Whitby Free Press, 15 Mar 1978, p. 5

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Qeen'sP~; I would like to take this opportunity-to highlight for you 501110 of .the,:maiii points -in-the Governiment's prograni, as outlined the Speech. from the Throne. As wag stated by the Honourable Pauline McGibbon, Lieutenant -Governer for Ontario, on February l4tli, tlinost.cruial chilenges we face today are of an economic nature. It is essential that our economy be healthy so thait the Govemnment can c,6'ptinue to provide, and improve uponý, the many servces that are necessary for the weel-being of our citizons.- One of the central messages, of the Speech was that the Ontario Government does fot believe in massive public spending to cure economie difficulties. In fact, it ik our view that we must continue' to restrain governnient spending in order to encourage .the private Sector to grow and compete. Obviously, the, private sector cannot carry the total burden of job création. On the basis of the highly succe y fuI youth employmetit progratns launched last year, a to of $26 million will be provided to Wnarge bôth the Ontai Career Action Program and the Ontario Youth Emnployrne program; Wjich thie Ontario Governinent estimates m prqduce 36;DO jobs. ~- I.ast Fafl, -lhe Government lattnched a labour markèt formation program des*igned to àsÈlst. thé private sectoi' nlatching jobs with people. To ensure the continued efft tiveness of this 'program'n the Minister,of Labour planîs -çonvene a conference with representatives from labour, bu and college and university staff, as well as, fedéral ai -provincial bfflcials. SThe Provincial Govemment support the fédéral decisi, that the Ecônom'ic Coun'cil- of 'Canada shôuld'p1ay a1ce'y re i analyzing price and cost developmrentg following thte eî of, wage anxd price controls; and' the Province wil alsô--l setting fair and firm guidelines with respect to public sect spending Vie are determined to keep the increase in ouro, spendipg Well, below the- increase in revenue. Specil masures to eticourage restraint in, government, and pub] spending', will be containedi the 1978/79 Provinci Budget. Ail of the Ministriesat Queen's Park will 'ho undertakini thorough, exarniation of the Statutes, Regulations ai policies, which_ goverii business practices. These wil 1 inodified, or elitninated if they -prove to be out-dated WHITRY FREF PRESS, W-PONESDAY. MARCH 15,'l1978 PAGE 5 ss- resttnctive., As wel, the. Goverrient of Onirio wiIl review tai the* operation -of agencies, buards and commissions wlth a rio view to- cutting red -tape forbusinesses', so that they may be- ,nt corne more efficient and'competitive, thus provldlng more ill jobs for Canadians. 4have IughjighteduinIý h co~nemattese tiained in the Speech î om the Tbtobne for a Ê'1 mbeèr of reaÎMis. First, tfiê 'eccnm is of pd-iii4ry imporiaice for the sôlution of most of the ptoblems that face us today. . A hoalthy society -mlust be bullt- on a healthy'-economy. And second, restraint is required of us ail, but the Government of Ontario believes that ail government must lead the way by setting a good that ail governments must leadthe way -by. settig a good example. - --- However, I càftnot stres'~ too - trongly that the realities we face today require changing attitudes by. the public at large, as weil as by govemrment. The growtli of the '60s lias . been 'replaced b, a n'eéd for 'us t0à re-evaluate,oùr, Ptloriti.es'. Ne A m4ust do-bâtter with relatively less;. This does -not ffieàn that progress will be halted,because the Provincial Government is totally comimitted to improving the quality of life for theý citizens of Ontario. I hope that in explaining the importance placed on the strengthening of the econoiny, e 1veryone will realize that many-of'-the thjingswo often,?,take, for granted ýare really dependent upon good management of oui reSourc0s. *Theè anniual esCape is about .to begin. The Sprlng Break' CORRID>OR ÀAREARATÉEPkEÈ starta thig weékend as -everyonie should be aware of by now, There will bo. an executi#e 'meetiné of the Corridor Aiea aiu 1I negining't' believe my children when they say. Ratepayers onTuravM ch1atheom ofon "but Mum, everyone is going away'. Buchianan -1(8 JBroadlview- Avenue. 'Ii meeting is called for C o rr d o r ____________________________ 8 p.mn. and it is the policy of the group to begin ail meetings C o rri On Thufsday March'l16 the Whitby Mnisterial Association promptly. is having a fareweil for Rev. Louis Harvey who lias accepted A-short cqlumn this week so have a happy break and for .a cail to Welland Ontario and leaves after Easter. those w"o are travelling, safe joumney. For everyone elsesee C a e sWESTMINSTER UNITED CIfURCU .you next week. C a e r wek.NetSndyilbePamSuda aditwil eThere will b. no Comfirmation Class, for the next two Marion Buchanan week. Nxt unda wflb Pal Sudayand t wll e a579-0878 data on conservation issues signed by the Office of Energy information please contact, such 'as recycling centres and Conservationt (OEC) Depart- project leader Gerald Ravary new technologies available, for ment of Energy,, Mines and or Richard H. Ouellette. exarrple solar energy and infra- Resources Canada. For more red heatirig. - Enquiries are invlted from m L interested service, clubs, corn. K L8lFJie e tn Nh 2 munity groups, local indust, ries, citizeni organization edu-- cational insitutions, etc. . . . A public meeting will be' The site of the project is on The centre is located i the held March 20 at 8 p.m. by Manning roa d adjacent to the Whltby NIall - an~d.Isp6i the town's administrative com.- church. numbr:i*579-o40 mittee to ' dlscuss a proposai The chuich members dis- This- project lias b.oen de- for retirmnentý housing by covered last week that the land Wetmninster Tlnited'Church. is znecl esidential instead of Council opposes "study for electrie system Whitby's town coundil lias ined one other coundil in -Drham Region in opposing a proposed feasibility study Qn the creation of a regional clectric system, 111 1974 the bounclarles of te12 Public Utility Com- mnissions or electric commis- ions in the region were frozen, and now each mÉunicipality must vote onwhether or not -it feela' a regional utility feasibillty study is necessary. Oshawa and Pickerini are -in favror of - the study, but ,Ajax and Whitby are not. Newcastle, Brock, Uxbridge and Scugog have yet to vote. The Whitby couilappears to feel that a regionalelectrical systemn would cost -too much and benefit only Oshiawa. The Whitby çouncillors féee that the town would be footing to much of the bull, and Oshawa would be getting too- many of the benefits. Hydro rates in the former East Whtby Township, now part of< Oshawa,- are 24 per cent higher than within the old city limnits, and Oshawa Council feels the study would lead to a reduction-of these rates. .YUCAN NOW BO0K YOUR CHARTERS LONDON, AMSTERDAI MANCIESTI PRESTWICU Passportl ml DUBLIN DUBROVNI Pictures ComDimentary with- Bookang Co.t The church is planning to build 16 one-bedroom units in clusters of four, projecting out like spokes of a Wheel, and the fifth unit would contain eight tbachelor -units of'simiar con- struction. înstitutional, therefore re- quiring rezoning and an of- ficial plan ameud ment. Aiea residents are ivlted to comment on the proposai at the Monday meeting at the municipal building. Sklar subsidiary'sold Plans are beirmg drawn up for týhe sale of the subsidiary for about $3.6 nmillion to Martin Lumber Ltd., of Har- court, Ontario. G. W. Martin, président of the purcliasing company, says ho intends to keep the Sklar subsidiary op- erating at its present capacity. The SkIar subsidiary pro- duces about 15 million feet of hardwood lumber each year and consists of a combiriation band sawmnill, dry Uin and a furniture component plant., A, depression in the furni- ture, market liasled to the proposed sale- of Mattawa Forest Products, a subsidiary of Sklar Furniture in Whitby.. SAskus about you corne and tell us what you're looking for ini a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomorrow. Ask us if we cari of fer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. No obligations on sither aide. We'il bè glad to talk. And we rnay have just what'yoi(re looling for. But you'il neyer know until you ask.. Vi-sit our Mobile. Recruiting Unit Can.ada.Manpower Centre OSHAWA 15, 22, 29, Msrâh 1978 Durha m. Region Branch Ountario "Huma.,. Society NOTICE 0F ANNUAL MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Annuel Meeting of the Members of the Durham Reglon Branch of the Ontario Humene Society, wiII be,held at the Whitby Library, 405 Dundas St., West, Whitby,. Ontario, on Tuesday, March 28, 1978, â07:30 p.m. (a) to ter and consider the ennual reports and thE- financiel. stetemnent of the. brancti for the yeer ended February 28,1978.' <b) -to elect DIroctors for t-he 4fsuing yeer; (c) to' transeotý. such, other. business as mev properly corne before the meeting. BY order of the Board J. Gordon $ecretary CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN'OF WHIT.BY NOTICE 0F INTENTION NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Corpora- tion of the Town of Whitby intends to pass a by-law to stop up and close and seil to the adjoining owyners those portions of Woodlawn Avenue and Applewood Crescent as hereinafter described, namely:- (1) That po7tion of Woodlawn Avenue shown on Registered Plan 709, designated as Parts, 7, 8 and 9 on a Plan of Survey deposited ini the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 40-3308. (2) That portion of Applewood Crescent as shown on Registered Plan 709, designated as Parts 4, 5 and 6 on a Plan of Survey deposlted in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Durham (No. 40) as Plan 4-03308. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Operations Coînmittee of the Counicil of the Town of Whitby willlat the hour of 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd dayof Apr-l, 1978, in Cornîttee Roomn No. 2 of the Municipal Building at 575 Rossland 'Road East, Whitby, Ontario, hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his land will be prejudicially affected by such by- law and who applies to be heard. DATED at Whitby, Ontario this 3rd day of March, A.D., 1978. 1000 - 3:-00 p.m. .C.T., C.M.C., CommnityConservation -Centre :opens March On Thursday, March 23, the Whitby Community Con- servation Centre (CCC) will be open to work withlocalgroups to develop and assist in ener-gy 'conservation activities. SThe Centre offers resources - and information on ail aspects ,of energy conservation: 'measur.es that individuals can implement such as home re- ,e-,isulation; prog[_ammes which' tîc lzen groups can orgasiïfýèY for example insulation co-ops; 23. a Amâýmmâ io.--ool

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