Ever liad a problenm getting through the gourmet fond section ut the supermarket without buying anythiug? Sta- tisties show thiat if you try to do it on an empty stomnach you're a goner. So, obviously one way to beat the tempt- ation is to go shopping immediately after a tremnendous ineal. Another way is to avoid that aisle completely or go shopping at one of the cornier milk stores. Now that l've partialiy solved one of your problcmis you* cati help mie ith Qne ut mine- nainely liow to go iinto a pet store and come out with only what i \vent ini after. The last trip 1 vent in to buortie plants for a tropical fishi tank .ad camne out with bird seed, bird gravel and two finchies. 1 don't have any idea hiow it happened. One minutte 1 xvas standing there listening to the birds sing wvhile1 \vas waiting for the clerk and the next minute 1I\vas shielling out money and mumibling agreemient as to biow to look ,ifter thec little arbiers. 1 tried to justify it xvhen 1 got hiome bysaig that since 1 already hiad a cage and ti t\vas enipty ývIv not put it to use. The cage is the oriental type made of bambou and I originaily boughit it at a socond hiand store necar Ottawa with the cxpress purpose of putting( a gianit spider plant inside and hianging it fromi the ceiling in a landling going uiostairs in mny bouse. 0f course the best laid plans, and ilI that, the plant lookeÉ great with aIl the stringers and baby spider plants hanging out but a inonth later some of the leaves were withering, 1 gave the plant soi-ne fertilizer but it still continuied to wither The answcr was painfully evident and i guess i was avoiding it..Thie planlt wasn't getting enough lighit, both at the loca- tion and iiside the cage as weli. The plant came out, was inoved to another location and the 'cage became emnpty. It seemed a shame to have that beautiful cage sitting cînpty and 1 must admit to considering putting a budgie or two inside it but some people advised me that budgies were farnous for chewing and nibblilig and it wotild't be long be- for the littie critters had chewed the cage to bits ýand themn- selves to freedom. So 1 guess suconsiciouisly aIl this was going through nyiy mmd while i was in the pet store suppos- edly getting plants for miy fish tank. Logic would determine that with fish, a cait and a dog 1 reaily didn't need a couiple of birds to bout. Unfortunately logic is ili rather scarce supply around my house so thle birds camne home wîtl ime. 1 fixed uip the cage and put in gravel and bird sccd and as 1 hutng a cage with two flittcry birds up on the hiook i had to admnit it looked mnuch better with two cliirping occupants. Later that everîing 1 remiemberecl the clerk tellinig me that tînchles cani get nervotis and wonit cat so watcli to make sure they were eating. If thicy weren'tlhe didn't tcll mie how to spoon teed themi or anytlinig like that but as 1 relaxed watch- ing T.V. i checked on themn fromn time to timie and eventtually saw bothi of themn go to the feed dish at least once. Obviously thiey weren't too tinnierved by the trip hiome and the niew siirrowndings that they wvere going to starve. i was rather cliagrinied the next day to discover that I hiad wvurried about thiem i ot eating for niothilog. One whoie Stronar church supporter Russeil Bell dies at 84 - --e J .W " -.-~- - --- - A prominent memiber of Ail Saints' Anglican Church for 54 years. Russell Loyde Bell, of 135 Perry Street, died at Fairview Lodge Oct. 25 at the age of 84. Mn. Bell wvas born May 19, 1893 at Medonte Town- ship in Simcoe Couuty, the son of Donald and Martb Bell. lu 1911 he mioved to Lindsay to work as a brake- man for the Grand Trunk Railway. In 1923 he rnoved to Whitby, and worked as a mechanic in the heavy reject depatment of General Motors, where he made several attempts at inventing. One of Mr . Bell's inventions was a front wheei brake, but he did not patent it. Whitby nesidents will remnember Mr. Bell best as the owner and operatur of Bell's Garage, which he stanted in 1933 in the building now occupied bY Sborty's pool hall. In 1942, M4r. Bell moved bis garage to a location on Dundas Street East, opposite Perry Street. He coninued to operate the garage util he retired in 1972, after 40 yeans in business. Mr. Bell was deeply involved in church work and held many offices at Al Saints' Church. He was President of the Whitby Branch of the Canad- ian Bible SocietY from 1935 to 1942, 1947 tu 1953 and 1954 to 1961. He was superintendent MAR CH BREAK Services of Talk Travel & Tours. ineludon eCP Air1747 Toronto-Tampa Retilrn * ransfer f rom airpoît to hotel - retumn and bagage 7 nights accommodation at Holiday Inn, Clearwater Beach or Hilton (St. of Ail Sainits' Sunday School from 1928 to 1944;chairman of . the Parisli Advisory Cotincil fromi 1944 to 1959; Chairmian of Side sien froni 1934 to 1961. ai-d the church's lay miember at the Anglican Synod frorn I1932 to 1956 and 1966 to 1968. Mr. Bell wvas also for nîany years a Warden of AIl Saints' Churcb. lu addition to biis church work. Mr. Bell devoted sone of bis tinie to writing poetry,and in 1962 publishied a book called 'Branclies of the Muse," along , itb rtwo other local mien. Mr. Bell vas1alSO ca miember or the Whitby 1 listur-. icai Society. He aInd bis wife, carly this year. won second prîze in the Whitby Jaycettes "Longest Marricd Couple" contest, biaving been marnicd 64 years. Mr. Bell is survived by bis wi fe, thle former Ne ta Newtoni, who lie narried at Lindsay, Jan. 29, 19 13, and onue son Donald, of Witby 1 le is also stirvived by two granddauiglters, Mis. D. Stewvar.t <Dale), of Toronto; and Victoria. of Whitby; and tliree great grandcluildren, Mr. Bell is also survived by tbrce brothers, Carnet Jimi and Mcl, of Coldwater, Ont., and two sisters, Mrs. lue Drary (Vera) of Moon- stone, and Mrs. Reg Miller (Gert rude) of Sundridge. Tfile funeral was bield Oct. 27 at Ali Saints'Chutrch Rev. l.A. Roney officiating. Wardens of Al Saints' Chmrch served as hionor guards durîng the funeral. Interment tollowed in Mounut Lawn Cemietery. Donations Wth le Canadian Bible Society would be appreciated. Hospital staff member Rose Wittig dies Rose Wittig., Oft111 Trent Street West, died Oct. 21 at tbe Dr. J.O. Ruddy General I lospîtal at tbe iage of 57. The daughiten ot Herman and Kthe Sinn, sbie was born Sept. 2, 11920 at Orhrinigen, West Germany. Mrs. Wittig wonked in the housekeeping dcpartmnent at the Dr. Ruddy U-ospital, anc1 was a mernber of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburcb. She is sunvived by ber husband John I-ans Wittig, of Whitby, wbom sHile married at Oehning, West Genmany, Nov. 20, 1945; une son Walter, of Ajax, and une daughten, Mrs. Alan Free- mantle (Ursula) of Kleinburg, Ontario. She is also survived by une grandchild, and twu FLORIDA from C.D.N. per persn D.O. Raturn Mer. 24178 Approx. 7:30 oi.. Mor. 16/78 Approx. 10 p.M. Naf Ineuèé $9.00 Canodiafi transport- ation fax <md U.S. olrport deporture tox Hotel $toi* fax and service charges payable at hofel ct chec kout. Pete's Beachl Aua bouf aur special dcpart ores to Talk Travel & Tours Jamaica $4 19.00. Puiertu Rico vinyl travel wallet $509.00. Aspen $379.00. RUSSELL TRAVEL 116 MtOK ST. S.. rWHiTDY "68500 Ho UAS Mon. - Sot. IJ4iP.m. sisterý, Mrs. Willîe l loti g (lBe rt le) and NIrs. Fritz Decker (1 ile) botil of .\Vest Gerniainy. Shle as precle- ceased by a brother, Walter. The Iiuneral %vas ld Funeral Chapel, Rev. W.l.S McCluire of' St. Anidcew's Ci ltrclb officiaýttig.iiteri1iit followved lu Mount Lawn ('Enictery, %Witby. Peter Bau ker D.T. Denture Therapist 1Dundas St., West Whitby i 668-1464I YFREE PRESS' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1977, PAGE 5 end of the living roo'rn was just littered with seeds. i was amazed as to how far the littie creeps could throw those seeds. They were aillover the furniture, in îhy piants,on, the carpet and i found a couple in the cat's fur which meant to me she had been doing a littie investigating of her own when 1 wasn't around. i put the seed problem out of my mind after determin- ing that 1 would have to make plastic strips to go around the bottom of the cage to act as a shield. A couple of days later a new problem arose. While 1 was cleaning the cage the maie got out and made like an eagle until 1 cauglit the littie speedster wiýh a tropical fish net. 1 thought 1 kncw how he got out because there was a gap in the bottomn of the cage with the tray out. Two days later with the tray in the cage the female got out twice. So now 1 have two, as yet unnamed, birds in a glass fish aquarium whiie I try to determine how they are getting out of their cage and my living roomn plants have some of the weirdest sprouts comning out of them you could imagine from ail the bird seed that fell in themn and sprouted. As for the birds, the only two l've comne up with that are printable are Frick & Frack and every day i have to explain why I've got birds iii a fish tank. t The fastest way to get your building started and finished i8 to CaOi us 65503381 R. Bibemu Construction Ltd. Brooklin A Divisohaf uaefO u, bm SMs tdi. BIG NIC NOW OPEN 24 HOURS ...... ALL THIS WEEK STEAK DINNER Wfih French Fries - Rail and Solei "Thbursday SpeciaI" HAMBURGER DELUXE $150 CHICKEN DINNER $2»o e Aiso Special Breakfast Menuwfrom 6a m. to il a.m. Daily Steak &Eggs Bacon &Eggs Corn Beef & Eqas Whoat Cakes Chopped Steak & Eggs French Toast Ham & Eggs our Coffee only 25 oent 668-9776. 601 Euclid St., Whitby, Ontario Commercial gners & Printers Desiý ervice complete graphic SE offset printing HANDLING THE COMPLETE JOB- FROM DESIGNING BROCHURES, FOLDERS, FLYERS, ILLUSTRATIONS, LOGO'S, FORMS TO CAMERA READY ARTWORK AND COMPLETE OFFSET PRINTING'SERVICE.