Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1978, p. 15

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i 'j T-ownho use garden talk is April 12 Rose Mcl3tyre (right) treasurer of the Whitbyv Red Crosshappily received a cheque for $200 recently from the Student Council of Henry Street High -Sehool. Presenting the cheque, for the India Cyclone Relief Fund, is Dave Gent, presidenit of the Student Council. Watching the presentation are School Principal Harry Thompson1 and Lucy White, vice-president of the Stucfent Council. The money was raiseti by the Henry High students at a recent Dance-a-thon, andi contributed to the total of $900 raioedby the Whitby Red Cross for the India Cyclone Relief Fund. Free Press Photo BEING FAT DOESN'T MAKE YOU A GLUTTON, F0QD. SCIENTIST SAYS TORONTO-March, 209 1978 -There's more to belng fat than meets, the mouth, a spe- iclallstilu food sciene sald today. Dr. Gilbert A. Leveile, of the Department of Food Sci- ence and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University, said not'ail fat people should feel guilty of gluttony. Their meta- bolism, not their appçtites, may be responsîble. Speaking at the Kellogg Nu- trition Symposium, ,,Dr.'Le- -veille said understanding of the causes of. obesity is limited. Because of this, he- said methods for treating the obese are not -very effective. Authorities in the field -«-- nutrition gathered at the symn- posium to listen te Dr. Leveille and other exp0erts. Nutrition- ïsts, doctors and health educa- tors were invited by the spon- sor, 'Kellogg Salada Canada Ltd. *Dr. Levelile called obesity a "disease", resulting from ia var- iety of causes and in, many. cases involving "widespread underlying metabolie abnorm- alities". He said some cases of over- weight seem to involve steps which regulate energy use in the body, speciîcally so-caled "futile' steps which use up en- ergy but serve no apparent use- fui purpose. Normally, these steps act asi 'release valves' which compen- sate for variations in the level of energy intake, but their r- duced'efficiency could Iead to either obesity or chronk un- derweight. "While thîs hypothesis is not new, thiere is an increasing 'a- mount of, evidence supporting it both f rom animal, and hu- man stu ses," Dr. Leveille said,- adding' "the <r eal, challenge is to find practical and effective meansof preventing and cor- recting overweight problems." Without an understanding of the mechanisms, of the body which control weight, the 'de. cision to lose1 weight through dieting could be the, beginning of an "obesity cycle", Dr. Le- veille said., FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Carroll Nelson 'i Starword Communiçations Lta. 16ý5 University Avenue Toronto, Ontario MSH 398 Tel.: (416) 863-1754 THE COMMUNIT CABES Ethel Malanka, of 108 Bel Drive, gut her firat opportun- ity to attend Meals Without Wheels at the Knights of Columbus Hall last week, thanks. to Whitby's new Com- munity Cr program for senior citizens. Mrs. Malanka, who lias difficulty walking, was picked up in a van driven by Community Cr Vohmnteer Sumun Muir (right). Seniors who require transportation, home repair work, or any kind of speclul asstance may eaUl Community Care at 668-223 a a M in nh Unnan %,mugbI 1iuUflV 1Wliltby Public Library wil present a special gardening programn on April 12 at 7:30 p.m., in the Library Auditor- ium. The program "Patio and Townhouse Gardening" will te presented by George Pagowski., horticulturist with, the Royal Botanical Gardens in Hamilton. The talk will consist of a discussion -about, problems encountered in, gardeningiâ n conifined spaces;ý suggestions on arranging te avaiabe rea for best u'se; consideration'of co mmonly ,available plants suitable for smail areas; sug- gestions on displaying, plants, illustrated where, possible With colour slides.' Mr, Pagowski is well quali- lied -to discuss ýand answer. WORD-A-DAY' By BACH Di 0M POOR 140NEY RAVE' IANOTER CALAMITOI.6 (D4Y A- -HE GLFCOURSE? calaxltotu3 «MARKED BY DISTRESS6, AFFLIÇTIONOR PISAST ER DI6O-lOU Kiwanis are host to' Governor' S TheWhitby Kiwanis Club will be host for, a district Lieutenant Governor' S Caucus at the Centennial Building Aýpril 13. The purpose of the meet-ý -ing, of clubs from throughout the district, will be to elect a Lieutenant Governor fo r 1978-79 to take office Oct. 1, and to elect a 'Lieutenant Governor Elect for 1979-80. The Whitby club bas been the host -for this important meeting for several years. questions on gardening in general. He was born in Poland and emigrated to Great Britain after World War I1, where he graduated in horti- culture and worked for some years at the Royal Botanical Gardens- in Edinburgh. He came to Canada ini 1965 and ini 1970 joined the staff of the Royal, Botanical Gardens, Hamilton. At present he is in charge of Hendrie Park, which includes the (àntennial Rose Garden, Traîl Garden for Annuals and greenhouse. -Comne and hear Mr. Pagowski speak and see slides of Patio and Townhouse gar- dening. Town getsthe benches After more than 30 years of service to the town of Whitby,. the Whitby Garden Club is disbanding. The club has, given notice to the town1 counceil that -it, is donating Its -public' benches..at the Four Corners, to the municipality. The club was bounded in 1947, and one of' its .-projects over the 'past 30 years was the beautification of downtown Whitby. m - mmmmmm mmmmummummmu MUm ' This Week's Special The Brooklin & Distr ict* iKinnettesI ALL SNacks 0 Are Presenting aI &Jeans o >spin9 %et of ~ApriIl 2th & l3th Tickets are available* oct the store yo.r Baby Bonus Chaque____ on ragu la pricsd-*. mrcka.diu a a v.10% WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1978, ÈAQE 15 TOWN 0 F WHITBY .197S DOG LICENCES The Town of Whitby is pleased to announced that 1978 dog licences will be sold in a door-to-door campaign by the Whitby Boy Scouts. Tfhe Boy Scouts have undertaken this responsibility on behaif of the Town of Whitby as a community service. A Boy Scout representative wilI be. calling at your door ,,offeringý dog licences for sale at the fdllowing rates: Maie and female, neutered or spayed $1,0.00 each Maie and fernale $1SI5.00 each It is the responsibility of the dog. ownér to supply proof of qualification for the 1l'ower licence fee. Dog- licences are1 also available at the following locations: Whitby Municipal Building, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. MacKay Animal Clinic, 421 Dundas Street East, Whtby,ý Ontario. Broolin Veterinary Hospit al, Winchester Road, Brooklin, Ontario. Ontario flumane Socie ty,Thickson Road North, Whitby, Ontario. R. A. CLARINGBOLD, Deputy Treasurer, Town of Whitby. Feeling (ied? Ruuidqwn? Take a walk.

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