Whitby Free Press, 7 Dec 1977, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7,1977, WHTRY FREI Hi Ail The Brooklin Cubs and Scouts will be holding their monthly paper drive on Saturday Decemnbet 10. You are asked to have your paper (newsprint only) bundled and tied two ways, for support, out on the curb by 9 a.m. Saturday morning. Remember no glossies or magazines please! For convenience, Ashburn patrons can leave their bundies a day or two before the drive at the Ashburn communlty centre. Two more drop off points are at the 'paper truck depot' or at Croxall's Ltd., (corner of Winchester and Anderson St s.). But these must be dropped by l0:30a.m. on the 1Oth Only on 'paper day' will they be picked up. For further information please cali laan Morrison at 655-4267. A concern brought to me by many readers was about sewers. Many people believe that we are now paying for them, so why not have them. This is incorrect. We aamnot paying for sewers. I have in front of me a letter froin Mr. R.J. Clapp, Director of Treasury Services. I will quote his letter."There are no sewer charges included in the general Regional levy raised on the local inunicipality's tax bill." I hope this wil clear up somne of your misunderstandings. Speaking of letters, 1 received one from Wayne DeVeau, Director of Recreation. He wishe'd to explain in more MMI ýEPRESS détail as to why his departmcnt ctîd not supply us with Christmas lights for the tree: the tree being the one for the Group '74 Olde Tyme Christmas. Mr . DeVeau stated that through approval of couficil they were granted thé purchase of the lights, as a one time project. They stili supply us wlith the tree as in the past but will not keep buying lights so that "some person or persons can steal or break themat the taxpayers expense." He went on to tell me of other acts of vandalism; that he feit could be by the same ones responsible for the destruction of Christ- mas lights. ,1aybe by my writing in tbis column and others, the ones responsible for this childish vandalism will stop and take note. Perhaps, just the fact it's Christmas they would hold off and keep il joyous for ail in afriendly, legal, and safe way. On behaif of the »Recreation Department Mr. DeVeau wishes the citizens of Brooklin 'A very happy, healthy and contented Christmas.' By the way You Sunday affernoon skaters who were concerned about rink patrol; the matter is being looked in- to, the problem being they can't gel someone responsible enough to do the work, but they are still trying. The Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT)wish to invite everyone to their 'vesper services', to be held Sunday December 18 at 7:30 p.m. The themne is the 'Risk of Christmas.' Ail are welcome to attend at the Brooklin United Church. A reminder that Friday December 16 is the Christmas Concert, being held at the Ashburn community centre. The skits, plays, carols and fun is ail put on by the 'wee ones' of Ashburn. Being the Christmnas season wvhy not go ouit and gel mbt the spirit. (not spirits). Remnember the town criers of yesteryear? Well for their Olde Tyme Christmas, Group '74 have brotight two such BROWN'fS FOOD»-MA-STER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE NORTH WHITBY PHONE 655-4521 3BIG DAYS Thurs Dec. 8 to Sat. Dec. STEWING BEEF Bonelesu - 1%e CooliC Weather l Favorite BLADE ROASIS Boneles Cut f rom j Canada W Grade "A**là Beef 1 1 BLADE STEAKS Grade "A" f Cut f romc Canada 70b Beef 98l PEAPAEAI. BACK BACON END CENTRf pOITfN PORION RI .691 .79 HEIN7 v,.4 lIN TOMATO Poste 4 f- $1 APPE SODIL_ 15.3OZ PACKAGE DAM COWKES $1.09 INGERSOIL -PIIOCIS l"# JAR CMSE 1Spreud $1.49 M APKN S £- 01150 12 FI-Dz JAR DILL PICKLES 89C ALPO DOG FOOD 37c APPLE JUICE73 ROYALE PACKAGE of l0 FACIAL TISSUE 59C CANADA Nî 1 -BU.T artIU lbCONTAINER CREAMED HNOM Y99C LONER 0loB B AC KITTYULTIIs $1.29 Pu INA 52-DZ PACKAG T END VlITTLES 69C BREAD DOUGH 5 . 16-M SAC sl.25, We Are Agents For 1ITEp 24-10Ooz. Deet - 2.29 24-10Ooz. Regulfar- 2.57 12-30 oz. R.gular- 2.99 STFORF IIOURS OPLIN six rIïYS 1% WFjFK 8: 30 an.-6 .m. E--X(FýP'I jiUR jS & 1- R N( C, .11 11, ( P.n 10 value Satisf action CUT FROM CANADA GP&DE "A## DUF BLADE or SHORT RIB ROA88S 88Ç SCHNEIDER$EHEIESPAXG BRAKFAST S1'IPS ' 1.18 BOLGA gy lTE PIECE ro. 69 c SCHNIDER$ u.,4tO.cw H(AOCH<II"ft LUNM MATS i- ' 57 c SLICED MIE LIVER k 65 c u0wief MVE,,«s AND MAPLE AI SWIFT SAUSAGE "-:P4g99c CHOPPIDSUIT "L pkê89 c MAPLE LU roj AP Gl cm lacs" U,.Cà 98 POLISH SAUSAi 'b- 1r.09 CROUND PORK 98 IrBY FTEWE W410 LINER FRO01111 CALL.OP0.R 1.o PIKG SHRIMP sl.49 ALUMINUM REYNOLDS FOIL WRAP 839« SAUCE 59C AVON CANADA CKIDICImf W1ITEBOIE POMMTES 3î10T0 BUNMSWICK IN OIL SARDINES 31'. DZ TIN REALEMON LEMON JUICE 79C CARNATON EVAPOIIATED 39C tl0 000 FROZEN 6-MsPACKAGE ONION RINGS 49C AUSTRAL CANADA CMICE Halvas or Suices PEACHES 28-FL-DZ TM 59< KELLOGGOS RICE lKrlsples lêgO-fi PACKAGE DEL MONTE TOMMTES 104LEOZ TIN 55< criers from the past. They will be, here. to tell us, of the Christmas 'fun at the' Brooklin Community Centre on Sunday December 18. They will be going around pro-, claiming joys to see, so watch out for them . They'll teli you all there is to know thal day! For those of your who are looking for an inexpensive Christmas gift and something out of the ordinary, go to Marie Ferguson's open house. There will be several kinds of candîes with some haîf prices due to damage. If you ever thought of taking candîenaking up as a .hobby corne out and Marie wilI be glad to ansiwer vour questions. The date is tomorrow, Thursaay December 8 from 2 p.m. till 5 p.mn. then again from 7 p,m. tilI 9 p.m. For information and directions please caîl Marie Ferguson at 655-4751. See what you can find in cnndles! 1Some talk has been going around town about those people Who are on weIl water. Apparently they are com- plaining about the smell coming from the well. From people 1 have spoken to they believe that they are not al- lowed to hook-up to town water. The reason given is that Brooklin's water syslemn would flot be able to hold the extra people. Being concerned I checked this point ouI. Now, there is a reserve in the systeffi for just such a case. There are not allowed to be any new homes built, but the system can hold those that feel their wèll is posing a prob- lem. So if you wish to hook up you can. There is no reason (with respect. to the water pressure and system) that those who want to hook-up can't. For more information and costs and data please cal the Regional 'Offices. Happening's Saturday December 10.-9:00.- 10:30 a.mi. Brooklin United Scouts Paper Drive Frlday December 16, 7:30 p.m. - Ashburn Community Centre - A Christmas Concerts - Fun for one and al Sunday December 18 - 7:30,P.m.- Canadian Girls in Sunday December 18 - 2:00 -4:00 o.rn. Groun, '74 PresentsOl1de lyme Christmas -Brooklin Community 'Centre - Don't miss il! Sunday December 18 7:30 Canadian Girls in Training, Risk of Chirimas - Brooklin United Church. e j Thursday, December 8, 2p.mn. 5 p.m. and 7 - 9 p.m. Open House ICandies Marie Fergusoni 655-4751 SUNSH mmmPR ONTARIO NO. 1 POTATOES SMITH BRAND 10 IL bug 791% ONTARIO NO. 1 RUTABAGAS TURNIPS 15, IL ONTARIO NO. 1 CABBAGE 394 each SUN MAI O isý PACKAGE SIEDESS Raisins $1.49 00OTTel <484 BUFRIN TABLET 79c FINAL NET 4 Fi.Or. $119 FLAVOUR CRYSTALS I .3, ..Z PACKAGE ALUIN'S O«Nà 69C M<LAOFN*S 24-FL-DZ JAS PICKLS Sweut Mîxcd 89C MAPI" 1,F 2-OZ TIN MNCEMEAT $1.49 MCCORMICK8S CLSB-PARTY OR "SOME DF EACW* 12. . lE79c pot CLEANERS (NMGIRL 1«49c £NO 100-g<m CONTAINER FMIT SALTS 99c SUPREME Fruit Cake 1: 1.0 to tus Cm S3.-0 Brooklin & District Kinsman General Meeting for December Dec. I 2th, Dec 28th & Br ooklin Legion 6:30 p.m. Agree, for the law is costly, Marie 655-3061 Career day at hospital For the first time in about 10 years the Whitby Psychia- tric Hospital held a students' career day Nov. 24. Eighty students from grades il to 13 from Henry Street High School, Anderson Collegiate, Denis O'Connor High School and Eastdale Collegiate participated in the day. The students had 40 careers to choose fromn and were asked to select three. Three half-hour sessions were held for each student on the careers he or she selected, with discussions being led by members of the hospital staff. The careers covered every- thiùng in the hospital field from gardening to hairdres- sing. Some of the most popular careers were: clld care worker, social worker, nurse, personeel management, psychologist, medicine, psychiatry, X-Ray technician. lab technician and dental as- sistant. The career day was arranged by* Public Relations, Officer Dianne Milîs, and Volunteer Co-ordinator Alayne Metrick. A representative of the Registrar's Department of Durham College, was available to talk about courses in the various hospital careers of- fered by the college. TE. -i.ESTN r- BUYS OF THE WEEK à

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