Whitby Free Press, 9 Nov 1977, p. 17

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1977, PAGE 17 FOR SLE 1977 BE 250 - ln A-i condition, 1500 miles, asking $1 ,350. Cali 655-4238. 350 Engine 1973 Oldsmobile Cutlass 42,000 miles good cond. $80 or best offer. Cali 655-3031 Dune Buggies complete with roll cage & lots of extras $150. each. also parts and access. 655-3481 1 single horse trailer $400. and trail bike $275. or best offer. cal after 6. 655-4561 FOR ýSALE: Winter PotÉctoes, Sebago, and Red Chieften, Keith Bell Farm, Myrtle Road 5, 1 mile east of Hwy. 12. 655-3326. Snowtires for Grand Torino on Rimns F 78 14 $25. 725-3354. Italian Provincial 4 seater chester- field and chair, Green Brocade $50. 668-6144. TOOLS Brand new, neyer used, ail name brand, Westward Gray TTC etc. on Snap On, professional guaranteed' by mahnutacturer, clear ing out at less than haîf price. Hydraulic floor jacks, bottie jacks, car stands, vices, soc] and pi'( dri' han cari Cali PR] 4t dec fini mir has app Pol hci Str No for Au Ba ini k.l bu s: ISTTIONS WATD DAY CARE available in rny home responsible woman Mon to Fr1. Caîl 668-195 8 after 7 p.ni. Experienced Medical Secretary seekcs ful time employnient 668- 3496. DAY CARE - Mon thru Friday 802 Vernon St. Whitby,668-8659. Horese Boarded-Individual care and feeding programs. Large box staîls, miles of wooded & open trails. Ex. location $80. monthly Double IH Stables 852-3942. Hclp Wanted: Person or Persons Full or Part time for Telephone Canvassing. Experience preferred KMP Insulation - 668-1877 Ride Wanted: Every Tues, Wed,& Thurs. from Whitby to 427 Hwy. & Belfield Rd. WilI share cost of gas. eall - 668-0620. BABYSITTER-needed part-timne Student may apply. ca1168-1145 ater 9 p.m. Day Care Available in My Home in West Lynde area, Whitby,please oeil 666-1130 Will babysit in own home Mon- Fr1. lunches supplied. Otter Creek Ask us about you Corne and telli us what you're looking for in a job. Tell us what you are today and what you want to be tomnorrow. Ask us if wve can offer opportunities and challenges to match your needs. Nwobligations on either side. We'll be gloç I o talk. And we may have jJsî-, what you're looking for. But you'll neyer know until you ask. Visit 0oUr Mobile Recruiting Unit Ca nada Manpower Centre OSHAWA WEDNESDAY, 9, 16, 23, 30 NOV. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. THE ~LCANADIAN ARM<ED. ket and wvrench sets (mnetric Area 666-1958~. I standard), tap & die set, Air Conditioner G.S.W. 5,000 e wrenches, impact tools, BTU's used one sumrmer $150. - Il presses and many other Freezer - General Uarvest Gold nd tools for plumbers, colour, llcu. t. like brand new 'penters and handymnen. $200. 668-3810. Il 683-1753. SKI EQUIPMENT - Skis, PotesL I IVATE: Bay Ridges, Beautiful and Boots (ladics 7) - Ideal for bdrm., 2 storey home, newly begînner, complete $35. Viking HUGHEST PRICES corated & Broadloomned Sewing Machine and Table, Re- ished bsnit. central air, swim- cently, overhauled, Good W 238. g aid for GoId adSle [n pool, large lot asking 69.900 condition $50-00 caîl 668-1138 coins, old guns, dlocks, s large first. caîl 839-7260 for an Stereo Console with Garrard '1 urfl- Iwry, dishes, friue Pt. talAMMRaiingo cond.jeefrtre tabe00 668-8634io n god crocks, ofl paintings and rt Perry - 4 Bedroom brick $8.0 6-83. sealers. use and large lot at 245 Sirncoe 2 Natural gas space heaterS in retNorth. To bc auctioned. good wvorking order can be con- Friendly Flea Market ov. 12, 1977 at 12:00 noon. verted to propane $75. & $50. 725-9783 ýr particulars caîl 985-8676. Phone 668-25 28 or 668-1730. uctinee: MurayJackon. Rug 9-,12, off 'White excellent 2 King West, Oshawa ,achelor apt. in converted 4 plex condition, wvith ounderpad $60 iWhitby, living room, bedrooni oeil 668-8273, alter 6 pa. itchette, & bathroom, suit single Flockey equiprnent for 7-10 yr.old. usiness person or business couple shoulder pads. elbow & knlec pads. 210 per month. 282-5164ater aiîokypns vl d nbo 6 p.m. for $12-. skates also available S.5. CoUapsable ping-pong taîbe $15. Electric racing car set, made by M or best offer. Large & snall sized SCALECTR1Cý lap couinter, Spanirli Pictures &72 & $2-5. CIIICANESET, straiglht & corners Spanish coffee table & 2 end 2cr ayetas $14. fîrii table (solid wood) $400.,' spanish call after 5 - 668-5060 statues (bull & btillfiý,hter) $3. 30" Westinghouse stove wviti" ~ - 666-1372. window for sale good cond. $25. Double Snowmobîle Trailer $10 6532IN , ElcreRngette $6. 6.55-3768. menscurling shocs, size 8, $10. Laistapshoes size 71/2, SI15. sleeps 4, 3 way fridge, com'plete scving machine $35. wvooden a wîth hitch, electrie brakeS, mirror storin door $35. eachi, cord organ 2 glass bottIer used 6 mths.$2,800 apt. sizte $70. T. V. gainc 131k. & 668-8432. White newv $20. Block Plane An- 72 Cheve Impala, air cond.tiu$1. 7827 p/s, p/b and power windowvs. 68 PONTIAC PARISIENE, 2 dr. Tilt steering, good cond. $1295. Hrtp . tilt steering wheel 352$S100. certified. oel 668-3468 or 668- 68 BUICK WIJ DCAT 4dr. lrtp. 5346. Top Mechanical Condition $500 7 7 Chev limpala Station WVagon alter 6 oeil 666-1665 9 seater, 21 options, undercoated Snowtires pair mounted on rims still under warranty, $6,500. Igood cond. Dunlop fibreglass belted phone ater lp.m. 6689585. G 78 15 $30. pr. Brooklin area 6554365 evenines onlV. FOR RENT AJA.X APARTMENTS Froni $325.00 to $345.00 per month. 2 and 3 Bedroonis with Den, 2 bath, Broadloom thruughout, recreational facilities, Tennis courts, Air Conditioning, Underground Parking, Immediate Possesion. For more Information caîl Collect Miss La Porte 1-416-965-1698. PORANTON CUSTOM HOMES REC. ROOMS. GARAGES& ESTIMATE WITHOUT JIM IBRANTON - 668-7629. RENOVATIONS. OBLIGATION PHONE ÀNYONE INTERESTED IN JOINING A BLUEGRASS CLUB: There ilt be a meeting at the Kînsale School. Corner of Durham Rd. 23 & No. 7 llwy. 5 miles west of Bru-klin, Sunday, Nov. 13, 1:30 p.rn. HeIp bring Bluegrass baek to this area. For furt (à; information cati 668-3167.- PRE-CHRISl MAS SALE - Up to $1 500.00 OFF on FARFISA & CONN Organs, free detivery within 200 mile radius. PETERSON MUSIC CO. î90 King St. W. Oshawa, Ontario 723-2259 CRAFT WORKSHOP 1626- Charles St. Whitby 668-9511 668-1202 We have a larger, more spacious s-udio to ofter classes Bfl pottery an ceramics. We have increased our stock of supplies. Greenware, and Finished Handmnade Pottery......Droo In. .1Pottery Casses Supplies Giftshop The most poworful columns around are the Free Press Clossifled and Emporiums BUY AT REAI E R VE S 3 GUITAR LI reading, car Specia~f 12 15, cait Loi ,E-.SSONS - aIl levels, r rainingand theory, ick, folk, country etc.j zprice uiltil ec. ni at 666-1979. HOME REPAIRS IMPROVEMENTS -Kitchens, Ceramic Tfling, DrywalI, Rec. Roomns, Cedar Decks and Patio Doors. FREE ESTIMATES - Cati 668-4686 LEARN TU DRIVE TRACTOR TRAI LERS CALL TORONTO 416-864-9381 FIREWOOI) - Flash Forestry Service. Pick tip or Delivery DON'T DELAY CALL Today 655-3654. EVENING TOURS - We arc now booking appt. at 'llouse of Amber Antique & Gift Shion" (Ilampton Village) tour oui home (the old nianse) andl gift shop. Tea & Cookies provided. WVe're dccorated for Christmas don't miss out. Cail îoday - 1-263-2981. Earn extra money. Show aur exclting lins of Christmas cards and jlfts ta friands, noighbaurs, relatives. No experienoe needed. catalogue maesft asy and prof itable. Start now. Write today for free Christmas catalogue end information. Monarch Greeting Cards, Dept. 201, 211' Cannon, Hamilton, ION 3K3 or phone (416) 527-3891. SONAB E PDRIVE *MOTOEMONS Promp Densvedivri cae Outio opeas Oreicollp evce < 1D OIL e >WHITBV 668-3381 "rThe Ernnlaklllen, Ontario LOB 1 HO Have A Goad Day M eat»" (416) 263-8072 PAUL W. AGGETU, MArD.,FR.C.S. (C). WlSHESTO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING 0F HIS OFFICE NOV:1/77 301 ST. JOHN STREET WES'f WHITBY% ONTARO 668-1141 CONSULTATION BY APPOINTMENT __ $40. girls bike $10. 668-8626. CARTY GULF STATION Go Crt ram God Cnd.newCec. & Art have terminated fronCt Frmels Good0.Cond. nte w their business as of Oct. 31 and 65rnt5he436$9. calft 4t would like to sincerely thank 655-369.ail our customers and friends for Accounting and Consulting ser- patronizing their station over the vices Available indluding Personal past years. and Corporation Taxes.839-5554. Teeee en trilr, lees , god1968 Ford Fetura, 2 dr. 6 cyl. TeePe tt ra t er, sleps4, ood auto., radio, good cond. $500 or c-fon. r6d2e3ca571&5. ve best offer, uncertified 655-4498 SPEEDY TV 20" COLOUR TV's with stands 54900 TV's with stands 1 7900 26""QUASAR CONSOLES,649"0,,. Audio~f RefexStre Systems Jerrold TV Remote Converters BLAIR PARK PLAZA I - i79w% INSTALLED. 6681818J Tliink aga,,n,. cauitdii Bihe .10111 % It> - aicierS bons tqAdal 7% hjghfuel ReEI%15or ioyelQho9olmast 1homes goas Ighi ce, ballrs A000 tigS haMCl1 Changea nuainn muich lheCOWdiIuth is 1101 CYC i nerse e oa dMnewhflose Is PIohohIY I x emnn onbh 001o iieqlucoty Isulaied foQi lavs ?ofhterm a nd th0fefll a ler bahahe highhUt COSIS AnO tu motif eM15 gtthmol hahlcl. wor0 sll tmegales o l hls Rapeil b>amf loou 8 eneltehal unuluteI0 W î a rniced 1Bb volas ihatJet vlatte healaSCUpe mnufaclu rer î'e, ilapetn teIam ean Sile f,,Çufur line. cul fuel 1bills in bal'... Lealîlsayo con savehundreds et Rapco Foom is. sîmdy. the Mast daeas (xhel eie efenthmmlle insuithaflylliCoi Fm mole iîtomohmlseid tha bih ejh on Rualue (meistolce 10 caoupan oalCOli toay iiotransi&e) 019, al t Eliad wilh .î,îM d ,IS114 JI rmepteco Fain oaiuJ 3bla - -177- ---- hi. hi On ý FI FURÇtb. 1 ýLTD.

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