Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1978, p. 7

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biaa Wiuter's H jstorjça1- DENIS; O 'CONNORe In March 1964, Whitby's first Roman Catholic High School, Denis O'Connor was officially opened. Today it is affectionately known by its students as "DOC", but except for a portrait i the main hall there is littie to- tel them a- about the man whomn their school was named- after. Denis O'Connor was one of the rnost noteable prelates of the Roman Catholic Churcli-in Canada during bis lifetime, and attained one of the highest offices in thé Church-Arch- bishp of Toronto. Archbishop O'Connor was a very humble man whdU preý- ferred the simple life of a priest to that of an important ecclesiastical official. When high*offices were offèred 10 hlm because of fils ability, he tried to turn them down, but when the Church needed hlmn he fulfilled bis duties as he was called upon to carry them out. Denis O'Connor was born in Pickering Township, March 28, 1841, an d at the qge of 11, heentered St. Michael's Colle-e in Toronto where lie learnedtesmlct'n ~r Byines,' Hello Everyone! Speclal things are happening titis year for lte Marcit Break.. The library. has a hast of fun thlrîgsto do. On Tuesday March 21 Carol Milligan froîn the Duritam Healtit Unit will demnonstrate "nutritiaus snack making" 10 the chlldren. On Wednesday Marci 22, Easter baskets wiil be crafted and on Titursday, March 23 Easter egg decoraîing will be featured. The library is closed on Good Friday. But that is not all. There is an extra special happening~ on Saturday, Marcht 25 from 10: 30 ta 11: 30' a.m. It's an Easter Costume Party. Wear fapvy costumes and Easter. Bonnets. Prizes, games, refreshments and an Easter Egg Hunt, will ail be part of lte fuin. Then la add ta tite fun a draw will be held for an exciting Easter surprise. Tickets are: available when a book is'taken out andi your card siown. Tickets will be svail4ble now 111l te draw. The 'Oddfellows will hold their Annual Family Nite on Monday Marci 20 starting aI 9 p.m. Childrdn are asked ta brin& titeir parents ta join in lte fun. There wil be clowns, amateur talent show, sing-a-long witit a guitar accompany- ment and as a s?ecial treat lte Robots, Robbie and Grunk.. B6 sure you don t miss Ibis exciting event. On Sunday Mardi 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Brooklin United Churci, lte singers from Newcastle and Brooklin United Churcit will perform a'cantata. The chosen cantata will be lte 'Crucifixion' from Slainer.' This proves to be an enjieitt- ening experiencq. There will, also be ' soloists ta perform. On behai f of Meadowcrest and* St. Leos Schools, of Brooklin, titank you ta Group '74. Group '74 lus donated $100. ta each sohool. Meadowcrest wil use their money ta buy scitool sports uniforrus and St. Leo's wlll buy books and equipmenî for titeir library. The Kinsnien will be having a special 50's Dance on Saturday Mardi 18 at 8 p.m. till 1 a.m. This wilLbe in lie Poisit Vetrans Hall on Stevenson Road Oshawa. Tickets are $ 10. per couple, whicit includes a buffet. Ail proceeds from lte evening will go lie CF (Cystic Fibrosis). FISHER.RERG AIN SERVICE AtutIorized AMANA Dealier Save energywith hîgh eff iciency central air Iconditionung sales und installations Repairs ta ail makes of freeze*rs, refrîgerators,, air condition ers, dehum idifiers .' We clean & service residential and commercial air con'itioners ia Rpslirs to Ail Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Conditinnmrs W. Recharge Automobile Air Conditioning dignity of hte life of a Basilian priest. At the age of 20 he .went 10 thç College of Annonay ini the soutit of France 10 compléte bis theological studies, and ini 1863 he returned ta Toronto witere lie was ordained tçolte priesthood by Archbishop Lynch. He joined te Order of St. Basi, and was made a profes- sor aI St. Michael's College. His superiors noticed a fine executive ability in Denis O'Connor, and in September 1870, asked him to found Assurnption Collegè' at Sandwich, near Windsor. He was -then unanimously elected superior of that institution, a Dositii-,t e held until 1890. Abciut Ibis lime he was created a Doctor of DivinitY by the Pope, and shortly afterwards received Word from Rome that he had been selected as Bishop of London, Ontario, to succeed Archbisitop Walsh. Denis O'Connor considered that he was not suitable for Ibis important position, but on lte insistence of bis superi. ors, he accepted, and served as Bishop of London until 1899 when lie succeeded Archbishop Walsh as Arcitbisitop of Toronto. For nine years-lie performed thé arduous duties attached t0 Ibis office.. In 1908 bis health broke down, and he asked to, be relieved of the position. He retired ta Si. Basil's novitiate, wviere be lived in an unpretentious littie *room, and assisted"'the students of the novitiate, a training'scitool for young men wvho wanted to enter te priesthood. 1He closed bis life in seclusion, spending bis latter days in The Kinsmen's next regular meeting will be held on Mon. day, March 27, even thougl iti is a holiday. New memnbers always welcome. On Easter Sunday, Mardi 26, Myrtle United Church will be having'their Annual Easter Sunday Morning Breakfast. The breakfast begins aI 8:30 a.m. Tickets are availaibe from members- for $1 .00 each. Imnmediately follu)wing the break- fast, a ýérv!ce wiIl take place at 9:30 a.m. with the Junior choir singing special Easter music. For you girls between lte ages of 16 and 19 who are single and intërested i becoming 'Miss Brooklin 1978' please cali Mrs. Smith aI 655-3932. She will be able to give you information on the Brooklin Spring 'Fair Beauty Pagent. Remember there- are exciting prizes foýr the winner., In te Myrtle United Ciurcî Hall at 8 p.m. on Friday March 1 7 - ta celebrate St. Patick's Day - a special social evening is planned. Games will be played, with pfizes for lie winners. The womnen are asked 10kidndly .bring saùidwicites- for Ibis event. There will be a silver collection. Hiappenings. Frlday Marcit 17'- St: Patrick's Day social evening-Myrtle United Gwrch Hall - 8 p.m. Saturday March 18 - 5O's danice for C.F. - by Kinsmen. Sunday Marci 19 - Brooklin United Cburch - 7:30 p.m. Cantats - Crucifixion - by Broolin and Newcastle Singers. Monday March 20 -- Oddfeliows Hall - 9 p.m. Animal Family f-ile. with-a 1#isit from Robbie snd Grunk. Tuesday,' March'21 - Brooklin Public Library - demon- stralion of nutrilious snack ragbv Carol Milligan., Wednesdy March 22 Brooklin Pblic Library, - make Easter Baskets. Thursday Mardi 23 - Brooklin- Public Library. Easter Eg %ecorating. 1Saturday Mardi 2e 110:0 l:30 a.m. Brooklil Ppblic ULbrary - Extra Speciiil Easter Costuielarty - wilb a drsw for an Easter Surprise. Suntday Marcb 26 - 8:30 'a.m. Myrtle United Church, Aiinual Easter Sunday Breakfast - services following at 9:30 Wednesday March 29 -9 p. m. - Rebekah's Annuat Euchre Nfight - OddfeliowsHal - $1.25 admission. AIl is not gold that glitters >Marie 655-3061 Brown's Red & White drap off. Htot ays ta mSave on hestlug ce Stsaet lomns etcottage '7Th. Cottager" is a pioneer-tough Farmner's Stove which can burn any kind of wood for up to 16 hours of carefree,eoenomqical and uafe operation. Overnight heating or day-tim. oeoking, the Farffw's way. SPEGIAL lntroductory of fer Save 10% Off This Week OnIy S3%.00 WIIITY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 15. 1978. PAGE 7 meditation and prayer. Hie observed lte strict rules of Basilian life, rising at 5 a.tn. every 4py when his 'healtfi permited. He hadonce beeri the director of one of lhe most wealthy dioceses in the Dominion, but now he was content to live, on the meagre sum of $80 a year. On June 30, 1911, Denis ý O'Connor died aI St. Basil's novitiate, on St. Clair Avenue, Toronto, at the age of 70. His funeral was held at St. Michael's Cathedral, the leading Roman Catholic Chuirch in the city. Denis O'Connor paid a particularly important visit to Whitby, on May 21, 1903 to dedicale lte town's new Catholic Church'at Palace and John Streets. Tho' original church on this site, built in 1867, had burned down in 1901 and a new building was constructed in 1902. Thtis church served until 1958 when the new-St. John te Evanigelist Church was built. The old buildingws recently converted int a private residence.' ws 1Today, beside the new St. John the Evangelist Citurch, stands Denis O'Connor High Scitool, a memoial to a man fromn the Durham Region who rose to one of the highest offices in bis citurcit in Canada, anid' a perso'n who should be remembered by today's generation for bis contributions to bis religion. 325 Simcoe Stree S Oshawa, Ontario AIL BREED GROOMING & CLIPPING Bus: 579-0881 Emlyet and ~ImmgraionCanada Canada Employment Centre Emploiet Immigration Canada Centre d'Emplo du Canada CANADA SUMMER YOUTK EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM R.A. Lothian, Manager of the Oshawa Canada Employaient Contre is plessed to announce -the f oflowing appeintmants te the. position -of Co-ordinator for the. Canada Manpower Centres f or Students. Francline, MacNeiIl wiII b. co- ordinating the services provlded et the- Ajax and Whitby Canada Manpower Centre for students. "Mrs. MacNeiII is -a greduate of the University, of Montreal and hs currently com- pleting her Masters Degree ln Psychology. The Canada MsnpowM Centes for Students ore sch*duled f0 open ln sony April., BEAUTI1 FtJ' cuts, perms, sets?, ,1veryti me! .Ad4 hbounce, curi and direction to straight hair with a'permanent or eut your hair in one of the new geometrie styles. LJACONTESSA.ý BEAUTY LOUNGE t 4j * t i 1'

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