PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26,1977, WHITBY FREE PRESS IYELLOW DIRECTORY 350 WENTWORTH STREET EAST, OSHAWA ONT. hockey sticks for chdren SUNDAY r »1 OCTOBER 30 4 7:30 P.M. AT IROQUOIS PARK ARENA BARRIE FLYERS vs WHITBY IROQUOIS. ADMISSION ADULTS $290 SENIOR CITIZENS& STUDENTS $1,900 CHILDREN est.5 KIWANIS EXECUTIVE, 1977-78 These happy gentlemen are the 1977-78 executive of the Whitby Kiwanis Club, who were installed Thursday by John Nornabeli, Lieu tenant-Governor of Division 10. From left to right are: Director Brick Evans, Secretary-Treasurer Bill Link, Director Gary Waterhouse, Past President Ed Ninaca, Lt. Govemnor JIohn Nornabeli., President Bob Brodie, Director AI Dearborn, Director Hiram Shammo, Second Vice-President'Geoff Aleong, and Director Gord Mifflin. Absent is Ffrst Vice-President Tom Wilcox. Boys, Brigade formed .Oct. -30' Whitby boys are being invited to join a new Boys Bridade which is being formned at the Baptist Church at Gilbert and Reynolds Street. The Boys Brigade is a Christian youthi gro up, which has been in opcratîon in Canada for rnany years. It had a branch at St. John's Anglican Church in the 1890s, and a few years ago there was a branch at St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church. On Oct. 30 .at 10: 15 a.m. the new Boys B$rigade at the Baptist Churcli will hold a parade from the Dominion Store on Brock Street, to the Four Corners and along Dundas and Reynolds Streets to the church. During the niorning service eighit boys wilI be in- intiated into th2 brigade. Officers of the Boys Brigade are David Hewis, Captain; and Jack Hutchison and Bruce McLeod, Lieuten- ants. The motto of the Boys Brigade is "Steadfast and Sure," and activities*include weekly Bible School classes, a physical fitness program and self discipline. The Boys Brigade is &~Pen to ail boys in Whitby whether or flot they are members of the Baptist Church. For further infor- mation cail Mr. Hewis at 668-9866 and Mr. Hutchison at 668-4779. FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT BUYING A NEW CAR, LET US BRING BAC% YOUR NEW CAR LOOK WITH ONE 0F OUR FIRST CLASS PAINT JOBS - SAVE $50,OO PAINTWORKS SUPREMI $3999 TOTAL COSI Wash - De Waxe - Heavy Sanding - Sealer - 3 Coats Centari Acrylic Enamel - Minor Body Repairs - Clean Up - Mud Flaps PAINT rW@RKS DE LUXE PLUS PAINT $ 2 q 0<APPROX. $40.00) Wash- De Wax- Light Sandîng - Sealer $ I690 PO.$3.0 Wash - De Waxe - Light Sanding - Sealer - 2 Coats Enamel Paint - Clean Up PAl NTW@RKS A D'iisin of Auto-Truck Painting & Rustproofing Mt. loba0 1973 'Brock' Roade South - Pikkarîq Just C'ail 83908O61, HOURS:. Msmiayte Fida) ,S a a mn *-6 P m 1 IHERE Complet e istings from Bay Ridges to Cobourg if you haven't received your free copy Phone 0eW 579-M6998 m