Whitby Free Press, 28 Jun 1978, p. 5

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SENIOR CITIZEN ACCOMMODATIONS Because people generally live longer and most older people are healthier and more active than everblefore, our senior citizens have become an increasingly more important group in society. Moreover, the realization is growing rapidly that age has little to do with a person's ability to lead a full and active 111e. Attitudes and conditions for seniors have changiied at such a rapid pace, that many of our retired people are, Iookiin for assistance in coping both financially antdeoin aIly with the longer life expectaxlcy. ,Ma ny senior citizens decide to seli their homes cither because. their famfilies" have grown ýUp and moved out, ýor because their income decreases after retirement. They may then require less expensive accommodations. There are several different government sponsored housing programns for seniors to choose from. The Provincial Government, through" the Ontario Housing Corporation, offers rent-geared-to-income apartneiit for seniors in the Durham West Riding. Ajax has one buiTding conta ining 257 units; Pickering has two buildings with 72'units, and Whitby has three buildings for a total of 200 units. The OHC building. on Coîborne Street in Whitby has, four, units designed spccifically for handicapped seniors. These four units come equipped with kitchens and bathrooms that allow handicapped seniors to look after theniselves. OHC senior citizens accommodations are available to persons 60 years of age and older, who are capable of looking after their physical needs, but require financial assistance. Thi s programwas established to assist people who are unable to, financially look. after themselves. The units prescntly available in the Durham West Riding do manage to provide for those persons> in greatest need, but it does leave a whoie ~segment of the senior citizen population, who are of moderate WHITRV FR FF. PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1978, PAGE> 5 The ,-West Lynde Community Association has ,one through a number of chrniges in the past tw%,o mon0- losing four of its executi% e members. President Jim Mitchell had to resign because of illness, Membcrship Director Gerry Hill and Treasurer Sharon Owens income and are looking for the social ameniies provided through community housing projects such as OHC. With this in mind,- Ontario's Comnmunity Sponsored -Housing, Program, was estoblished in 1974 to encourage community gifoups and municipalities to form non-profit corporations to build and opera <te low-cost rentaI housing for senior citizens of low and moderate income, as wçli as families, single people and those with special disabilities. Under this program, the Central Mortgage and Housfng Corporation wili provide up to $10,'000 in tat up funds to'get aproject underway. This'money is to be used for site surveys, professional fees, staffing and the lik, ad te prt f t is expected to be repaid if a mortgage commitmcnt- is eventuaily agrced to'. In addition, CMHC. provides a 100% mortgage to a non-profit corporation for the actual cost of deveiopment.1 Once thc building is complete, the Provincial Government provides a grant to reduce the rents in a rnodestly designed non-profit project to below- market levels, for siniiiar accommodations within the privratesector. In Whitby, several community groups have indicated an initerest in building and operating low-cost rentai housing for senior citizens, but as yet none'of these plans have reached conistruetion stage. A Church group in Pickering is anxious to take advantageof the communfity sponsored housing program, but is unable to' proceed at this tîme because of zoffdng restrictions. No real interest has been shown as yet in, Ajax. Usually buildings in both OHC developrnents and, Community Housing.projects have communal laundry rooms, equippe>d with automÏatie washers and dryers. Recr-eation rooms and lounges are provided for the use of ail residents of the building, which, affords mîîch of the social life for the seni ors. In many' communities, local service organizations andmunicipal departmnents assist in arranging senior ciîtizen. activity programs in connection with the housing project, if any individual, constituents or groups are interested, in f')taining additional infoermation of the, Ontario Commuùnity ;I)onlsored Housing Program, I would ask that you please ca-i iny Constituency Office at 683-6707. Government h4on ors special birth day s Norman, Cafik, M.P. for Ontario Riding would likel to inform his constituents that special birthdays and anni- versaries are commemorat- cd by certificates from the Prime Minister, the Govern- or General and, in' some cases, the Queen. If you know 0f an upc >oming 8th, 90th, 95th, lOOth (etc.) bi rthday or 5th (etc.) anniversary, Mr. Cafik would appreciate you letting him know so he can pass the information along to the Prime Minsiter and Governor General. In order to make sure that the greetings arrivelii time. it shoÃ"uld be sent in about 6 weeks in advance of the event. Scnd the full details along to cither Mr. Cafik's Pick- ering Riding Office at 84 Kingston Road West or to the office in Ottawa at the House of Commons. Uad to resign because of increased business commit- ments, ' anýd Publicity Director Alan Longfield is writing a science. text book and serving on the advisory board for Camp X, leaving little time of other activities. The updated 'executive consista of: Tony Bate, president; Margaret Boyce, vice-president; IXarn King, secretary; Earl Goodmnan, treasurer; Annette Wortman, memnbership chairman; Lynn McCrossan, recreation director; and Dave and Brenda Robertson, social directors. The commission of commnunity and public relations director is vacant. FCorridor SCapers construction trucks wilI find a nee route'. thereby alleviating future destruction of the existing subdivision roads. Now, if only someone would repàir the. damage, we'd bc right ini business. OLDE TYME STRAWBERRY SUPPER St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, ,Cochrane St. N..will hold their strawberry supper to-night, June 28 from 5 p.m. to 7 P.m. DR. -ROBT. TIIORNTON GRADUATION EXERCISES Congratulations to aIl the graduating students at Dr. Robt. Thornton School. The promotion to high school is a milestone in their young lives. D.J. Kettle, superintendent of programme and Jim Speers, Durham trustee, were in attendance to speak to the students and wish them future seccess. Mr. M. Karpiak, former teacher and principal of the school, was a special guest and presented an award. AWARD WINNERS Science - *Edward Hill; Geography' - Laura-Lee Wilde; History - Kenneth Keenan; French - Laurel Campbell; Mathematies - Barbara Sillen; English - Camilla Cockerton; ,Art. - Girl - Maureen Jackson,,Boy - Danny- Garrard; Music. - Camilla Cockerton; Public Speaking -I Sandra Szczar;- Best Progrcss Spcc. Ed. - Gier. Wallis; Best Progress Grade 8 - Steven Nolan - runner-up - Richard Lane; School Service.,- Dabid Patriarche; Citizenship '-. Nancy Roberts, Pcborah Hesslip; Girl's Athletics - Tina Manning; Boy's Athietics - Paul Shaubel; Gencrai Proficiency - Lisa Johnson KENDALWOOD ROADS Mr. Moiselis, from Farewell Estates has assurcd the area residentsw thet trucks wiii no longer travel our roads. The MI~AM a SloMM and Scren Doors, a*Porch Enclosues, Shelt#er... Mm lit 16 COins ni1Y i, AS WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH SUMMER SERVICE AIl services inJuly will begin at 10 a.m. -Worship at St. Mark's 'during the month of August. Speakers for the Juiy services will be as follows: July 9 - Ray Hatter; July 16 - Tom Moorcroft; July 23 - Walter Campbell SILVER WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. William Van Berkel of 129 Northview Avenue, celebratcd their 25th Wedding Anniversary last week-end. Relatives from Holland as weII as Canadian friends, neighbours and relatives joined the couple to w ish them wýell, and -participate in an cvening of dancing at the Regal Room, Centennial Building, in Whitby. Ail the best in the world, and many more years of success and happiness. SPEEDY BECOVERY We ail wish DorisWilson, who is convalescing in the Oshawa General Hospital, a speedy recovery. M.McEachern 725-8967 I SMMER DAY-CAMP imi WhILby -SPACE STILL AVAILABLE Fer boys ..d gisfdauleintary schl agi. Uin, the excaihatfasliti.s-& m' cmu quis et the 0 utarie LuiiW Colag Evuy dey fled àwitl a ul of Wmetstmtq acidvut &aWs micrafts. sperts; swbmnouin m SESSIONU"A" - Jly 3.-J*I14 SESSION "r -JMY 17 - uly 28 For MInfrutowrau: CA0éMP TAALA 401 Riynods st. Whitby à A*%tl*tt Green Brae - Orchards v~ ~Cuuc; ~ i___ ~m E - -es" 655-4501 or 655-3217 RAf. NO. 1 MSHSURN H011t5r WIEEKDAYS SaLfmt to 12 pam 4 pivi. io 8 p.m. Sat. SI.m Io 6SP.m Sun. 9 &.m t2 pLm West Lynde canges leaders A ok 7 MIL ý eýââ- À

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