Whitby Free Press, 22 Mar 1978, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, MARCI{ 22, 1978, WHITBY FREE1'RÉS 74 VOLVO 142 Excettdnt cond. 72>31819. Automatic Trans. certif ied $2,800. March 22/78 1974 Plymouth Duster, V/8, auto $1700 certif ied. Colt 655-4611, or 839-3025 after 6 Pm. 1974 Pinto, 3' dr., Runabout, 4 sped, 4 cyl, $1200. 668-9805 1974 FORD' MAVERICK "Grabber" neds, some body wor k $890. '668-0511. <March 8/78 73 Sc_6ýPIAN STINGARETTE, t win, low mnileago,new track $800. Colt 655-4616 aftor 4:30 p.m.' March 22/78 1973 Ptymouth 'Fury - P/S P/B good cond. Witt certif y. $750. 668-5318 1973 Dodge Swinger -31,A-i condition., $1 500. or best offer 683-8634 1972 Toyota Éon parts, engin» goo d runniing cond.1 $140. »or best offer. Can beseen at 1087 Venus Cnes. Oshawa or colt 579-4977 72 FORD GALAXIE $700. un- certif ied, good running cond. Calt 655-4776. March 22/78 1972 Volkswagon Super Bette - $700. certif ied, gos heoter and radio, rear window defogger. Cal 655-4611 between 8 and 7 p.m. 1971 Renault - good condition, $270. Calt 668-0744. 1970 Maverick, good cond. vory economicol, new plates, must seai $500. or, hast offor 668-1 013. Feb. 22/78' 69 CHEVELLE WAGON in run- ning cond.,$300 as is. 655-4616 after 4.30 p.m. ac2/7 1969 Pontiac, 9 passenger wagon, S V/B auto., with options, fair condition, as is $300. Calt 655-4611, betwoen 8 anq, 7 p.m. 1969 Automnaîic VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE' Gas heater, earwindow defogger, snow tires, $500. or best off er. 668,0981. Mardi 8/78 1969 DOOGE CHARGER SE- 383, 4 Barrel, 3 speed outomatic, Newly rebuilt, Positrac, Good_ for parts. $225.or best offer. Whitby 668-4468. March 1/78 1969 Chevy Station Wagon - P/S, P/B, 283 auto., crome rims, ex. cond., certif ied $500. Cati 655-3481 1969 Ford Galtaxie - 2 dr. hrtp. 302 motor, P/B, P/S, good body é4nd traIter hitch. As is $400. M6R-4009 1969 Buick Skylr k - good cond. wetl kept, snows and ims in- ctuded, $850 or hast offer. Must salI. Colt 668-7028 1969 Ambaessador '- P/S P/B. moton & body in very good shape not used for 2 yeors. $400 as is 728-006M 1969 Mencury Marquis Brougham Lic. No. BFJ 990. 8 cyl. still in use. $250. Clt 6554337 1969 Tonino Conv.. factpny mags,- V/8 auto.. good interior, radio, as is $300. Calt 655-4611 betwveen 8 and 7 p.m. 1968 Pontiac Panesinne, new tires, on front, snowv tires - good for parts $200. 668-2677 1968 Ford Montego $275 or hast offer. Must ss4l. Faim consd. 655-4726 1968 Ford Fetura 2 Ur'., 6 cyt.. autso. radio, good conrd SW or hast off u. U.½ert. 665-"98 1938l'lodo. Coach. 2 dr.., ergine PrèssEmpo riumn m" Cali .668m61 1 UA MI C% 4, A- RE EAONAL VEIES 1969 HALF TON Camper, $800 Cali 579-61-44. March 22/78 1963 INTERNATIONAL Truck, 3 Ton model No. 150. ý$350. Colt 655-4776. March 22/78 1972 - 398 Mercury Snowmobile good cond. electric start, $500. 1972 - Sno-Prince 30 h.p. rebuiît engine $300. caîl 655-3245. FEb. 8/78 Tee Pee tent traiter.,sleeps 4, good dond. Brand now canopy & over. $600. Colt 623-5715 1971 Skidoo Nordic, with new moton andnew hood, $450.'or best offer. 668-0723. Feb. 8/78 BOAT - CEDAR Sîrip $50. Old outboord Motor $75. Etectric wire & boxes etc. $75. %/ h.p. etectric motor, variýbIe speed $1100. Dodge van -not running' $200. 668-4423. March 8/78 Utility Traiter, 4%' ýx3Yz2'. Wood' & metal sides, 21 " high ex. cond. $140. phono 668-6768. Dune Buggy - runining condition,, fibre glass body, asking $400. 655-4479, ask for Henry. 1972 Honda CB 350 - excellent condition, $550 cerîifiod. Must soIt. Cati Peter 655-3253 after 4:30 p.m. 1977 Yamah a',25YZ Motocross, Like newy, used only twvo months. Must soIt ý$900. 655-3022,. Suzuki- 350 new tires, new electrical system. $400. Cali and ask for Rob. 668-5432 1976 - 20' PROWLER Travet Trailer, fully oquippod, 3 pce. bath, double axjo, 12' conopy, towinýg packets, brand new cond. $4,800 or bost off or. Colt 668-6110 Fob. 8/78 69 Woods tant trailor slep 4 with an ad on roomn 14' xý 9' $500. 655-461 6.AFTER 4:30p.m., March 22/78 ~ATRTSý 2 BRAND NEW Tires mounted on 14" rims, f its a chev. $50. for- the pair catI 668-1 305. Mançh 8/78 Snowtires - pair mounted on rims. Good cond. Dunlop fiberglass belted. G 78 15 $30. Pr.- Brooklin area. 655-4365 evonings only 14" imi, sL-mmer tires $6. oach *668-0427 af ton 6. 5-D-70-14 Generat Steel RadiaIs. Like new. Spane nover used. White roised lettons. Mounied on sharp sport rims. $250. Caît af ter 6 p.m. 668-2455 318 moton, 18,000 mites & parti for 67 Plymouth Fury, $300. 576-592 Reese-type trailer hitch, heavy duty-t- framo good for 3500 tbs. towving, wilt fit Coron2t and Satellite froni 68 and up. 1 yr. old has 1 7/8 & 2 in. bai l, eoch on its owri insertîr.g bar. $80. 668-5m0of ter 5 p.m. FORD 4 spd. transmission in- cludes, aluminumn bell tousing, pressure plate, lin kage and reverse lockout shifter $200. 668-2147. Feb. 15/78 3 -7814't radiltires $25apoe, EMPORIUM ADS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS PLEASE READ:, When the advertised item is sold, diiposed of, or unavailable for whatover nosonth item will be cleemed bo have beon sold and a commission wil ha charged based onTHEADVERTISEO PRICE a s illustrated below, repardless if price is staied with 'boit offer' If the item -is NOT SO LO, or dispased of, the ad will ha run'for * 3 MONTI-S and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $3.00 wiIt apply. Ail advetisements must ha placed on an exclusive basis wîh the WH ITBY FREE PRESS, and run at Ieast one month if not sold. RATES (if article is sotd): 5% of advertised pnice up to $400.00 2% of balance over $40000 EXAMPLE: Sold item advortised for $60.00 -commission due $3.00 (minimum change is $3.001 Private advertiîing onlyl Ptease notify us if you find a rotailer listod as a private advertiser. Ploase notify the Whitby Fýree Pross immodiatety when item is sold s0 that we may de loto il from the foltowing issues. Att ads not f itting the Emporium guidetines wil ha înreated and chargeci per week. as regutor classifiod adi on a pre-paid basis such as:- services, hotp wanted, ctothing, reat ostate, and ponsonat message type ads, or ads not quoting prico or quantity. Pnivate classified adi may appean in the Emporium section under appropniate headings. If in doubt, coul 668-6111 MAI L ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206, Whitby Ll N 5S1 OR DELI VER TO: 121 Brock St~ N. Whitby. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE, 1 FrRIDAY PREVIQUS TO PUBLICATION AT NODN., 1 HOLLEY 735 (CFM) Dual- -Feed, Carburator, included, Chromo Feed Linos, Adapter for Stock Quad Manifold. $100. or best offer phone 6884868. Feb-1 /78 Trailer Hitch for VW Boette - $20 655-4995 390 Motor & transmission for sale. 1Q,000 -miles $150. or best. offor 668-5432 ask for Rob. Jan 25/78 250 Motor, complote with trans- mission $100 or boit offer. 750 Holloy for sale, dual pump, duat feed $75.,or best offer..Wilting to trade for smnatler Holley. 668- 5432. Ask for Rob, March 22/78 E'A"L AC >ES Konimore gos stovo 30" very good cond. $95. Cati, 728-8956 White chost freezer, 7.8 cubic ft., 2 yrs. 'oîd. New wvas $230 witl silI for $185. Colt 668-5774 after 4 p.m. White McCtary 10 cu. ft. fridge 4 yrs.- old $150. G.E. self cleaning oven, harveit gold $350. General freezer, 19 cu. ft., choit type, 2 yrs. old $220. Cornpactor harvest goîd $1 50. Cati 655-4871 Viking Portable Dishwasher, new motor $75. Double box spring & mattresi, good cond. $20. colt 668-0584. Feb. 8/78 2. Wringer Washers $60. Baby canniage $30. Pîaypen $15. 2 Mag Type Hubcaps, Ex. Cond. 14" $25. colt1668-9519 af ter 2 p. m. March 8/78 Wringerwasher $33. caI 668-7014. Feb. 22/78 Freezer, 22 cu. ft. Gibson choit typa, $150. Colt after 7 p.m. 839-5944 Etectric Rangtte $600. Calt 655-3768 Automat ic washing machine $150 Room divider, brass & amber, brand now, double sizo $35,, Green living room armchoir $65: 725-1211 1 large f rosi f ree frîdge. "'Codspot" 30" stove. Ex. cond. $275 for both or could be sold separate. 668-3195. March 22/78 Hloover wvasluer, spiridry. 1 yr., otd $175. 579-6144. March 22178 Mn AI ntic Bra F l>or dl new M 1CAL, Stereo, Silvertone ýFM "AM, Coîl 668-4042 $60. ELECTRONIC Piano'- as now, 5 full octaves $500. or boit off or. ,White birch, ,gos f iroplace logi, useci one winter $80. or boit off or. 668-6319 GALANTI X300, 1 year oîd, fullt console' keyboards & f loor bass controls, magic cord & rhythm section, headphones, stool and books. $700. 666-1 372. March 8/78 PIONEER OL-600A 4 .channel decoder amp. $150. Two Pioneer Speakers $1 50/pr. Concord 2/4 Channel 8 Track $75. 655-3821. *March 1/78 1 -SNARE drum, stand, sticks, brushes and koy. Very -good cond. $45. Colt Brion 686-3411 F.M. Steneo 8 track underdaîh mount only $30.00 U.H.F. Antenna $5,00. Moulded ski boots in size 5 only, $8.00 Portable A.M. radio record ployer $1 0.00 Cati< 668-2478 after 6 p.m. Hi-Fi RCA good for Roc roomn or cottage $40. Colt 655-3607. March 22/78 M ISCE LtAEU Blk. & White 24" T. V. good cond. $50. Ktchen table $50 Refridgenator in good cond. $30. Picnic table $30. double bed with mattresi and nighttable $100. Freezer in good cond. $200. coti 668-2806. Feb. 15/78 Black & White T.V. - 33" in good condition. $50. 723-9068 Coloun T. V., Floor model 26" Ex. conid. $200. 668-4932. March 15/78 Portable 14" Black & White T. V. in good cond. $50. 728-2280. March 15/78 AdmiraI 21 " Block & White T. V. Good Cond. $75. 655-4974. March 15/78 LADIES coat - black immitation suat, sîze 14-16, cta-aned as new. $45. or best of fer. Co lt 668-136 GIR LS coat size 1-12, aqua blue Wuîh sflswool trim. Worn j AUTOMOBILES FORB $ALE Bloys bicycle, bonanna seat, kick stand $15. Saxophone "C" Melody with case $75. car discs, tie2wutrirme$15- e6&3243. éMVch22M? with fur trïm around cuffs & coller, size 18-20, asking $35. or best off er. Chanille bed- spread, single, brand new, asking $12. 725-6045. WEDDING drê&s, size 10), fuît tIength head piece, new $300. asking $100. 668-0429 WED)DING, dress for sale, suze 14-16. Long steeves $40. BLACIý persian lamb cool, very good cond., size 36 $45. Cati 668-8747. For sale- 3 long dresses never worn, size 18, $20. each. Red velvet coat, size 18, new $45. suode coat sizo 18, $30. Port- able dishwasher $25. Bodyshirts $5. each size large. Cali 668-6078. March 22/78 Wedding Dress Size 17, excellent condition $50. Cati 725-4646. March 22/78 Skiis - Alborg Alpine- with bindings, 72".* Bucklo Atberg Boots size 7 with carrying case & polos. Mint cond. $75. complete catI 1668-2183 afier 4 p.m. Feb. 8/78 MEN'S Long buckîo boots, size 6 and carrying rack,- Arlberg 185 centimeters skiis and Beesher bindings. $45. 728-1291. SKI boots, size 10, 1 y.r- old, Dolomltcs $25. Cali 705- 357-3787 after 6 p.m. Yamaho 1-i-Flex., 190 centimoter- skils, bindings, Ho1ok Navada Toes Tyrol Heets $60. 655-3169. March 1/78 1 SET of downhitl skiis, bindings, and potes, 6 ft., brond new, neyer usod $50. Cati 576-8573 after 6 p.m. 1--Pr. boys hockey skates, Jelinek size 19, $14. 1 Garrard record player with speaker and stand, $35. 668-9771l Baby's change table with shelvt.s $20. Car bed new $12. Baby lounging chair $8. Old fridge in working cond. $25. Corpet 9 x il $35. 725-8872. March 8/78ý BABY carrnages, $25 & $40; JolIy Jumper $5. 2 Bathtub5 $2 esch; Bottie steril izer,$3; training chair $5;'walker $5; Cali 683-8467. Morch 22/78 Bicycle child carrier $7. new cond. colt 668-9260. Marph 22/78 Carriage $35. Jolly jumper $10, Carbed $5. Infant seat $1. Um- brella strollor $10. catI 579-2791. Feb. 15/78 Baby carniage fold into car bed, ex. cond. $30. 668-8408. Feb. 22/78 Baby - Small crib $5. Change- table with shelves $15. Hiîgh chair $5. cai 655-4283. March 8/78 GENDRON - fold up stroller, MEDIUM size oak desk - 1 large drawer, $49, lazy boy $25. Viking wvringer woufier, $49. 725-1211. ROLL TOP Desk,SoIid Mahogany Bird Eye,. Male Inlay, Weinut 're of weights and 10 lb. bar $50. 725-2243. Feb. 22/78 , FOR SALE 1, Polaroid Square 'Shooter. camera,$1 5. 1 - 23 chan- net Realîstic mobile CB radio-' with base. station accessories $95. or best offer. Must siti 668-2314. after 6 p.m. and ask for Scott. Feb. 8/78 Diamond erngagement ring, 18 kt. yellow gold ring, in 14'kt. white gold settîng. ex., cond. $150. or best of fer. Cat 668-6426. Feb. 15/78> POOL table - Burrouigh & Watts, 4% x 8'., Cati 668-2425 be fore, 1 2noon .1 CANON 1218. 12 to 1 'power zoom with slow motion. Movie camera and Eumig Auto. Load sound projector super 8, $1600. value, $800. Singer Fetura 900, sewing machine with detuxe cab- inet and chair, hardly used $500. 655-4871. Air conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 BTU's used one summer $150 Freezer - General E.tectric, harVest gold colour, il cu. ft., like brand new. $200. 668-3810 Etectric Lawnmower with grass catcher, hardty used. $48. Cati 655-4627 after 7 p.m. Wlaite zig-zag sewving -machine $70. 1 fur fabric short ja'cket, size 12-14 $20. One f toor length red raincoat size 12-14 $10. Dresses made in England, size 10, 12, 14, $3. each. 1' pr. black suede shoes size 7%-8 $4. 1 pr. tan teather & suede wedge heel shoes size 5 '$10. One pale blue ski jacket size 10-12 $7. Calt1 af ter 5 at 576-0308. SET of golfclubs, Wilson Modal ist 1 yr. otd., 3 woods, 9 irons, head covers . and bag. ý$150.* Catt ie 66-419. COLEMAN Traiter Furnace with btowor, 24" x 14V' x 114Y" like new. $75. 655.4337 DRAPERY double traverse rod, single puiley.,22 ft.,. can be eut to any length. Brand new $25. Projection screen, 5' x 5'. Da- Lite, as new $20. Cati 668-2291 1 CANOPY, Green & White, 9' x 12'. Robe & Poles included $85. 3 Woodlen School Desks. $10. each 668-2422. * March 8/78 Oli, Ctassic pinball machine works porfectty. 'Roquires refinishing $250. Calt 728-2484. March 22/78 FURNACE duct-work and fit- tings for sale, 4 x 10 floor defusers $1. each, 4 x 10 angle f loor boots $.80 each, 5' tongth of 5" pipe $2. Each, side take off %.50, 45 degree elbows $.50 each, Gatvanized chain-ink foncing, 42" x 50' for $10. 655-4423 Alrnost new pale green & pale yellow mixed shag, approx. lOx 121/2, plus h9avy bubble foamn underpad. $190. 666-1851.

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