Whitby Free Press, 5 Apr 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 1978, WHITBY FREE PRESS Rairoaders hold a bigshowAv Model raliroaders are 1n'for a treat when they attend a show by the Association of Pineridge Raliroaders April 9 from' noon to 7 p.m. at the Cllub Loreley ini Oshawa. Action andscenic displays, WATFRLOO CAMBRIDGE' a live stearu exhibit, slide and rnovie shows, and model buildiiig in progress are just some of the attractions at the annual show, located on Dean Ave . between Rilson Road and T-brmonv Rnad. STRATFORD BRAMPTON Sc north of Highway 401. Theý Association of Pine Ridgze Railroaders was formed 10 years ago and. has 50 rnembers-seven of whom are from Whitby.- The, association is not just a model ràilroad club, but deals' with the whole subject of railroading. Members are aged 16 to 70, and a dozen are former railroad men. Aims of the club are to provide- fellowship and sharing, of railway information,, and to promnote an interest in rail- roading among the public. . Mucb of the attraction of this popular hobby is nostal-, gia. The membaers build their own railroads based on their special interests, and take trips on the few rernaining steamn engines in operation. -One of the Whitby memn- bers is Bill Davis, who has 30 years oif experîence in model railroading., He purchased a house on his retrement, rather than an apartment, so he would have a basemnent for bis model trains., He special-ý izes in 0 gauge, which is lar ger than HO and N gauge which are more, popular with the other rai1roaders., George Spaîl, with six years of railroading, is a collector of * Askus. 'about you» Corne and toit us what you're Iooking for in a job. Teius what-you are today and What you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we can offer opportunities and chiallenges to match your rieeds. No obligations on either side. We'll, be glad to talk. And we may have juùst what youre Iooking'for." But you'Il nover know until you ask. Visit our MoieRecr'uiting U niît Canada Manpower >Centýre OSHAWA April 5,- 12, 19, 26# 1978 10:00 arn. - 3:00 p.m. rM ê.AbA George Spali operates his model railroad, called the "Triple G. Railroad"' after hims elf and his two sons, Gary andl Greg. Mr. Spal is a member of the Association of Pineridge Rkairoaders, which has seven members in Whitby. He has been ini model railroading for six years, and for hilm it has become a fâmily hobby. Free Press Photo models, of 'every category of engine. He has, consIructed a 6'emodule" four by six feet which is a model railroad which can be tiken to shows and inked to other modules to make up a large working railroad model. The building of modules m'akes the rail- ways portable for shows and does flot restriot the hobbyist to b-is own basemnent. You canhave. your own. home That home you dream about is now within your reach-all yours to ,enjoy while its investrnent value keeps-growing over the years. Get it with the help' of a Victoria and Grey mortgage- buîit to fit your need and your purse. Do it today at Victoria and Grey. ~ ServÎing more and moe TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 KEITI .LAWES 308 [)un&$s St. W., Brian Chaytor, with nini years of experience, has a 10 by 21 foot layout of CNR prototy >pes of steam-and'diesel trains. He also has a model proto- type, of the- Rio Grande, one of the last existing steamn rail- ways, in Colorado and New Mexico. Mr.-ChaytSi,'was in- volved in superVising, funding and setting up this railway as a touristý attraction 'after it ceased service in 1970. It nowý runs steamn excursions along' 67 miles of track,.ý Mr. Chay- tor was ýalso one of the orig- inal members of the National Narrow G'auge . Railway As- ,sociation in the early 1970'9. 1 Another Whitby memrber of the Piner idge Railroaders is' Bert Mulder, a tool and die makér who is interested in logging railroads. lHe makes bis own rolling stock of brass and collects logging steamn locomnotive models. Ken Stark, a new member 4went to our show last year and got hooked",. says Mr. Chaytor. Besides working with models lie is a railroad photographer., Jim Verwood operates a local hobby shop and is ini- terested in ourrent trends and interests as well as modra tecbnohogy in railroads. The seventh Whitby mem- ber of the club is Dick Bed- ford,who bhas a general interest ini railroads. The memnbers meet once a week, altemnatehy on Mon- days and Thursdays at their homnes, on a rotating basis, and once a month at the Donovan Recreation Complex in Oshawa. They publish a newsletter of upcoming events and articles written by the memnbers, once evcry six wçeks. According to Mr. Davis, railroading is such a fascinai- ing hobby because of its mnany facets, including electrical andi wood work, electronics art work and scener. The soem- bers like to show off tfrir work, and Mr. Spali says lus whole family has becomne ini- iolved inhis hobby. Anyone ,inteirestot in arail- STEAK HMOSE 518 BROCK ST. . WHITBY' CHR BROILD STEAKS- [7TSDY ESA SCNDIAN LBTRTAIL NIGHT' TO AVOID DELAYPLEASE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 668-9369 EERV WEDNES .DAY IS SURF & TURF NIGHT OTHER LOCATIONS LON DO N avallable pîus trieght i7ný2, 4 Doo ,2Dr. Scooter -15

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