Whitby Free Press, 8 Mar 1978, p. 3

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WHJTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1918, PAGE 3 Local resident-cpm-rdi<a'e Whi"tby' andalLsi The Oshawa-Whtby Social avoid the ee higher costs of Planning Council's study of prisons, welfare, etc."« vadlsnin Whitby began ini Mrs. Chung says that rival- Deceniber and is noW well ry between government de- under way. partments and between levels Heading up'the project is of -government- to- keep their co-ordinator Kathleen 'Chung, owni costs down -results ina a Whitby resident who, has a refusai to accept new ýpro- B.A. in, psychology, M.A. ini grams 'which mig-dht in the sociology, and' experience in long run keep total govern- teaching, social work,research, ment costs down. "The tax- and community groups. payer pays,,no matter which Mrs . Chung bas been hired department does the job," for six months (December she says. 1977 to June 1978) to study The' goals of- the Whitby vandalism 'in Whitby. Backing Vandalism Prevention Project her in her ýwork is an advisory 'are tq. gathet inrormation a- committee which includes bout vandàlisni' in Whitby,* representatives front the town regarding costs, what damage council, social planning count- has been dône, ýby whoii, cil, public and separateschool (type of person, age and back- boards, Police youth bureau, ground),when, and, why, (basic probation and aftercare, £.1 fators and itpnedîate ýWhitby, parks andrecreation precipitating' factors), says, department, Association for Mrs. Chung. Children with Learning Dis. The study is also iritended abilities, Whitby Psychiatric to find ways to reduce-acts of Hospital, John Howard vandalism and their cost. Sqciety, Whitby Fire Depart- ,One of the objectives of ment and McNel Hbuse. the project is public education' A tentative definition of to increase awareness of the va iïdalism is: "destruc,-.in,1 injury,- disf igurement or de- facement of any public or private property, real'or per- sonal, resultine front irrespon- sible behavio r," says Mrs. Chung. 1"When personal probleis, become so widespread that they constitute a social pro- blent, then individual(personal) methods wiil not provide a solution," she says. "SocWa (iLe. societal) solutions must be found. Are we willing to make the necessary _changes? And to pay the costs? The eýcosts may seent high initîally, but in the long run would financial costs, of vandalism m study to the taxpayer, as well as the costs in ternis of inconven- ience* and disruption of ser- vices. Mrs. Chung also hopes to increase a sense of social re'- ponsibility anon'- ail citizens, both aduits mrd- children, to mnotivate theni tô refrain froni, acts of vandaism- and repo rt any suspicious Mncidents t<) the police.11 There, is also a need toli- crease awareness of cinsal factors relatiiig to va ndal isni, and enfist the public's support in reducing these cau!saýl flic- tors, says Mrs. Clung. Soîn of the ways to re- duce costs.will corne through recommienda tions for building design, programiming (educa-. tion, recreational and treat- ment) and restitiùtîon' for. damnages, she says. 1Anyone wishing to make suggestions to Mrs. Chung re- gardinig the Whitby vandalism study. may do so by writing to the Oshawa-Whitby Social Planning Council at 52 Simcoe Street South in Oshawa I E ID e ereis your oppo binrysbtderpr ......... LE rtunity to get into the profitable ne lUne. Boens offers you a rgramme. Here are just a iew h PALR B return olesale e s 9 Iol flw n aro qîretwt t terenousprfi oporunty ndth trmedus profitopportuty adth Toronto Compétitive prlcing * Prime dealer locations are Stili avalabi. in rnany areas. IJoin the expanding Bolos team. PTo get ail the tacts cali Mr. R. Poavoy (416)495-8555 or wrte to F. PhnI.y Corporation,M P.O. Box 8750, Doni Mille, Ontario, M3C 309. Baby contest March- 8-22 The Whitby Jaycette's Easter Baby Photo Coritest will be sel up in the Whitby MaIl front today, March 8, to the 22nd. To vote for the baby of your choice, simply place le5 per votein the slot provided, for that particular baby.: Voting will be taking place during mail hours,'til 10 p.m. The baby with the most votes will win a $50 bank savings certificate.- Proceeds front the contest will assist Jaycettes in ' community service work., For further information cal Mrs. Burgess at 668-6111. Camp X lore Some strange stories about Camp X have been unearthed by Alan Longfield uid Lynn 'Hodgson. researchers for the project team, which hopes to turn the World War Two spy camp into a museunt. The lecture hall in the camp was the location of a display of German uniormns used to teach the agents identificationaofl-te enemyv. In August 1942, two agents went to Oshawa on leave arid took with thern two Gestapo unifoînts. They put itent on and walked into the city, to test the reaction of the townspeople. Af ter spending the entire morning and part of the aiter- noon in the downtown, they were veîv surpnsed to fmd *Yourjoshudhvsafe, healMthy working ondtos Ontario's job i1s to see- that you get them. Take.a minute now to think abtx) yourself and your work situation. Your job satisfaction and g-x-xl healtit are important to you, your employer and the' productivity of Ontario's economy. Safe and healthy workers are better workers, and concerned, well-informed employers are better employers. That's why your Ontario Govemnment has established the Occupational Health and Safety Division within the Ontario Ministry of Labo)ur. The Division commun icates and works with employers and employees alike, encouraging ail concemned to do everything po)ssible to prevent injury or illness in the workplace. Lt does this by: " conducting regular programs of inspections and audits ta, ensure compliance with the legisiarion; " providing advisory, consultative and technical services on health and safety *matters; " promoting internai labouûr- management responsibility for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace; " reviewing proposed plans for new projects in the pre-development stages to avoid "building in" potential hazards. lTe new Division is dedicated to the control and elimination of occupational healtit and safety hazards with ongoing researcht, educational progrants and - if need be - corrective action when cooperation doesn't work. A bookiet spelling out in detail the activities of the Occupational HealÎh and Safety Division is being distributed to employers. If you would like a copy, contact your nearest Ministry of Laboutr office. And work in good health! BoeStephenson, M.D.,, Minister of Labour Ne4yo#ewilliam Davis, Premier Province of Ontario Newhouses-,HOlts &O'Nei CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 235 KING ST.E. OSHAWA 72~W

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