Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 7

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,,MARCH 22, 1978, PAGE 7 BMan Winter's Historical ~i'W.h itby GEORGE EVERY Whitby's Public Utilities Commission was one of the best in the province of Ontario in its early days,thanks to its able management for neariy 25 years by George Washington Post Every. Mr. Every was a man of many parts: an electricai expert, a noted soldier, a h)gh ranking/ Mason, and a writer and historian. 4 He was borniaI Pickering, March 3, 1880, a son of David Francis Every and Olive Nash. He was named after George Washington Post, a famous pioneer of the Pickering ~area. SAn only son, he attended public school in Pickering, high scbool in Whitby and Pickering College. He started his career as an engineer in the J.L.Spink floUr miii at Pickering Village,,.and as a resuit of this work became, interested ini electrical engineering. As he learned more on the job, he went to Niagara Falls and later to. Kitchener where he was an electrical engineer for a marbie company. Mn. Eveny then went to Ayr where he was in charge of public utilities work.. About 1911 he came t0 Whitby 10 joîn the Liglit and Water Commission, a fonerunner of the Public Utilities Commission. At that time Whitby's utilities consisted of a pumping station and stearn power plant at Port Whitby. Sewers were notto corne tiil 1914. In 1915 the Whitby Public Utiities Commission was formed,and Mr. Every becanie superintendent, and secretary of the commission. During his tenure of office, extensive improvemnents were made 10 the town's utility system. Mr. Every was a strong advocate of Sir Adami Beck's Hydro-Eiectric expansion in Ontario and was regarded as an authority on this development.. He firrnly bélieved in the 1 pinciple .of public owneçship in order 10 make'utilities bene- fit the popel of Ontario's municipalities. His public utility work was interrupted by the Fîrst World War, when Mr. Every was largely responsibi0- for raising the Whitby Compatny of the Il 6th Ontario County Battalion t0 go overseas. In 1916, with the rank of Major, he took the il 6th Bat- talion to France. In England, Major Every trained a battalon of soldiers who were lunder -fighting age, during a period when he was recuperating from an attack of blood poisoning. Major, Every was a kindly arid popular officer, and on his return froni the war, he took a keen interest in the welfare of former soldiers. In the~ early years of lte war lie was a recruiting offiçer, and aftèt the'war lie was one of the first iernbers to join the Whitby Branci of the Royal Canadian Legion. Mr. Every's other great interest was Masonry. He was a member -of Donic Lodge in PickerinR and Composite Lodge in Whtby, an~d was Master of both these lodges. He was Grand Superintendent- of Ontario District No. 10 of Royal Arch Masonry, Preceptor of St. John the Ainioner Precep- tory, Knights Templar, and President of the Composite Company, owners of the Whitby Masonic Temple. 1His most important contribution to Masonry ini Whitby was a listory of Lodges in Whitby entitled ".101 Years of Craft Masonry in the Town of Whitby.." Published in 1927, it is a very rare book and a valuable history of the early years of the town. . Mr. Every was an executive member of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce afler it was founded in 1928, was a Conservative poIiticall, and a member of the Presbyterian and United Churches. On July 16, 191-3 at Claremont, he married Ida Elizabeth Pugh, and had one son,Frank Every who also worked for the Whitby ?UC. Mn. Every's sudden death on, Oct. 29, 1933 at the age of 53- removed a valuable person froni the community. His contributions 10 the town were considerable, and many of the older residents will nemnember him. Br~kin ~ Byline Happy Easter! .It is a priviiege 10 announce tie 1ist Brookiin1 Cubs winners of tie Pinewood Derby Race. 'For speed: first Stç,ven Wagg, second Ronnie Wagg and third Stev en Hainer, Design: first to Steven Ervine, second t0 Ian Ervine, and third goes to Graham MacDonald. The prize for Leaders Speed went to Akela Sharon Stewart., Congratulations. fellows. Tie Kinettes would like 10 announce the presentation' of their "Spring Bouquet of Fashion" fashion show on Wednesday, April 12, at 8 p.m. and on. Thursday, April 13,' 8 p.m. Fashions are by Fashion 126 from Whitby, with music by Erwin Smith. Cornmenting the show will be Mrs. Marilyn Raime. The show wiii take place in the Oddfellows Hall on Cassel s Rond ag Bagot St. Hairstyles are compliments of the Kurlie Q 'f Brooklin and Makeup by Kinette member Ann Canson of Elizabeth Arden. Refreshments will be served and a chance 10 win door prizes as welL. Al 'proceeds will go towands Community Projects. Tickets are avalable from any Kinette member or from -Marilyn Wagg. Fashion show chailady aI 655-4193 or Jean Baron aI 655-481 8.' A',very interesting and educational photographic essay on Broolin is currently' on display at the Brooklin'Public, Library. The work is of Mr. Peter Puhl, a third year Photo- graphy Student aI Ryerson. The quality of lie photo- grapis and the subject malter make themwell worth looking aI. Tie display wiil be at the library for the next few weeks, until mid April. Be sure 10 corne and take a peek; the pictures are exceptional. On Wednesday March 22 at 8 p.mn . in the Brooklin United Church HLl, the 4ooklin Horticulural Society will present "Looking Back". A review, in slides, of the Society's activities of the past few years. Aiso many inleresting slides showing shot's of members' gardens as weil as exotic pints of o'tier lands. Everyone is welcome. Come and see what you cani do 10 your gardon this year., The next meeting of the Meadowcrest Parents Group will be on Tuesday, Apnl 11, aI 8 p.m. _n 0ie Meadowcrest Authorized AMANA" Dealier Save energy with high eff iciency central'air conditioning sales and installations Repairs'to al makes of freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehum idifiers. We clean & service residential and -commercial air conditioners Repsirs to AU Mkes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditioners We Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning School . The, speaker will be Carol Milligan of the Durham Health Unit, and her topic will be 'Food for'Thought'. To help her in her speech a short filmn called 'Eatirig on the Run' wiil be shown. Everyone is welcometo corne and iearn a- bout your' family's eating habits. Recently hot dogs have been sold at noon hour at Meadowcrest to raise money for school sweaters. The Parent's Group have been helping out, ýbut facilities are limited. Anyone who has an oid stove with one or two working ellements, which they are not using, who would be înterested in.« donating it please caîl Mel Hundert at 655- 4931. If ' you would like 10 know more about the Parent's Group-call Meil Hundert. On Tuesday, April'4, at 7 p.m. in the Brooklin United Church, the UCW. Brooklin, ail units wili meet. The night wili be called, "A Caribbean Night". Dessert wiil be served and a, film by Barbar Frurni will be shown. Also as 9,special treat Daphne. Toneliato, a UCW m-ember - t'o st udied nursing in Haiti - will be there 10 aiswer your questi >ons. 1On Thursday, April 6; "Luncheon is-Served" wiiI be featured by UCW. It will start at i p.m. and tickets, are availaibe from any UCNV member for $1 .50 cadi. Tickets wili flot be sold at tie door sogetl your. tickets now. Don't forget, next Wedniesday night, Mar'c 29 aI -the Oddfellows--Hall, the Rebekah's will hold their Annuai Eucire Nigit. Admission is $1 .25. On Easter Sunday, the Myrtle United Church will 'be having their AnnualEaster .Sunday Breakfast. Breakfast is 'at 8:30 a.m. with services following at 9:30 a.m. Tickets are $l1,0each. Hey Kids! Have you got your Easter Costume ready yet for the 'Ektra- Special Easter Costume Party, on Saturday, March, 25 at 10: 30 a.m.? Weil you'd better hurry! lt's at the Brooklin* Public LibLary. There'il be a draw for a Easter Surprise 100! Something9 else will happen this week,' at the Brooklin Public Library.. On Thursday March 23 the kids wiIl be decorating Easter Eggs. A remninder that lie next Kinsmien me eting -will be on Monday, Marci 27, at the regular lime, even tiough il is a holiday. The meeting is stili on. Group '74, meeting wili be held on' Monday, April 3, at 8 p.m. sharp in the Brookljn Communily Centre. If in- terested in joining please cail Marie Ferguson Mernbenship Chairman. On Saturday, April 8, the Brookiin Cubs and Scouts wiii have their monthiy paper drive. Please have papers ready. Hap penings! Wednesday, March 22, 8 p.m. Brociklij United Church Hall, - Brooklin Horticultural Society Meeting. 'Looking Back'. Thursday, March 23, Brooklin Public library - Easter Basket makmng. Saturday, March 25, 10:-30 - 11:30 a.m. - Booklimi Public Library . Extra Special, Easter Costume - Party. Sunday Match 26 - 8:30 a.m. - Myrtie United Church - Annual Easter Sunday, Breakfast tickets $1 .00. 9:30 a.m. SERVICES Monday March 27, Kinsmen' regular meeting goes on as planned. Wednesday, March 29 Oddfellows' Hall - Rebekah's Annu;alEuchre Night. Admission $1 .25. Monday April* 3, 8 p.m. sharp - Brooklin Community Centre - Group '74 regular meeting. ATuesday April 5, 7 p.m. - Broolin United. Chuirch. ACaribbean Night with UCW Brooklin (ail units). Thursday, April 6 - 1 p.m. - Luncheon is served - Tickets from UCW members for $ 1. 50 each. .Saturday April 8, paper drivé day for Brooklin Cubs and Scouts. Tuesday Apri1 il - Meadowcrest Public Sehool - 8 p.m. - Meadowcrest Parents Group meet -Tapie 'Food for Thought' Wednesday, April 12 -- Kinette's Present,- 8 p.m. - Spring Bouquet of Fashion - Oddfellows Hall - Tickets from Kinette members. Thursday, April 13 - Also a Spring Bououet of Fashion. Ail things are difficuit before Marie 655-3061 they are easy. Brown's Red & White drop off. DENTURE THfERAPY CLUNIC 111 Dundas St. W. Wby 668-1464. e BEAUJI1 cuts, me! Il flot ways 10 o meon u tin§ costs at bon,,or oettage 'The Cottager- is a pioneer-toughi Farrmes Stove wtiicft can burn any kind of wood for upto 16 hours of carefree.economalcal and safe operation. Overnight heating or day-time cooking, the Farmr's vvy. SPECIAL lntroductory offer Save 10% Off This Week Only $385.0 - ýýmTfOEUmul mir Ad4 bounce, curi and direction to straight hair with a permanent or eut your haïr in one of the new geometric style&. LA CONTESSA BEAUTY LOUNGE

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