With 3019 V8, Automatiçc Transmission, Power Steerirg, Power Brakes, Steel Belted Radial, Whitewalls, Defroster, Floor Mats, Sport, Mirr ors, Body Sife, Moldings, AM Radio, and Deluxe Whee'l Covers. M36 Mt NtLess *month ly charge of $1 60.00 plus tax 0.4 a kilometer, over 70,000. kilometers *customner to provide insurance, maintenance ndreplocement license plates. W. supply bu. oeurinsy cars for ail, leused cors., 0 SPEND 15 MINUTES WITH US. TOMORROW AND FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON EN DURHAM, Mor ni<ng Reports 6:*20 & 7:620 Wyeather, Sports and News 1l350 TRE OSHAWA STATION Oshawa, Ontario AIL BREED GROOMING & CLIPPING Bus: 579-0881 Deloitte, Haskins8 Se ils CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Offices ill, Ma/or ('anadian Citkes Bell Canada Building Oshawa.Centre, Oshawa, Phone 579-8202 P-O. BOX 800,O A, ONT. %*2005eORF ~~ SELECTED ITEMS SALE STARTS THURS. FEB. 23, 1978 ielephone Dai 'ly Mon. - Sat P68-1 558 111 Dundas St. W., WhitbY ont. 9:30,-5: PAMILY TRUUT COMpoRAyloNRRAL TOR 668U5 10 a"w Stroet Siik Whhby 1l-Why Rent? Will moye you into this newly decorated 2' bedroom home.- Finished rec roorn. Listed at $36,900.00. Cal] Margie Aukema 668-8865 - 655-4248. 2. A Home ith Character:, King Street, Whitby. Four bedrooms, fireplace, deep lot with inground heated pool. Just some of the features of this well bult soid brick home. $69,900.00. Mss. Heron 668-8865 - 6684844. 3. Whitby Three bedroom back split with drive through garage. Feat ures kitchen overlooking main level family room with fireplace and walkout to fenced yard. -$63,900.00. Margaret 51ox 668-8865 - 668-6498. Durham West NDP Executive A new siate of officers was elected at the February 20 meeting of the Durham West N.D.P. riding association. The executive is as follows: Past President, Velma Cornish, Ajax; President, Bernie Emoff, Pickering; Vice President, Amby Ferren, Ashburn; Secretary, Jan Sinmpson, Ajax; Treasurer, Pam Dawson, Whitby; ýMembership 'Secre- tary, June Sonderer, Ajax; Social Chairman, Bob Strick- lanid, 'Oshawa; , Publicity Chairman, Neil Simpson, Ajax; Provincial Council Deleg., Velma Cornish, Ajax; .Also elected were represen- tatîves to the Area Council. This counicil, repr 1esenting the following NDP'riding associa- tions; Durham East, Durham West, Durham York, Oshawa, Durham Northum-berland,and local labour groups, meets quarterly to discuss policy and to proinote political awareness. Area -council delegates from Durham West are: Bernie Emoff, Pickering; Tony Szabo, Ajax; G ary Lilley, Hampton; Bey McCloskey, Whitby. Donation has Town seeking legal advice The Region of Durham, should flot use, the $175,000 recently provided for an ad- dition to FairView Lodge until the provinceý cornes up with a, matching grant, ,says Re- gional Social Services Com- missioner Doug-Johns.. The $1 75,000 was recently willedto the Towni of -Whitby by the late Bessie Farewell,of Oshawa, -and - another $1 75,000 was- willed to Oshawa to improve Hillsdale Manor. Because the homes for the aged -are a regional responsi. bility, Mayor Jim Gartshore says the town is ýseeking legal advice before doing anything with the donatio n. Mr. Johins says Fairview Lodge, with 235 beds, is in need of an addition which Miss Farewell's bequest could provide. Block Parents elect new executive The Whitby Block Parent Central Commnittee held its elections recently. The new Central Commit- tee Chairman is Mrs. Helen Clarke, replacing past Chair- marn Mrs. Judy Taylor. Mrs.- Clarke served on the Central Committee as Secretary last year also has been very active in the Hutchinson School Area Committee. Serving with her for the coîning year will be Mrs. Sharon Spicer, Public Relations Officer; Mis. Anna lie Smolarek, Education- al Aids Officer; Mrs. Susan $2.000.00 !Down.