Whitby Free Press, 30 Nov 1977, p. 12

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PAGE 12, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1977, WHITBY FREE' PRESS THE CICLB TOY u OBITUA RIES DRIVE STARTS THIS FRIDATI JoinC GkiLBYsMorning Man, Armie Celsie, Friday Morning at 10 in Eaton'ifs Toy Deparmeflt Oshawa Centre as he Races a 60 Second Time Limit to coflect as many toys as he can to kick off the 1977 Toy Drive courtesy of EATON'S PLEIDGE A TOY CALL by cight grandchilclrcn und I 2 ANNIE DOUGLAS Annie Ethel (Nancy) Douglas,' a long-time resident of Whitby, died Nov. 16 at 1001 Dundas Street East, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dilling, at the age of 97. Mrs. Douglas, was born Annie Ethc.l Freenian, July 24, 1 880 ut Oîney, Bucking- humn, England. Shie was for rnany ycars a waitrcss ut Bandcl's I lotel (Whitby I buse) and wus a ninember of' Ail Suaints Anglican Church. -lier hushand, William Griffith Douglas, (ied in 19<47, and she is survived hy neices and nieplew.s in FEng- land.1 The funeral was hield Nov. 1 8 ut W. C. Town Funleral Cliapel, Rev. J. A. Roney of AIl Saints'Ch urch con ducting the' service. Intermient fol- lowed in Mount Lawn Cene- tery. INEZ CURL Inez CurI, a resident o>f Kînsule, died Nov. 14 ut the Dr. J. O. Ruddy H ospi tal ut the uge of 71. Mrs. CurI vus boni at Winchester, Ont., April 10, 1906, a daughiter of Mr. and Mrs. Ward BiIow. Slîe mis a Iiieiber of St. Mark's United Cliurich,Wlitby. Mrs. CurI is survived by lier husband (George, a son Ted of Wlitby, and grandchildren Kimi and Kelly of \Vhitby. Tlie foneral wvas held Nov. 17 ut the W. C. Town Funeral Chape lfollowed by cremnatiol' Rev. John M. Sinith of St. Mark's Cliurclh conductecî the service. Con tributilon to the chanity of your choice would he uppreciuted. GEOIRGE CLAIRKE George Thomas Clarke, forme rly of 409 Centre Streel South, Whitby, died Nov. 14, ut the Rosebank Convulesceni Home, Pickering ut the age of 87. Mr. Clarke, soflif the late Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke was bornut Sonya, Ontario March 25, 1890. île speni bis life as a fumnier and wvasa neniber of St. Mark's Unite( Church, Whitby. Mr. Clarke is survived bý bis wife, the formier Minni( Sharpe; t fiee daughiters, Mrs Muriel Jonces of West Hll Mrs. Kay Moore of Vancou ver B. C., and Mrs. Rub) Keyes of Bramalea; and tw( sisters, Mrs. Lottie Moase an( Mrs. Ethel llardingp of Littl( ladies' sports night ut 8:30 p.r. Nov. 30 ut West Lynde Public School. Anyone in-ý terested is invited to sign up for the 10-week program of Jodgeball, volcybaîl, floor hockey and exercising. Accidents ijure two Two area residents were seriously injured in automo- bile accidents in Whitby on the weekend. A 7:30 a.m. Saturday, Regis Gallant, of 308 Killar- ney Court of Oshawa, was westbound on Victoria Street, about to, turn south on Hopkins, when his. car was struck by a car driven by Patrick Hand of 1022 Mc- Cullough Drive, Whitby, Durham Regional Police said. Police spent 90 minutes attempting to free Mr. Hand from his car, which had run 250 yards into a cornfield. He was taken to the Oshawa General Hospital, suffering fromn extensive injuries. Sunday morning on Coronation Road, Margaret Rundie, 48, of lot 35, con- cession 5, R. R. 1 Brooklin, swerved to miss a dog and her ut the present limie thut the from the vehicle, police said. association cun raise funds, She was taken to the anid the executive is hoping Oshawa General Hospital,and foýr a scîl-out for every dance. later to the Scarborough Tlhe comnuniity association General Hospital and is re- is lioldinig a registration for its ported in serious condition. RODEO 1 Water fountain . planned for West Lynde park gre.at grandchildrcn. The funeral was hcld ut the W. C. Town Funcral Chapel Nov. I16, with Rcv. John M. Smith of St. Mark's Churcli officiating. Interment fol- lowed in North VaIentia Cernetery, Victoria County. GEORGE REED George Recd, of 1611 Charles Street, died at the Dr. J. 0. Ruddy Gencral Ib-ospital Nov. 23 at the age of 75. Thle son of Alfred John andl A da Reed, Mr. Rced was born March 1l, 1 902 ut Trenýterden, Kent County Einglan d. Aftcr serving with the British Armiy in the First World War, Mr. Recd came to Canada and served as an atten. tendant ut the Whitby Psych- iatric Hlospital in the 1920s. Fibrcglass Comnpany of Guelplh. After his retiremnent about five years ago, he re- turned to Whitby. Mr. Reed was a member of St. John's Anglican Churcli, Port Whitby and Corinthian Lodge, 100F, Oshawa. He is survived by two sons, Alfred of Whitby and James of J-anetville; one daughter, Mrs. Robert Betteson (Susan) of Guelph; and one brother and two sisters, William Reed, Mrs. Cissie Barham and Mrs. Elsie Stevens, of England. Mr. Reed is also survived by eight grandchildren. The funeral was held Nov. 25 at W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, followed by crema- tion. Rev. Raymond Carder of St. John's Church officiat- cd. Contributions to the char- ity of your choice would :be appreciated. Furthcr development of h Cenitral Park in West Lynde is P expectcd this winter.F Tony Bute, Vice-President ù of the West Lynde conimunity f Association reports thut aC wvater fountain will he in- I' stalled ini the I)ark hy the recreation departnmcnt afîer tlhc ground lhas been nmade firni enough by frost to support construction equipmcent. Moraîity lighits are going to be pluced along the walkways througlb the park and the coi mmuniiity associa- tion lias received permission to flood the tennis courts for a pleasure skating rink. This rink wilI be for skating only, and iiot hockey. Tickets go on sale Dec. 1 5 for the West Lynde Corn- niunity Association spring dance, Feb. 4 ut Heydenshore Pavilion.; The popular band,- Home Cookin' will be muaking a return engagement. Tickets are avilable now for, the association's New Year's Eve Dinner and Dance ut Whitniey Hall Dec. 31 fromn 8 p.mi. to 2 a.ni. Only 100 tickets' are avuilable, so orders should benmade early. For tickets, caîl 668-5096, 668-2244, 668-6467 or 668- 1379.

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