 or 668-6467. The West Lynde Com- munity Association now ýhas two ladies' softball teams in operation which meet at the West Lynde Public School. tuesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The men's softball team meets Mondays from 7 n.m. to 9 p.m., Sumimer is the time of auctions and flea markets, and in Whitby there are plenty of these sales. Expectant buyers were busy looking over the merchandise recently at the Couples Club auc <tion sale at St. Mark's United Church, where one could buy anything, including a kitchen sink. Be sure to watch the coming events column to see when the auction sales and flea markets for charitaL*Xk purposes are beingheld in Whitby. SFree Press Photo OBITIJARIES EMMA HARRIS Emma Florence Harris, 540 Mary Street East, died at the Ajax Pickering General Hospital July 15, following an automobile accident. Mrs. Harris wasd in a single car accident on Westney Road south of the 5th concession, Pickering in the early hours of July 15. She was 49 years old. A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Emory, she was born Nov. .5, -1928 in Athol- Township, Ontario, and attended public and high schools In Whitby.- Mrs. Harris was a former employee of -the Woolco Departmnent Store In Whitby, a member of St. Mark's United Church and a member of the Euchre Club of Almonds United Church. Sh e was also a member of the Wbitby Historical Society. Mrs. Harris was marrled toEýGrdon Richard Harris at Alnionds United Church, Whitby i 1963. Mr. Harris died in December 1975. -_ Mrs. Harris is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Emory of Whltby and three sisters, Mrs. Albert Mitchell (Aima) of Orono, Mrs. Ivy Chant of Whitby, and Mrs. Allan Brooks (Betty) of Oshawa. The funeral was held July 18 at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Rev. Robert Wragg officiating. Interment followed in Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. Contributions to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. FLOYD PETCHE Floyd Arthur Petch, loi Whiteoaks Court, Apt. 1109 died at the Dr. J. O. Ruddy General Hospital July 10, at the age of 54. Mr. Petch is survived by bis wife. the former Olive Travis, one daughter, Mrs. William Summers (Gwendolyn) of Creemnore; two son, Donald of Toronto and David at homne; two grandchildren, and bis parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Herman Petcb of Barrie. .The fumeral was beld July 13 at W.C. Town Funeral Cbapel, followed by inter- ment hi Motnt Lani IMP:OR TAN T Canadian Citizenship is requireudto vote m Federal Elections The Canada Elections Act of 1970 provides that every man and woman wýho has attained the age of 18 years and is a Canadian-citizen qualifies as an elector and is therefore able to vote in federai by-elections and general elections. The Act also provided that British subjects who were not Canadian citizens but who quaiified as electors at the time of the 1968 general eleCtionî could continue to vote in federal elections for a period of five years following the cmn into effect of the new Canada Elections Act on June 26, 1970. Accordingly, since June 26,1975 only Canadian citizens have had the right to vote în federal elections. You do not need to produce proof of Canadian Citizenship either at the time of enumeration or at the poils. However, if challenged at the polis, you may be asked to swear that you are a Canadian citizen before vofing. If yvu wish to apply for Canadian citizenship or if>ou have any doubts about your status as a Canadian citizen, pieuse contactv, The Court of Canadian Citizenship nearest you Iisted under "Government of Canada" in the white pages of your telephone directory as' follows: Citizenship Inquiries, or Court of Canadian Citizenship, or Seeretary of State. OR - You mav wish to write directlv to: Registrar of Canadian Citizenship, Department of the Secretary of State, Ottawa, Ontario, KlA 0M5 There are Courts of Canadian Citizenship located in 28 major centres across Canada. Citizenship oficers, provincial or county courts, and specially appointed individuals provide cîtizenship services in many other armas. You will be referred to the most convenient location. THE GRANTING 0F CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP TAKES AN AVERAGE 0F THREE MONTHS FROM THE DATE 0F APPLICATION. This information is provided as a public service and issued jointly by the Chief Electoral Officer and the Registrar of Canadian Citizenship, Department of the Secretary of State. *IJOHN ROBERTS I SECRETARY 0F$TE bJEAN-MARC HAMEL 0