Whitby Free Press, 1 Feb 1978, p. 8

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PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,t197 8, WIIITBY FREE PRESS KiGtchen TaIk Food Sense ln Canada COWBOY CHOW lt's 6 a.m. and the suni pushqs its way intothe sky In theoaose:, A ron~ cher, in his blue jeans arnd cowboy boots, makes his wway to thte btin fo saddle his horse and start his busy day that wili end of ettr tho &tinioto, Before lunch. ho has to drive his cet tle out to the pasture, rnend worn fences and fit some horses wiîth new horseshoes. That's golng to be hard work so when he sîts down for lunch he'll nasd a meal Uiat will be nutritious and filiIng like the meals you want to serve your famlly iQan Fielden, the Bakery Counfcil of Canada nutrition consultant, sug- gests the next time your young ranchers corne in from tending to their chores give themn a cowboy meal to keep themn healthy and energetlc. ~GIRILLEDCHEESE-EGG SANDWICH, CARAWAY APPLESAUCE-' HAM SANDWICH and ICHICKEN SALAD SANDWICH will make b versa'tle and nourishing' lunch. For variety in serving, Joan Fielden siggests making dit ferent plates for each hungry cowboy and girl, Put a sandwich', some coleslaw, a cupcake and pear in one; a sandwich on a bun, baked beans, a doughnùt and some ýgrapes in another; and a bowî of soup, a sandwich with pickles, some cookies and an apple in the last one. Grilled Cheese-Egg Sandwiches (Serves 4) 8slices proces Canaclian Cheddar 2 hard-coe gg0sie cheese 4 teaspoons soft butter or 8 sices enriched bread margarine PI~~~*I sit~ ~h ort o lfha of bread slices; top each with hait a sliced ou~,onotsr ~ of cheese and bresd. Spread 'A teaspoon butter u)v# o of 40 143f o<l nwïch, turn and spread another 'h teaspoon but- lo O4t oth4f nisiPlce sandwiches on medium-hot grill until Ihrownode, f wfrt und howrtother aide. Serve hot. Ctiraway AppessuceêHum Sandwiches (serves 6) 1/1 cup » pplosauco Ycup chopped colory,, Ytoaspoon carewety seeds 6 sllced baked or broiled ham 6 sliced sand'v.ich buns Combine applesauce, celery and caraway seeds, Place slice of ham on bottom haIt of bun; top with 2 tablespoons applesauce mixture'and foidhem over to fit bun, Complete sandwiches with top hait of buns. Serve hot or cold. Chicken Salad Sandwiches 2/3 c up f la ked, boned chicken 2 tablespoons chopped celery %. cup chopped pecans or 3 tablespoons mayonnaise or salad almonds f dressing V cup drained crushed almonds leaves of lettuce Combine chicken, pecans, pineapple, celery and mayonnaise. Spread on 9 buttered pieces of bread of your choice. Place leaves of lettuce on top and cover with buttered bread. Cut in hait and serve., PROM BRAND NEW o1978 TO YOTA'S BAVEON)ALL MODELS IN STOCK., MOST WERE PURCHASED FRÃ"M TOYOTA BEFORE THE PRICE INCREASE *CANADIANS' 2 DOOR SEDANS *CELICAS 1978MOTOR TREND IMPORT CAR OF THE YEAR' *COROLLA LIFTBACK'S AUTOMATIC, 5 SPEEDS & 4 SPEEDS 1N STOCK UN STOCÇK UN STOCK *TOYOTA TRUCKS, 4, & -5 SPEEDS U TC & AUTOMATIC I TC *4 WHEEL DRIVE TOYOTA LNCUSR IN STOCK WE LEASE AIL MAKES 0F CARS AT COMPETmnVE RATrESI USED SPECIALS Wtq,ff lo#stm IUC JL 816 I 1 974 TOYOTA LANDORUISER Ul. MAW 705 "4r49190 B I loi 1977 LONG BOX TOYOTA .TRUCK de=o, 5 SPMW. Uc. 097731 àA.3,"À'alIm. ON HWY.'NO. 2 BIETWEEN WHITBY AND AJAX 668-4792. Brooklin planning meeting is tonight 1Whitby's Administrative Committee,chaired by Coun- ,illor Tom Edwards, lias scheduled, its second public meeting in Phase Il of the Brooklin Secondary Plan Study for tonight at, 7:30 p.m., The meeting will be held in the Meeting Hall .of the Wùitby Municipal Build- ing, 57J Rossland Road, East, Whitby. AIl interested parties are encouraged to attend. A development plan for Brooklin,if the hamlet should grow to 10,000 persons,,will,, be presented to the public at this ý'meeting. The develop- ment plan is being prepared by the Town's study team headed by.Donovan F. Pinker Consultants Limited. The Administrative 'Committee wil, at the meeting, receive comments from the public. This meeting is the second of three public meetings for- mally scheduled within Phase Il of the Brooklin Secondary Plan Study. Upon the finaliza- tion of, the work to, be sub- mitted by the study team in the second phase, the Town will solicit Regional Council for its- input. Upon the re- ceipt and consideration of the gegion's, and other com- ments, the Couricil of the Town of Whitby will deter- mine how to proceed in the best interests of the com- munity. Church gr oups hon ored by Whitby Red Cross Women's organizations and church groups which have contributed to the Whitby Red Cross, programs at Fairview Lodge were honored with citations at the recent annual meeting of the Red Cross. Receiving citations in recognition of their work for the residents of Fairview Lodge were: WSCA, First Baptist Church; Presbyterian Women of St. Andrew's Church; Brooklin Women's Institute; Afternoon Guild of AlI Saints' Anglican Church; Catholic Women's League of St. John the Evangelist Church;-. United Churcli Women of St. Mark's United' Church; Women's Missionary Society of Burns Presbyterian Church, Ash- burn; Catholic Womnen's League ýof St. Frances Die Sales Church, Pickering; United Churcli Women of Cherrywood and Rouge Hill United Churches; Womnen's Group of Emmanuel Reform Church; and the United Church Women of Audley United Church. Council wants better li*ghting on Highway 401 A proposai to flluminate Highway 401 east of igh- way 12 has been referrcd by council to the operations conmmttee for clarification. ITie proposai cails for some ights at- the Brock Street and Thickson Road interchanges, but no Iights between ighway 12 and Thickson Road. ln 1974 the Whitby oeuncal bas asloed for better was flot considered by the provincial goemment says the public works department. Council now wants the operations committee to re- examine the situation regard- îng the portion of highway between Brock Street and Thickson Road to -sc if the entire area can be ilummnatcd. Councillor Gerry Em said this is "very bad section of road," and teIack of 1ight!ng presents a ssféty

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