PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY ,OCTOBER 19,197î7, WHITBY FREE PRESS Top o' the mornin' ta ya! With each new face new rules corne out -as is true with me. The only change wiîl be the deadline for your informa- tion. The deadline has been the Suîîday evening before publication. It will change, as of this week ta the Friday evening befare publication. This is sa I can have the week- .end ta write the coiumn. A reininder! Don't forget that when a holiday faces on the Monday the information has ta bc given ta me by the Thursday evening beca use I have ta have iny copy in on the Friday imorning. I hope this change won't cause ta rnuch confustion change won't cause to mucli confusion. Now onta the ighter side of the news! The men of the congregation of the Brooklin United Church arc planning an "Old Fashioned" Roast Beef Dinner wîth Homemade Pies. This is .ta be held on Wednesday November 2 from 4:30 ta 6:30 p.în. and again at 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The cost ta, aduits is $4.00, chiidren $2.00 and those youngsters 5 years old and under are FREE! For more information and tickets please contact Ray Hodson at 655-3358! AIl yau need for tiiis cvening is your "Big Appetite"!!! .1 would like ta apologize ta ypu ail, for putting in initiais in the column. Il was suggested ta me and at. thýat tirne sounded like a good idea. 1 had no idea it wouid cause alat of confusion and embarrassment to yau the cailer. So- as af today I will put in my first narne, so that it will be casier and more person. Again I1arn sorry! Mrs. Dorecn Helnry of the Royal Botannical Gardnes, wili be the guest speaker for the Broakiin 1-orticultural Society. Her topie will be "Decorating the 1-lme for Christmnas!" This speaker will be at the regular meeting on Wednesday October 26, at 8 p.rni. at the Brookiin United Church- Ahl are welcorne! 1 have been approatched with a probiern that rnaiiy of you with small chiidr-en have. The public swinirning programn for 'Parent and Tot' on Tuesday and Wcdnesday afternoons lias been cancelled due to lack of respon se. The afterîîoon swini is [rani 3:30 to 5:00 p.mi. If anyone is intcrested in being part of this swirn please call Fred Beckette at 668-7765. Perhiaps, if lie gets enough requcsts he rnay be able to have one of the days re-instated. Don't feel you're the oniy anc that wants this prograni! If you don't cali, and you do want it, it may be because of you that you don't get il. So show Mr. Beckett your enthusiasrn and cali hirn. Thien go for a refreslîing dip with those kids in the aiftcrnoon. 1tii sure it would break up the day and give the kids somnething to look furward te. A s-nîall ren iindcr-don't forget Lillian Dicksoni will be speaking at the Meadoerest Baptist Churcli on Stinday, October 23 at 7 p.mi. Shie lias not been lin Caniada for several years. Corne euLt and show lier your appreciation. On Tuesday October 25, between the heours of 7 parn. BROWN'S OOMASTER BROOKLIN, ONTARIO DELIVERY AT NOMNAL3 BIG DAYS CHARGE Thurs. Oct. 20 to Oct. CANADA PACKERS WEEK CUOr.u 5110 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE AÀ"BIEF _______ SHO«RT noB BRAISING Rins sot b.88ROASIS mawK UTBLADE STEAKS 98m. SA RAPIILA - cm PMCAN» AD A "GRA E l. B - 8BONLES MAPU Li Trjl 2-Pk BLADE ROASTS1.19ebDII MEou NuNleI-APACIR ACI LAP i PEAMEA-SY -TME - PIEcE BACON .4% BUS BACK BACON un0 PORON CONTRE PORTION1,0 n&$1.69a. $1,979 whigT 20.tO ROYALE TAMM oTn£Of M ASSORTED COLOURS Baà TS ASPIN $1.09 n»oftm50 mi. nucTOWELS AIM TOOWTIPAT 69ç CASCADE DISHWASHERJAEX POWDER PRE PRUCED A OIU ID OMax $2.109 BLEA(H 1 i w 128 f-oz Jug Ontanio Grown NOME 655-4521 1 1s ') y 's A yF-,K 22 îim!. oeMa 88 tUSAGE 1601 .Pkg. $l1.09- NNMER HAMS $1,.98 f IEF BURGERS $1 .98 r V gcTANG 4 x 31/- o Pckage 10CANADA C OCE and 9 p,n., the people of Brooklij will bce havi 'ng a social ini the honour of 'Mrs. Hellen Bird. Mrs, Bird wvill bc retiring after sc veral years of teaching& This w.iil bc the chance you have ail been waiting for tu say 'hi' te your old teacher, and posslbly your children's teaicher. All friends, former pupils and teaching associates are wclcorne to attend the social, which will be held in the lihrary at the Meadow- crest Sehool. Corne out and say hielldi to an old friend! Anderson Collegiate is holding their I 7th annual Grad- uation on Saturday October 22 at 8 p.m. Everyone is invitcd! But corne eariy seating and space is irnitcd! Remember those books you took from the library awhile ago? Weil, if you are like a few people 1 know, you're bound to have books that are overdur. If that's the case thenl you're safe. That's right! October is - Fargiveness Month at the library. Ail of the library staff at the Brooklin Library will take back all those books- free of charge-no penalty ta you! Sa go through, cupboards and basements and bring 'em back! Group '74 is holding their next meeting an Monday Navember 7 at 8 p.m., in the community centre on Cassels Road. Ail women are welcome ta attend meetings as a guest or a potential member. The Nav, ember 7 meeting is an open ane which means anyane is invited! There is a special happening at this meeting- Bey St anley is the guest speaker, discussing the 'Block For the now menibors don't forget those cookies for the Christmnas Cookie Exchange and your coupons. The Group '74 is interested in new member, so cor-ne to this meeting and see what it is ail about! l'm sure with just one meeting-you'll want ta stary forever!!- The Brooklin Kinsmen will be having a 'Bring A New Memiber' meeting on Monday, October 24 starting at 6:30 p.m. with dinner at 7:1 5 p.mi. Anyone interested ______________________in finding out whiat goes on in the Kinsmen groug are asked ~ te cal a Kinsinen and they will b)ring yoLI te the meeting \Kinsnien are stili the slow Bail Champs in the zone! Way te go fellas! Value atîsf actionl usviOR .etcut.tl29 16« CMS Isw69C MORT 99C TM $N2IT .49 MIMERIALg"ANO 1-u On SOFT AGAME 89C MeUBSomU-O-MANIAMILLA 1F-Ioz lim FlOLVES 79c CI.UU ROUI-t UE 34... CONTAINE LAKP&PER s1.99 DAINTT Frhd lic.55c CHEF gBOY-AI ODUE-PLAIN 27-F102 TIN SPAGIIErTI SAUCE 79c CUISDUS MILUOMAMI6 - BRISLINO MAaD1NE 0 oo ptri 69C oà W141. LIA! CMIAL WEETABIX 400 or. p&g. 85c BABY CIXALS PAIUM à 8- DL p&g. 59C HIGH UNE FROZN 22- PKO FISH STICKS $219 OEISERfTDPPINO PROZEN CM MP '50015 M gC A IN -PR O Z N 22- ,« "A , DEUXE PIZZA $1.99 ALILENS -ASSOOTEO FLAVOURS 4B FL101 IN FRUIT DRINKS 49c B&EI! FLA VOUIIID -000FOOD 2-kg PACKAGE TOP IOMCE $2.49 ASSOTIt FIAVOURS 14',-j TIN ALPO DmG F00031Its 000 10FOO10-kg PAG GAINESMEAL $5.69 The Brooklin anid i Dstrîct Kinsrnen Club reports it raised $1.000 for Cystic Fibiosis research at its Octoberfest ini the Brooklin Arend Oct. 7 and 8. The first night about 300 people attended the eveîît, anld 600 participated on the second night. The 45- rnrrber cilub lias set a S-2.500 goal for cvstic fibrosis this year. Put on a Happy! Marie 655-3061 118 Water Street, Port Perry - s No. 1 Celery 391 a Stalk Ontario No. 1 Hot House Tomtoos 69" lb. California No. 1 Red Grapes 654'IL We Are Agents Fur [iTEi 24-10 oz. Dt - 2.29' 24-lO.oz. Rdgutar- 2.57 12-30 oz. Rqulu. 2.99 PALANDA PINEAPPLE CitOMc - SUCED - cRuBIll - nouE 2 aO99C KRAFT CHEESE CANADIAN SINGLES a-th PACKAGEf $2.99 - & WNITE CO!FEE s3.89 _______________________________ WELCH'S GRAPE JAM rJELLY 24 n A R 589 TITmLEY TEA BACS GuANO mmRG - RMaofInT 1s.89 HEINZ ASmOmmIS-0IFm& "Um 4.M à Maurice Baker, Manager cf Port Pcrry Office of W. Fraik Real Estate Ltd., is pleased te amneunce the appeiîtient of Ha rve y Moore to the sales staff of the Port Perry Office. Harvey lias lived at Tlîickson Road, R.R. i, Brookiin, for. the past 10 years, and, previeus te that lie lived in the Uxbridge area for iany ycars. He welcoines A real estale enquiries and wiil give tlîeîîî luis promîpt and court- cous attentionî. He inay be contacted at Iiis residence b)' phon1inlg BrookIini 655. 35)s- or W. Frank Real iEstale LUI. 985- 7386 - NORTH WHITBY PI ý 1 au Yb 1