Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1978, p. 15

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n WH-ITBY FREBE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 24,1978, PAGE 15 1Fre e t~AUTOMOBILES1 FOR.,SA LE 76 Mustang, Ladies car; 20,000 miles, ovrhead cam. 4 cyl. 35 miles ier gal. a m,f m rad Io, bucket sea ts, rear defcgger, factory under-coeted, must soîl askIng $3350. certif led. 668- 1139. Aprîl 26, 78 74 VO LVO 142 Automatic Trans. Exclîdnit cond. cotifiocj $2,800. 723-1819. March 22/78 1974 Pymouth Du $1700 certif ied. or 839-3025 after 1974 Pinto,, ýdr. 4 speed, 4 cyl. 9805. 1973 Plymouth1 good cond. Will 668-5318 .ister, V/8, auto Pre.ss E poriur- ___Mli C«1668M81 11 _ _ _ 1968 ENVOY STATION Wagon, four cyl. auto., new brakes, extra moto.', parts and tires. $150. Caîl 655-4495 af te.' 4,p.m. May 24,- 78 67, Mustang $200 or best offer. As is 289 with cromne rims. 668-9507. April 26, 78 67 Sunbeam Alpin, 56,000 miles, needs mic.' moto.' work. New brakes aIl arotjnd. $200. Body n good shape. 668-9057. May 3, 78 6pm., 1966 RAMBER MODEL 2ZO 6 Runabout,- cyl. $100. as is. 655- 3583. $1000. 668- À pril 19, 78 Jan. 18, 78 1938 Dodge Coach,.2 dr., angine runs $650. as is. 655-4611, or Fury - P/S P/B 839-3025 after 6 p.m. I certify. $750. 1973 Dodge Swinger - 318,' A-i condition. $1500. or best offer 683-8634 72 FORD GALAXIE $700. un- oertified, good.running cand. Cali 655-4776. March 22/78 1972 Mazda $125. uncertifled Caol668-9605. .May I10. 78 1972 Volkswegon Super Beete - -$700., certifiod, gais heeter and radio, roar' window defogger. Cal 655-4611 btweon 8Band 7 p.m. 1971' Renault - good condition, $270. Coli 668-0744. 1971volkswagen super Beetîe $60. Gas heater,,AM Radio, rearwindàw def rester#, radial. tires, Cal 668-1564 evenings. Aprîl 19, 78 1%9 Chevele 9 passenger wagon V-8 automaètic »07 moto.' with options. Onse owner Gond runnlng cond. Low mîleage. $300. Cal 668-8675 Aprîl S .70 1969 Chevy Station Wagon- PIS, P/B, 283 auto., crome rims, ex. 'cond., certif ied $500. Cal 655-3481 1969 Ford Gallaxie - 2 dr. hrtp 302 motor, P/B. P/S, good body and trailer'hitch'. As is $400. 668-4009 1969 Buick Skyîark - good cond. weil kopt, snows and rims in- cluded, $850 or boit offer. Muat ssII. Cal 668-7028 199Ambassador - PIS P/9, mter & body in very good shape not used for 2yVears. $400 as is 728-0096 969 Automatic VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE' Gai heater, rearwindow defogger, snow tires, %f00. Or boit off et-. 668-0981878 1969 Mercuiry Marquis Brougham tlic. No. 8F.j 990, 8 cyl. itill in use. $250. caîl 655-4337 1969 Torino Conv., factory nMi, V/B auto..,gooW intérior. radia. ais $300. Cal 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1968 Ford Montfge $275 Or bout offer. Mu it i. Pair cond. 654726 1968 Volkswagen suitable for a Dune Buggy $20. Cati 903-9432 May 3, 78 1%45 CNEVY Il Nova 4 di. ieais ncertit ied $15,. mectsunlally excellen. BOdV - nod some work. muy b eenM et 18BOck SI. N. Whbî*hI bthe rear. Inoquire et 1Snp~ tiras. on for-pue p0Wie. a R~J~2~AL Suzuki - 350 - new tires, ebcrclsystem. $400. and ask for Rob. 668-5432 new Cal 1975 Yamaha 400cc. Motocrosser and MX oquipment. $850. Cal 655-4733. March 29/78 48 INCH wlde Gelvanized single snowmobile tra lIer $150. FIRM. Amphi-Cet Ail Terrain Vehiclo $600.-Cail 668-3523 may 10, 78 BOAT - CEDAR Strip $50. Old outboerd Motor $75. Eîoctric wiro & boxes etc. $75. % h.p. electric mater, variable spoed $100. Dodgo van not running $200. 668-4423. March 8/78 Trail Star Hrtp., traîler opens to 20, steve, cebox, furnace, portable tollet & shower. fm 0 treck steroo, wal te waIl shag. Other extras. must selI asklng $2100. 6681-1139. ý*prII 26, 78 1969 HALF 'TON Camper, $800. Cal 579-6144. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 3 Ton model No. 150. $350. Cal 655-4776., March 22/78 Small Trael Treiler, Sloops 4 fully equipped 2,400 or best offer. 668-8432. April 5/78 12 Aluminum boat 3/ hp. Viking moto.' esking $325. CiI April 19, 78 plywocd Cap, Ail angle, iron frame, Sllding windJows wlth screens (on sîdes) $65. Cal 579-9758. April 19, 78 0£une Buggy - running condition,. fibre glass body, esking $400. 655-4479, ask fer Henry. Rubber boat nylon coated, seat lwm. Sacrafice et $30. Caîl 655-4995. April 19, 78 75 Mercury outboard 20 h.p.. lec-trio stte,ail hook-ups, gpi tank and battor $700.-668-2232 Apil 5/7 UTILITY TRAILER Canadien. Tire mioclel. Like nhw $2000 Cal 66-4552 May 24 - 78 1*1n60 TAmAKA 4>9Y 0,00 mil«. AsIKIM g 500.0 May be mm eut Dro*uîlecycleCliilc. Cali 655-3f54 May 24 - 78 77 VAMAA Vi1250. A-I cord., Mmewpiston. rebore. barnoer racm. Askm Ing580 Caiabr4 P.M.at 655-4MS. May 24.-7 «r« pe lent brller aleoge4, @«W <.ni. br. nqu c~ ~& )EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY 1E ACCEFrED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS - PLEASE READ:. Whan the advertised item is soîd, disposed of, or unavailable' for> whateveererasen,the i1tem wiIl be deemed te have been sold anda commission wilI ha charged based onTHEADVERTISED PRICE as iîlustrated beîow, regardloss if price is statod with 'hast offer'. If the itemy is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wil ha run for 3 'MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 will apply. Al advertisementî must ha placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS and run et least one month ifnet sold.- RATES if article is sold): 5% cf advertised price up te $400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId item advertised for $60.00 -commission due $3.00 <minimum charge is $3.00) Private adventising onlyl Please notify us if .yeu find a retailen listed as a pivate adventisen. Please notify the Whitby Free Press immediately when item is sold so that we may delete it frem the folewing issues. Ail ads net fitting the Emporium guidelines wil ha tneated and charged pen week as egular classified adi on a pre-paid basis sucli as: services, heîp wanted, cîothing, real estate, and personal message type ads, or ads net quoting price or quantity. Private classified adi may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headings. If in doubt, oeil 668-6111 MAI L ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUN P.O. Box 206, Whitby Li N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St. N. Whitby. THÉEDEADLINE FOR> EMPORIUM ÀDS IS THEf FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOD>N. AUTO PARTS -1 Brand new, neyer been used, HOOKER HEADERS for any AMC Engine. $150. Cal 725- 5275. April 19, 78 70 Volkswagen for parts, motor and 7 tires asking $200. cal 683-7360. May 3, 78 ONE 327 cubic Inch Chevy angine complote wlth auto. tras. $150. One alumInum manifold with 2-4 barreil cerburators for smell block Chev $150. Cal 723-6.451. Mey 10, 78 Reese trailer hitch, Custom f it Voloe or Aspen car or Wagon. Lîke new 135. Cal 668-5060 e ter 5 p. m. Trei ler H itch for VW Beetle - $20 655-«995 Pro-stock Hood with a f ibre- glass scoop for 1967-68 Mustang $20. Cali 668-3438. May 3, 78 Edel Brock inteke manifold& carb. for 318 Chrysler Engine. $250. Shop Crane 3/ ton jack $32. Candie Micro-Weve Oven new $32. Cal 725-6618. April 19, 78 Snowtires - pair mounted on rimi. Gcod -cond. Dunlop fibot-glass hated. G 78 15 $30. pr . Brcokiin area. 655-4365 evonings only 14" rims, summer tires $6. eech 668-0427 efter 6. 5-Dr-70-14 General Steel Radiais. Li ke new. Spore nover used. White reisod lettons. Mounted on sharp sport riîms. $250«. -Ci' efter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 motor, 18,000 miles & parts for 67 Plymnouth Fury, $300. 576-6M2 1 - 12boit pos-frac rear end lotfit tull site Chev. us5. - picture window 5. x 10e,$0. 1 doble hungestiders 5 x Y m35.CAII Aprit 19 78 250 Motor, comiplote with tans nimo $100 or boit offe.'. 75C fed $M or estoffer.WirmS to Ummdofor $meuSar y. 54.32. Aalc for Rob. 2 BRAND NEW Tires mounted on 14" rimi, f its a chov. $50. for the pair caîl 668-1 305. March 8/78 4 - T - Slottod Aîuminum Rimi, and Shelby Mags $200. 579-7942.i April 51-78 390 Moton & trans mission for salé, 10,000 miles .$1l50. or boit offer: 668-5432 ask for Ro/b. 289 metor ln great cond. Valves & heed refilnished. $100.. FIat- tiead V-S $100. 56 VW angine rebuilt $100. 48 Chev truck engine rebulît $100. 3 ton chessîs $100. and 1 ton chassis, ex. for trailors. $100. 655-3654 May 3, 78 AP PLIA N CE S McCLARY EASY deep f reeze. 20 cubic f t. 8 yrs. aId. Asking $160.00 Caîl 668-4750. May 24 - 78 Kelvinetor dish washer. Asking $120. phonoe fter 6 p..655-3972. April 26, 78 Kenmere gai itovo - 30-" very goodi cond. $95. Caîl 728-8956 HOOVER upright vacuum cleaner with accessorles. in gond cond. $50. Caîl at ter 5 p.m. and weekends at 668-9849. May 10, 78. Braun iuicer, still in box, onde.' warranly, worlh $75. seîîing for $50. CelI 579-8151. April 19, 78 Two burner, wood burning steve with white porcelen sides. Ideal for a garage asking $100. Caîl 983-9432. Aprîl 19, 78 Oid fridge In working cond. $25. Cail 725-882. March 8, 78 SECOND hand tridige and stove SU0. each. Chair (profesioaj) and hairdryer lnex. cond., U6,. Ciaîli655-3M09 W- p.m May 10, 78 Itoov« r w~, spmndiy. 1 yr. à,d $175. 579-1,44. - Match 22/'78 s-WASER and Drye«- 10w new 0 coni. 5350.fer lihe pair. S tt. 14 mfedibera'Oa<'style Waiwt SW.'e. Ex. cond. MO5. or boit mal 14, 75 type, $150. Call fter 7 p.m. 839-5944, Apt. size washer ý& spin dryer ln gcod cond. $40. 1 air cond. 5000 BTU's asking $75. 1 tri- cycle willsute'2 t 'o,5 year old $10. 1 - 8 track tape playor for car nover usêd cOst $49.95 asking $20. Call668-1013. April 19, 78 Combination Automatic Floor Polisher and Sander. Brand new $50. Caîl 655-4917. March 22/78 11 cu. f t. Philco rofrigeetor. $50. Lamp table 27"1 square by 211, high with drawer $30. cal 668-2479 May 3, 78 Gas steve ln Calu 668-2806. gond cond. $65. May 3, 78 Westinghouse 3011 steve, 4 yrs. eîd. harvest goId. ex. cond. $250. Caîl 623-5715. April 19, 18 White Mcçlary 19 cu. ft. fridge 4 yrs. aid $150. G.E. self cloaning oven, harvest'gold $350. Goneral freezer, 19 cu. ft., choit type, 2 yrs. oid $220. Compactor harveit goId $150. Coul 655-4871 Hi-Fi RCA goodfor Roc roam or cottage $40. Cal655-3607. Merch 22/78 F.M. Storo'o 8 track underdasIl mount cnîy $30.00 U.H.F. Antenne $5.00. Mouîded ski' boots in size 5 only. $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record ployer $1 0.00 CeIl 668-2478 after 6 p.m. Guiter, A-i cond. with cerrying case. $50. firm. Caîl 725-2544. April 19, 78 Two pioneer Speakers. $150. pr. Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75., Cali 655-3821. March 1/78 GALANTI X300, 1 yeroid, ful console keyboards & f on bas controi, rmgic cord & rhythm section, headphonei, stcol and bocks. $700. 666-1372. March 8/78 ELECTRONIC Piano - as naw, full octaves $500. or hast off on. ,White birch gas f ireplaeo ogs,. usd one wintor $80. or hast offer. 668-6319 1 SNARE drum, stand, sticks'. brushas and key. Very good ccnd. $45. Cal Brion fIE-341 I Academy type piano. S. Mann- irngupright. OnIy 3 yrs. old ln perfect mechanical and tuning cond. Like now. Must salI leav- ing country $80. 668-5214 evefi- ings, Toronto 291-7121 daytime. CUSTOM MADE plcnic tableSY x 2'"wIih metching corner bonds, wlsich seuls 5 and 2 chairs, wil fh mtes on bonds. Asking 530.00 inquiroeti105 Craydon Rtd. Apt. 9. AMeY 24 - 78 BABY canges. $ &$40; Jolly Jumg>e $5. 2 Batisaisi$2 oeh; Bottle sweilizer,3; -ini'tg dusW $5; wulker $5; Cuit 83-467. Mm-ch 22/78 tilking Boot - uSois se le Cascade by Ratkde lke MW US6. Sack pack tb ilIt man4are. GosoeoSd., ».à$ cati dé-W. receiver stereo with 1 BSR turnteble, 1 8-track tape player asking $55. train layout wlth accoss. $165. Caîl 668-6744. May 17-78 ROOM DIVIDER, brasS and ember $35. 4 leather begs for sale 2 for $10. each, 2 for $2 each. 10 yds. of materlil $1.00 each. 6 indoor plants 50 cents <each. 2 used fuse boxes $1.00 each. Desk, $45. Boys & Girls skates $5. a Pr. Men's bike $10. Louvre doQr, brend new half price $20. Love seat $35. Armchair $10. 3 Mintplants 50 cents eech. small boys hockey equipmeflt $10. Calil 725-1211. May 24 - 78 Window $40. 1.door $15. Cali 725-7081 or 725-,1057.- May 17 -78 OId Classic pinball machine works perfectly., Requires refinishing $250. Cati 728-2484. March 22/78 Baby carniage $â0. 2 Mag type SHubcaps. Ex. cond. 14" $25. Cali 668-9519 after 2 p.m. March 8/78__ *Large & -Small sized SPANISH pictures - $75. & $25. Spanish coffee table & 2 end table (solid wood) $375.00 caîl 666-1372. Merch 8/78 FURNACE duct-work 'and f it- tings for« sale, 4 x 10' floor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 angle'f lbar boots $.80 each, 5' length of 5" pipe $2. Each, side take off .5.0. 45 degree elbows $.50 each, Gaîvanized chain-link fençing, 4Z' x 50' for $10. 655-4423 Almost new pale green & pale' yeîlow mixed sheg, approx. 10x 12%m, plus heavyý bubble foam underpad. $190. 666-1851. Cheit of draweri-Tflrgood cond. $18. 53 Mad pocket books. $15. 655-3411. March 22/78 Heetalator New $45. Brown & Gold tweed living room chair $30. caîl 725-776. March 15/78 Doghouse suitable for a large dog. $35.. Acuostic guitar with case practicaly new $45. judo outfit size one $10. cal 668-8961 after 4 p.m. March 22/78 'l naturel ges space -ýheater - 85,000 B.T.U.'s can be converted to propane $75. 668-2528 or 668-1730. TOP Quelity Teek Oining Room Ste., Dining table, 4 high bock chairs, buffet and hutch, ownor must salI due ta redecorating $1 ,00 or boit affer. Belle Vista by Collin coffee table & end table $75. or boit affer. Cal 683-7609. Portable 14" Black & White T. V. in good cond. $50. 728-2280. March 15/78 Admirai 21"" Black & White T. V Good Cond. $75. 655-4974. Mwch 15178 41 x 61 brand new box trailer $24. 12 x 15.9 ft. (21 sq. yd.) brand new Harding speice tone carpet $175. 22 x3W" vanity 534.5% Viking vacuum broomn $15. Eiec- 1 1 m i

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