Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1978, p. 7

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WHITBY -FREE PR E.SS, WIEDNESDAY, MARCH 8. 1978. PAGE 7 Brian Winter's Hlistori*cal. Wýhi1tby JOHN A. McGILLIVRAY Continuinsg with our sketches of former VWhtby residents who went o nto, fame and fortune in other communities, we .look this week at the career of Lieut-Col. John Alexander~ McGillivray, a prominent lawyer, farmer,and military man. Mr., McGillivray was born at Pickering, Jùly 19, 18 52, the eldest sonfl of a'wealthy Scottish farmer,,George McGilllvray, and Caroline Amfelia ýothergill, daughterof' Charles Fother-ý gi, M. P., a promninent naturalist andnewspaper editor in Upper, Canada.' In 1870 the McGillivray family moved t o Whitby and aettled at "Inverlynn", at Raglan and Giffard Streets, where descendents of the McGillivrays stililivetoday. John, one of a.familv which later included a judge, a Presbyteriun mninister, a doctor and an artist, was educated at the Whitby High School, and -the University of Toronto. He decided to becomne a lawyer, and studied law under G. Y. Smith in Whiltby and L~yman English in Oshawa. G.Y. Smith, was later an Ontauio County judge and mayor of- Whitby. « John McGilfivray set up his first practice with John Bilhings at Port Perry, and later moved t<n Uxb-idge where he, remained for rnany years, becoming a Queen's Counsel in 1889. Mr. McGillivray joined the town council of Ubig when the town was incorporated and, was, mayor. in 1890. In 1886 he unsuccessfully contested the riding of North Ontario in a provincial election, but was elected to the Hbuse of Commoris in a by-election in 198 '5. At the next election lie was again successfui, but rsge after a year. Mr. McGillivray was a man of many interests. He was Secretury of the ,Supreme-'Court -of the Inde pendentOrder' of Forresters, a director of the Union Trust Company, Vice-President of the Equitable Loan Company' President of the East erri Mining Syndicate, Director of the Furmers Co-operating Harvesting Machine Company, Director of the Great West Land. Company Ltd., Director of the Toronto Ixhibition, and director of the. Karni.oops Lu mber Co. In. military circies,' Mr. McGillivray rose tothe rank o"f Lieut-Col. in the 3 4th Regiment of militia, and was its con- munding, officer from 1902 to 1906 when the regiment's headquarter was in Whitby in a building where the Toronto ~Dominion- Banik now stands, heside the Cenotaph Mr. McGillivray was alv> a silcccssful farmer, owning 500 acres at- Uxlhrid.gc,i A -ah dýf1 le, inch ut Medicine Hiat, Alberta. He was a breeder of shorthorn cattle, and was' considered the oldest and largcst'brecder of Dorset horn sheep in America. Mr, McGillivray' was Presideni <>1f the Dorset Sheep Breediers' Association of America, a director of the Conti- nental Dorset Club, a'director of the Guelph Fat Stock ASow, and a director of thé Canadian Shee rees Asoiation. pBrdes His' livestock won prizes at the Columbian Exposition in 1893, ýthe -Pan Ameriîcan Exhibition in 1901 and the St. Louis Exhibition in, 1904 wherehe. far outstripped al com- peitiors,,securing nearly $2,000 in prize money. In. the Masonic Lodge, Mr. McGillivray was a Deputy District. Grand Master for the Toronto district. Itmay truly bc said of hum that he was a "Renaissance man," having so rnuny varied interests. His activities were not without a price, however.- He was overtaken by illness at a fairly young age, and had to give Up some of his-positions. He died at Guelph on Feb. 13, 1911 ut the age o f,58, leavinig a ývife and son. The,,McGillivray fumily was one of themost prominent in Whitbyand district. Forfurther notes on the history of this famnily, sec theHistorical Whitby column in the Free Press of April 21, 1976. ir Br3k1in 1 Bylines PM Hello Everyone! On Wednesday Mardi 29, ut 8 p.m.' in, tic Kinoven. Rebekah Lodge, Oddfell'ows Hall, the Rebekah's. will be having their Anniu al Euchre Night. Admission is $1,.25 and prizes will be awarded. AIl proceeds from this evenit goto,, 'Participaction bouse Project'. SThe Brookiin Sping Fuir Beuuty Pagent this year wili be sponsored by the Br ooklin and Dis trict Kinettes. To qualify, girls must bebetween the ages of 16 andI19 years and live in Whi tby (which mieans, Brookiin, Ashburn, Myrtie as weil) Tiere are fantastic prizes being given to the winner. For entry forms .and further informat-ion pieuse culi Mrs. Susan Smith ut *655-3932 no later than April 31. ,Attention mothers of children who have one or more of the following problerns; Learning disabilities - Hyperactivity Allergies. Behavior Probleins. Would you be interestedl in forming a ýgroup, with other mothers who are experiencing the saine problems? This will be a group not oniy with the, ability, to be supportive as wel as sympathe.tic tio ech other, -but, a group thut will be able to heip our respective children. If you ar <e interested in joining this group,,pieuse contact Betty-Jean Blyth ut 655- 3679. On Tuesday, ýMarch 14,at 8 p.m. the UCW will hold their' monthly meeting ut Mary Housego's home. To celebrate St. Partrick's Day, on Friduy Maich 17, starting ut 8 p.m., a Social Evening wil take place in the Myrtie United Qiurch Hall. Bring the whole family for a fun-fiiied evening. Prizes wiIl be uawarded for a variéty of garnes. The women are asked to please bring sandwiches. There will be a silver collection. On Easter Sunduy, March 26, the Myrtle United Church will be huving their Annual, Easter Sunday Morninig Break- fast. The Breakfast is ut 8:30 a.m..auid will be $1 .00 for mýembers. Mass will foilow ut 9:30 a.m. with the Junior Choir singing special music. FISHE R. REFRIGERATION, SERVICE' Aitorizod AMANA Douer Save energy wi t h high efficiency central air condiltioning sales and installations Repairs to ail makes of freezers, refrigerators, air conditioners, dehumidifiers. W . clean,& service reside ntial and commercial air conditioners Repeirs to Ait Makes Freezers - Refrigerators - Air Condîtioners We Recharge Automnobile Air Conditioning 20 BUEEN STREET The new,Çommnunity CareCet, just recenti y opened on i101 Mary Street West, in Whitby is for the residents of l3rooklin us well. Somne of their services are for rides to hospitals, -for those who have no other means of transporta- tion, ýthey can help you prepare, your incéome tax and they have a wide range of services for the senior citizens. The fees for the Centres Services are in aiignment with what you can afford'to puy. If you need help or want to know more pieuse contact Mandy Crawford the Secretary Treasurer of the cenitre. We have yet another athiete in> our midst. On Saturday Februury 18 in. the Whitby Figure Skating Competition ut Port Perry (Pineridge Competition) Scott O'Neill of Brook- lin came away with two bronze meduls. He won his medals for, pre-novice solo and a preiiminary dunceý. His partner for the dance was Rachel Kutocs -of Oshawu. Scott was the oniy maie competitor there - Congratulations -Scott! The Brooklin and District Kinsmen wili be having a Dance, on Saturday March 18 in the Poiish Hall. The dance is to raise money -for community projects; such as the, ""Park". The Whitby Block Parents are having a 'Chinese Cooking Demo)nstration on- Monday March 20 ut, 7:30 p.m. ut the Blue Fiamne Room , of the Consumers' Gus Building in Whitby. Tickets are $2 each.; A nyone wunting tickets pieuse contact Bey Stanley, Brooklin- Area, chairman ut 655-3770.» The Brooidin Block Parents, are aiwuys in ne of new members. To be a member you don't have to go to meetings orgo to uctivities, just as long as the sign is in your window when you are uvailable and down when you're not. To muke the programi effective, it needs us much support and as many members as it can get. Also,,the group- feels thut they would like to sec more. senior citizens involved, for they feel they wouldmnake ex- cellent Block Parents. This. is for the 'Elderly Pensioners' of the area. Through the Corporation of the Town of Whitby a 1978 Tux Assist- ance Program wiIl be available. To qualify for the assistance, the owner or spouse of the owner must- (A) be 65 yeurs or over'by the iust day of Murch 1978,which is-also: the closing for filing applications, (B) be in receipt of the Monthly Guaranteed Incomne Suppiement providedý under the Cana. dian, Old,,Age- Security Act (C) occupy the property on which the.municipal taxes are imposed, and (D) have been continuously assessed as the owner of residentialreal pro-. perty--in the Town of Whitby for not iess than 5 years im- mediateîy preceding March 31, 1978. This grant or credit of $j100.00., which does not have to STOVES $168» be repaid, is available to those in Brooklin as well. 'If you pay-your taxeS to the Town of Whiltby and yopi meet ail the qualifications. you are entitied to the Assistance. If you have not received your application form please contact the Treasurer's Office at 668-5803, and speak with Gail Empey, Tax Collector. I ,hope-this will be of help to tiiose involved. Don't forget that. Saturday March 1 1 at 9 a.m. to have your papers on the curb, The B rooklin Scouts and Cubs will be mnaking the rounds for their.paper drive. Happenings: Saturday March il, - Scout s and Cubs.- Paper Drive Monday March 13 - Kinsmùen" Régular Meeëting New Members welcome! Tuesday -March 14 - Rebekah's regular meeting. Tuesday March 14.- 8 p.m. UCW regular meeting. Friday March 17- - St; Patrick's Day Social Evening Myrtie UnitedChurch Hall 8p.m.ý Saturday. March 18 - Kinsinen Dance- Polish Hall. Sunday March-, 26 - 8:30 a> Annu.al Easter Sunday Breakfast - mass foliowed, at 9:30'a.m. -, Myrtie United Church. Wednesday March 29 - 9 p.m. Rebeka's Annual Euchre Night - Oddfellows Hall - $1 .25 admission., Saturday March 18 - Kinsmen Dance - Polish Hall. Better Buy than Borrow Marie - 655-3061 Brown's Red & Whitei&rop offs. SELBY, MADGETT, BOLER S AAR Chartered Accountants W.A.D.Selby c.AJ,M.C.A.B.V. C.J.Roberts c.A. B.K.Madgett C.A. A.D.Chapman C.A. Offices 11King StreetEaàst, Oshawa 1-118 Waiton Street Sheridan Maîl, Pickeri.ng R.W.Boler C.A. C.W.Marlowe C.A. T.Haar 'C.A.' Telephones .579-5531 885-2335 839-0153, BEAUlI FUL cuts, perms, sets, everytime! $1680 $9500 OIhsr modes. C..Tla iSt PWi rf ioy 1MITcHELLBOTB 1OOun Ad4 bounce, curi and direction to straight hair with a permanent or cut your hair in one of the new geometric styles. LA CONTESSA BEFAUITLOUNGE, i i 19Gr.qa St '"'a building centreel --------------- %abý"de 2 09 iram 1

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