Whitby Free Press, 26 Jul 1978, p. 26

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APAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, JULY 26,1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Invtesyou to "Ce.lebrity Softball" 1h. CKLBm-CKQS Athletic Supporters vYs 1h. Brooklin & istrict Kinsmen foturing: Two of the Aro Sunshine Girls, Soady Haowley, GlennCoch ra ne, CFTO News SivrCollectio n donated to Cysti*c Fibrosis with eachcontributor elegible to wi*n .an Expo's we.kend. for 2 in Montreail Progo.. show am 7:045 p.m. Brookliln Momorio'l Park Ji Summer safe'y is on ly a matte r By BRIAN WINTER Staff Writer Summer safety'la mosti3 matter of common senu says Dr. Ken Hobbs, medic officer for DuPont of Cana, an past Chief of Staff for t Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Hfospital. A, physician in Whitbyf 20 years, Dr. Hobbs Is ve familiar with the mc common summer accider and what to do to preve them. 1There are four m:a, areas where safety should1 practice--at home, in the ca at the cottage and on t water, says Dr. Hobbs. AT HOME In the home there is the danger of accidentai poison- omgs froni insecticides, herbicides,- and fertilizers, ail of which« should be kept undeé lock and key, says Dr. Hobbs. Also, persons using these materials, should read the instructions carefully. One common source of acciddents at the home is the electric or gasoline-powered lawn mower, says Dr. Holbbs. "With a lawn mower you should wear approved safety shoes or boots," he says. "Most factorîes1 provide these to their employees."' Gasoline «should not be poured into a bot lawn mower, or carried ini cana in the trunk of a car, for the build-up of heat can cause the slightst spark to ignite it, Dr. Hobbs warns. "One should be overly precautious in filling any hot motor," he says. In using electric lawn mowers, Dr. Hobbs warns that one should neyer cut wet grass or walk' in bare feet, and the operator, of a mowen should always. know where the cord is. Another cause of home accidents la ladders not Properly supported says Dr. Hobbs. IN THE CAR Every summer, car ownert should get a tune-up and have their tires over- inflated if they are carrying heavy. loads, says »Dr. Hobbs. In pulling trailers or motor homes, anti-sway control hitchea and safety chains should lie used, and trailer owners should know about the proper use of propane gas appliances. AT THE COTTAGE Many of the safety rules for the home also apply to the cottage, says Dr. Hoblis. When going out camping, special'care sliould bu taken in the use of fires, naptlia gas and axes. The writer of this article remembena a group of young campera who poured turpentine on a camp fire, with nearly disastrous results. Chain saws are another danger at the cottage, according to Dr. Holbas. "One moment of indiscretion can take aknee cap off," lie says. Dr. Hobbs recommends that safety clothing sucli as gloves and safety glasses lie worn when using a chain saw. "It doesn't cost that mucli more to get safety appnoved lenses l inyoein glasses," lie says. Fish« hook are another source Mffijuries, says Dr. ofc6mmnon sense Hqbbs, especially, when 'Mr. Kunetsky says th~ casting. there was a rash of dog bit, Sunburn can also be sever. earlier this spring, but thei [y a The best treatmnent la, pre- have flot been mai ise, ventative, using lotions with recently.' They corne [cal sunscreen agents ini theni, he clusters, he says, ai ida says. If you have a sunburn, fortunately there have bet the baking soda and cold baths few serious cases at the D) 1. are helpful in reducing painf, Ruddy hospital. for according to Dr. Hobbs. He "Parents have a respoi ery warns that nobody should get sibillty to-teach the danget »st too mucb sun, for ' skin of dogs to their children, ýnts, cancers are directly related says Dr. Hobbs., ent to exposure. Most accidents ca4n b Other common sense prevented by the usec jor things to remember when in common sense, says Di be the woods are to always have Hobbs, who lihas tape ýar, a compass with you, and.be programs for Cable televi he able to identify p~oisonl lvy Aon on behaîf of Dr. Rudd, and poison oak. hosni1 .àmhir isoà ON THE WATER On the water, one should always obey the load ratings for boats. "Everybody with an outboard motor think's he's an expert" says, Dr. Hobbs, who warns that one should neyer stand Up in a boat when starting the motor. Adéquate flotation devices should be supplied to al passengens in a boat, and thé la'w requires two people to be in a boat when it is pulling a water skier, says Dr. Hobbs. Dr.,Hobbs also empliasises the necessity of knowing liow to perfonni mouth-to-mouth artificiai respiration, which can save a life in a water accident. It takes only 10 minutes to learn, lie says. Instruction is( "'Pred free of charge by .t! St. John Ambulance bi igade in Whitby. GENRALACCIDENTS Skateboards, go-karts and dog bites head the' list of summer emergency cases at many hospitals says Dr. Hobbs. SKATEBOARDS Skateboards are "juat dynamite" says Dr. Hobbs, who urges al akateboarders to have head protection froni a helmet and mouth protec- tion as welI. In addition, there should also lie knee, wrist and elbow protection when using skateboar la. Dr. Hobbs suggest that hockey protection equipinent would serve the purpose well. There are a lot of fractured wrists and elbows frorn skate boarding, lie says. John Kunetsky, admini- strator of the Dr. Ruddy Hospital, suggests that special gloves should also be worn wlien skateboarding to prevent scrapes on the palrns of the hands whicli are a very commoni result of faits. GO-KARTS A number of go-kart accidents are treatedd at tlie Dr. Ruddy Hospital on week- ends says Dr. Hoblis. Mr. Kunetaky reports tene were some serious fractures treated at the hospital a while ago and some had W lie referred to other hospitals. One go-kart accident lnvolved a fnactured hip, lie said DOG BITES Dage bites- are a common summner occurrence saya Dr. Hoblis because hot weathen makes dogs cranky. "Our office handles two on thnee dog bites a week, mastly on> kids under five," lie said. hat tes Dne ny in *n )r. ,ra Of W. ed 1l- ness service about sunier accidents. Dr. Hobbs says hé would be happy to talk to any groups in Whitby about summer safety if they want to learn more, about the subject. Planner is onUt to See' <the world Steve Houghton, a member of Whitby's plan- ning department for the past 5½ 2years, lias left Whitby to see the world. Mr. Houghton resigned froni the planning depart- ment at the end of last week, and plans to visit England, Africa, Australia and Asia. He plans to travel for 'one years before returning to municipal planning. One of the positions h -e lield in the Whitby Planning Department was co-ordina- tor of the Neiglibourhood Improvement Project. Whitbyites at Monte Carlo »Mr. and Mrs. Doug Bell, Whitby, have returned froni a week's vacation in Monte Carlo, as guesta of Polaris Textron. They were arnong somte 3M0 Polaris snowmobile dealers in the United'States and Canada who were awarded the trip for their outstanding sales and service record during the past season. Flown by charter from Boston to Nice, France, the group was transported to one of Monte Çarlo's finest hotels on the Mediterranean. Tours to nearby villages were also hosted by Polaris, but ample free time was allowed for tennis, golf, shopping or juat relax.ing. "Polaris celebrates ite Silver Anniversary in the snowmobile business with the introduction of- the wIM model lune, and we can think of no better way to inaugur. ate the season and say thanks to our dealers, who are largely responsible for our leadership position in the industry, than to hast this incentive trip.," said D.F. (Fritz) Myers, president of Polaris E-Z-Go -The Beils represented

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