North lis plagued by traffie problems A number of traffic problerns in the northern part of Whitby have been brought to the attention to the town coluncil. Councillor Bob Attersley recently advised that a poten- tially dangerous situation exists at the intersection of of Highway 7 and Durham Road 23 (Whitby-Pickering Town Line). Councillor Attersley suggested that warning lights be installed at the inter- section, and Couincillor Gerry Emm reported that William Newman MPP had told him an appropriate warning device would be installed. Councillor Emrn also advised' counicil that he had received a number of com- plaints with respect to heavy trucks using roads in the northern part of the town, and requested that counicil make somne restrictions re- garding these trucks. Her conSmred parents and a doctor try to calm Lizzie Hyland, who is fufféring from St . Vitu s Dancea disease similar to epilepsy, in the Whitby Theatre Company's latest production, "The Rope Dancer". Alison Spetice plays the part of lizzie Hyland, while from left to rigbt are Marjorie Sutton, who plays the part of ber mother, Margaret, Paul Spencer who is Dr. Jacobsan, and David Hal1iday, who plays« the part of ber father Y'ames Flyland, This emotional play with a surprise ending is being presented Nov. 10 to 12 at 8 p.m. at the Whitby Centennial Buildinig, with a special senior citizens' performance at 7:.30 p.m. Nov. 9. For further information see page 3. Free Press Photo by Bria-1 Winter Burgiars are busy in Port Whitby A burglar was busy in Port Whitby on Saturday according to Durham Regional Police. Police report that three apartaients were entered by removirig or cutting window screensý,and various amounts of jewellery and coins were taken. The victims of the break-mns were: Tony Perrino, 110 Victoria St. W. An)t. 5., who lost a set ot cuttlinks wortli $100; Ted Dekkers, 1526 Dufferin St. Apt. 4 who had $150 worth of jewellery and coins taken; and Orval Barkwell, 1 625 Dufferin St. Apt. 25, who had $183 in jewellery and silver coins stolen. Another burglary occurred Saturday in Ashburn. Police said the residence of Frank Thorton was ramsacked and $1 ,500 worth of goods including silver coins and plates, and a stereo systemn were stolen. 25On tari o Scholars are at Anderson Commencement REKÉ'AADY FOR ARTS BALL J-arry Thompson and Peers Davidson are busy putting finishing touches on the Sultan's Palace for the third annual Whitby Arts Grande BaIl, "One Thousand and One Nights,", to be held at Heydenshore Pavilion, Nov. 4. Tickets are stili available at $60.'*ir couple for this special social event of the year. For further details, seé Page 15. Free Press Photo Twenty-five Ontario Scholars lieaded the list of graduates at Anderson Collegiate's 1 7th annual commncemen1t exercises Saturday. The Ontario Sehiolars are: Linda Arsenault, Andrew Bos, Laura Bryson, Susan Fry, Robert Gay, Julie Heaslip, Russell Hopper, Carol Ingleton, John Jacobs, Bryan Kelling, Yvonne Kifert, Giselle Larish, Peter Ostertag, Ray Pardon, Joc Pcngelly, Fred Prinzen, Christine Richardson, Curt Schmid, David Simupson, Solomion Siu, Peter Strickland Susan Szczur, Elizabeth* Westhues, and Patty Wood. A nunber of special prizes and awards wcre presen- ted to the Grade 13 graduates. Susan Croxal' was the winner of the Whitby Station Gallery Award for otitstanding work in five-year art. Marlene Foran received the Rev. David Marshall Schol- arship from Branch 1 12 Royal Canadian Legiop, for high standing in English. Susan Fry received the Sklar Furniture award for out- standing work in year five modern languages. 1 Solomnon Siu received the Totten Sims Hubicki and Associates Award for out- standing work in Mathematics. Peter Ostertag was pre- seilted with the Whitby Kins- men Club Award for out- standing work in mathieniaties. Peter Stricklanid re- ceived the Lake Ontario Steel Comnpany Award for outstancj- inig work in niathematics and phiysies. Yvonne Kiefert received tlie Victoria and Grey Truist Comnpany Award for ouitstand- inig work in Vistýry. Dan Dxikewich and Ian Redfcarn received thie iew G. 1B. Quiick Award for sig- nificaut contribuition to the schiools mutsic prograru, and Giselle Larishi receivcd the G. B. Quiick Bursary for ouit- standing contributions Io tlie misc prograin and band. Linda Arsenauit received the new Lun Valiquet Bursary for the stutdent with highest- standing in Frecchi. Giselle Larish received teJ. Delaney and J. Bo&. Award for outstanding work in chernistry. Elizaleth Greaves won the Canadian Studds Award for outstanding work in Can- adian history and literature. Carmen 'Addbar received the G. Ritson Award for out- standing work in geography. Julie lieaslip was the winner of the ACVI Family Studies Award for outstand- ing work in this subject. John Jacobs, Brian Kellîng and Susan Szcur re- ceived high academnic standing awards from Branch 112 Roypl Canadian Legion. Cont'd on P. 2, THESE AIRE WHISTLERS? These strange-lookilng- characters are members of the Whistlers and the Trunipeters, who will be appearin it be Rotary Fallies at Anderson Collegiate Friday anid Sitturdiiy at 8 p.m. A nunber of specià il comedy acts and a v'nriety show directed by Blert H-eaver are special attractions at this event. Tickçets are available froni Rotary Club iemlbers and at the door. Free Press Pho A MOMENT 0F CRISIS Pi